

is designed for aggregating information.
Elixir is a dynamic, functional programming language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications. Built on the Erlang VM, it's known for its high concurrency and fault tolerance, making it ideal for real-time systems and web services.
GitHub - chrismccord/atlas: Object Relational Mapper for Elixir
GitHub - chrismccord/atlas: Object Relational Mapper for Elixir
GitHub - mbuhot/ecto_job: Transactional job queue with Ecto, PostgreSQL and GenStage
GitHub - mbuhot/ecto_job: Transactional job queue with Ecto, PostgreSQL and GenStage
GitHub - zamith/tomlex: A TOML parser for elixir
GitHub - zamith/tomlex: A TOML parser for elixir
GitHub - pablomartinezalvarez/glayu: A static site generator for mid-sized sites.
GitHub - pablomartinezalvarez/glayu: A static site generator for mid-sized sites.
GitHub - jui/mustachex: Mustache for Elixir
GitHub - jui/mustachex: Mustache for Elixir
GitHub - joaothallis/elixir-auto-test: Run test when file is saved
GitHub - joaothallis/elixir-auto-test: Run test when file is saved
GitHub - campezzi/ignorant: Simplify comparison of Elixir data structures by ensuring fields are present but ignoring their values.
GitHub - campezzi/ignorant: Simplify comparison of Elixir data structures by ensuring fields are present but ignoring their values.
GitHub - Driftrock/mockingbird: A set of helpers to create http-aware modules that are easy to test.
GitHub - Driftrock/mockingbird: A set of helpers to create http-aware modules that are easy to test.
GitHub - gutschilla/elixir-pdf-generator: Create PDFs with wkhtmltopdf or puppeteer/chromium from Elixir.
GitHub - gutschilla/elixir-pdf-generator: Create PDFs with wkhtmltopdf or puppeteer/chromium from Elixir.
GitHub - antirez/disque: Disque is a distributed message broker
GitHub - antirez/disque: Disque is a distributed message broker
GitHub - jcomellas/ex_hl7: HL7 Parser for Elixir
GitHub - jcomellas/ex_hl7: HL7 Parser for Elixir
GitHub - Cirru/parser.ex: Cirru Parser in Elixir
GitHub - Cirru/parser.ex: Cirru Parser in Elixir
Cirru Parser in Elixir. Contribute to Cirru/parser.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - thiamsantos/pwned: Check if your password has been pwned
GitHub - thiamsantos/pwned: Check if your password has been pwned
GitHub - suvash/hulaaki: DEPRECATED : An Elixir library (driver) for clients communicating with MQTT brokers(via the MQTT 3.1.1 protocol).
GitHub - suvash/hulaaki: DEPRECATED : An Elixir library (driver) for clients communicating with MQTT brokers(via the MQTT 3.1.1 protocol).
GitHub - sinetris/factory_girl_elixir: Minimal implementation of Ruby's factory_girl in Elixir.
GitHub - sinetris/factory_girl_elixir: Minimal implementation of Ruby's factory_girl in Elixir.
GitHub - navinpeiris/ex_unit_notifier: Desktop notifications for ExUnit
GitHub - navinpeiris/ex_unit_notifier: Desktop notifications for ExUnit
GitHub - DefactoSoftware/test_selector: Elixir library to help selecting the right elements in your tests.
GitHub - DefactoSoftware/test_selector: Elixir library to help selecting the right elements in your tests.
GitHub - xerions/ecto_migrate: Automatic migrations for ecto
GitHub - xerions/ecto_migrate: Automatic migrations for ecto
GitHub - meh/reagent: You need more reagents to conjure this server.
GitHub - meh/reagent: You need more reagents to conjure this server.
GitHub - stevegraham/hypermock: HTTP request stubbing and expectation Elixir library
GitHub - stevegraham/hypermock: HTTP request stubbing and expectation Elixir library
GitHub - msharp/elixir-statistics: Statistical functions and distributions for Elixir
GitHub - msharp/elixir-statistics: Statistical functions and distributions for Elixir
GitHub - Joe-noh/colorful: colorful is justice
GitHub - Joe-noh/colorful: colorful is justice
GitHub - ijcd/taggart: HTML as code in Elixir
GitHub - ijcd/taggart: HTML as code in Elixir
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
GitHub - yeshan333/ex_integration_coveralls: A library for run-time system code line-level coverage analysis.
GitHub - yeshan333/ex_integration_coveralls: A library for run-time system code line-level coverage analysis.
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/cobertura_cover: Output test coverage information in Cobertura-compatible format
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/cobertura_cover: Output test coverage information in Cobertura-compatible format
GitHub - basho/enm: Erlang driver for nanomsg
GitHub - basho/enm: Erlang driver for nanomsg
GitHub - pawurb/ecto_psql_extras: Ecto PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
GitHub - pawurb/ecto_psql_extras: Ecto PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
GitHub - crate/craterl: Client Libraries for Erlang
GitHub - crate/craterl: Client Libraries for Erlang
GitHub - sheharyarn/ecto_rut: Ecto Model shortcuts to make your life easier! :tada:
GitHub - sheharyarn/ecto_rut: Ecto Model shortcuts to make your life easier! :tada:
GitHub - lau/calecto: Adapter for the Calendar library in Ecto
GitHub - lau/calecto: Adapter for the Calendar library in Ecto
GitHub - igas/custom_base: Allow you to make custom base conversion in Elixir.
GitHub - igas/custom_base: Allow you to make custom base conversion in Elixir.
GitHub - Cobenian/inet_cidr: CIDR library for Elixir that is compatible with Erlang's :inet and supports both IPv4 and IPv6
GitHub - Cobenian/inet_cidr: CIDR library for Elixir that is compatible with Erlang's :inet and supports both IPv4 and IPv6
GitHub - drewolson/ex_spec: BDD-like syntax for ExUnit
GitHub - drewolson/ex_spec: BDD-like syntax for ExUnit
GitHub - balance-platform/ex_pression: Evaluate user input expressions
GitHub - balance-platform/ex_pression: Evaluate user input expressions
GitHub - YgorCastor/ravix-ecto: An Ecto adapter for the Ravix RavenDB Driver
GitHub - YgorCastor/ravix-ecto: An Ecto adapter for the Ravix RavenDB Driver
GitHub - deadtrickster/ssl_verify_fun.erl: Collection of ssl verification functions for Erlang
GitHub - deadtrickster/ssl_verify_fun.erl: Collection of ssl verification functions for Erlang
Collection of ssl verification functions for Erlang - deadtrickster/ssl_verify_fun.erl
GitHub - malomohq/accent: Dynamically convert the case of your JSON API keys
GitHub - malomohq/accent: Dynamically convert the case of your JSON API keys
GitHub - ahamez/protox: A fast, easy to use and 100% conformant Elixir library for Google Protocol Buffers (aka protobuf)
GitHub - ahamez/protox: A fast, easy to use and 100% conformant Elixir library for Google Protocol Buffers (aka protobuf)
GitHub - fklement/hades: A wrapper for NMAP written in Elixir.
GitHub - fklement/hades: A wrapper for NMAP written in Elixir.
GitHub - pinterest/riffed: Provides idiomatic Elixir bindings for Apache Thrift
GitHub - pinterest/riffed: Provides idiomatic Elixir bindings for Apache Thrift
GitHub - frpaulas/porterstemmer: Porter Stemmer in Elixir ~> 1.0.0
GitHub - frpaulas/porterstemmer: Porter Stemmer in Elixir ~> 1.0.0
GitHub - gpedic/ex_shortuuid: ShortUUID is a simple UUID shortener for Elixir.
GitHub - gpedic/ex_shortuuid: ShortUUID is a simple UUID shortener for Elixir.
GitHub - meddle0x53/blogit: OTP application for generating blog posts from a Git repository containing markdown files.
GitHub - meddle0x53/blogit: OTP application for generating blog posts from a Git repository containing markdown files.
GitHub - dashbitco/nimble_publisher: A minimal filesystem-based publishing engine with Markdown support and code highlighting
GitHub - dashbitco/nimble_publisher: A minimal filesystem-based publishing engine with Markdown support and code highlighting
GitHub - c-rack/cidr-elixir: Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for Elixir
GitHub - c-rack/cidr-elixir: Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for Elixir
GitHub - artemeff/redis: Redis commands for Elixir
GitHub - artemeff/redis: Redis commands for Elixir
GitHub - williamgueiros/Brcpfcnpj: Validação,Formatação e Gerador Cpf/Cnpj em Elixir
GitHub - williamgueiros/Brcpfcnpj: Validação,Formatação e Gerador Cpf/Cnpj em Elixir
GitHub - polleverywhere/chaperon: HTTP Service Performance & Load Testing Framework
GitHub - polleverywhere/chaperon: HTTP Service Performance & Load Testing Framework
GitHub - defp/pinyin: chinese pinyin lib for elixir
GitHub - defp/pinyin: chinese pinyin lib for elixir
GitHub - CyrusOfEden/haikunator: Generate Heroku-like memorable random names to use in your apps or anywhere else.
GitHub - CyrusOfEden/haikunator: Generate Heroku-like memorable random names to use in your apps or anywhere else.
GitHub - alehander92/bencoder: a library to handle bencode in elixir
GitHub - alehander92/bencoder: a library to handle bencode in elixir
GitHub - defp/colors: colors util written in Elixir
GitHub - defp/colors: colors util written in Elixir
GitHub - WTTJ/algoliax: Algolia integration to elixir application
GitHub - WTTJ/algoliax: Algolia integration to elixir application
GitHub - izelnakri/paper_trail: Track and record all the changes in your database with Ecto. Revert back to anytime in history.
GitHub - izelnakri/paper_trail: Track and record all the changes in your database with Ecto. Revert back to anytime in history.
GitHub - gniquil/ex_brace_expansion
GitHub - gniquil/ex_brace_expansion
GitHub - whatyouhide/xandra: Fast, simple, and robust Cassandra/ScyllaDB driver for Elixir.
GitHub - whatyouhide/xandra: Fast, simple, and robust Cassandra/ScyllaDB driver for Elixir.
GitHub - exponentially/extreme: Elixir Adapter for EventStore
GitHub - exponentially/extreme: Elixir Adapter for EventStore
GitHub - wojtekmach/github_ecto: Ecto adapter for GitHub API
GitHub - wojtekmach/github_ecto: Ecto adapter for GitHub API
GitHub - Nebo15/renew: Mix task to create mix projects that builds into Docker containers.
GitHub - Nebo15/renew: Mix task to create mix projects that builds into Docker containers.
GitHub - skovsgaard/exleveldb: Elixir wrapper around the Erlang module, eleveldb.
GitHub - skovsgaard/exleveldb: Elixir wrapper around the Erlang module, eleveldb.
GitHub - dantame/sentient: Simple sentiment analysis using the AFINN-111 word list
GitHub - dantame/sentient: Simple sentiment analysis using the AFINN-111 word list
GitHub - alisinabh/Numero: A micro library for converting non-english digits in elixir.
GitHub - alisinabh/Numero: A micro library for converting non-english digits in elixir.
GitHub - agro1986/caustic: Caustic Elixir Cryptocurrency Library (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) with extensive cryptography and number theory library
GitHub - agro1986/caustic: Caustic Elixir Cryptocurrency Library (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) with extensive cryptography and number theory library
GitHub - h4cc/slugger: A Slugger for elixir.
GitHub - h4cc/slugger: A Slugger for elixir.
GitHub - elixirs/faker: Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.
GitHub - elixirs/faker: Faker is a pure Elixir library for generating fake data.
GitHub - batate/shouldi: Elixir testing libraries with nested contexts, superior readability, and ease of use
GitHub - batate/shouldi: Elixir testing libraries with nested contexts, superior readability, and ease of use
GitHub - Dalgona/Serum: Static website generator for Elixir fans
GitHub - Dalgona/Serum: Static website generator for Elixir fans
GitHub - mroth/exmoji: :sunglasses: Emoji encoding swiss army knife for Elixir/Erlang
GitHub - mroth/exmoji: :sunglasses: Emoji encoding swiss army knife for Elixir/Erlang
GitHub - balance-platform/pillar: Elixir library client for work with ClickHouse
GitHub - balance-platform/pillar: Elixir library client for work with ClickHouse
GitHub - ihumanable/patch: Ergonomic Mocking for Elixir
GitHub - ihumanable/patch: Ergonomic Mocking for Elixir
GitHub - rwdaigle/exgen: A templating library for generating reusable Elixir projects
GitHub - rwdaigle/exgen: A templating library for generating reusable Elixir projects
GitHub - whatyouhide/stream_data: Data generation and property-based testing for Elixir. 🔮
GitHub - whatyouhide/stream_data: Data generation and property-based testing for Elixir. 🔮
GitHub - surik/tunnerl: SOCKS4, SOCKS4a and SOCKS5 protocols implementation in Erlang/OTP.
GitHub - surik/tunnerl: SOCKS4, SOCKS4a and SOCKS5 protocols implementation in Erlang/OTP.
GitHub - proper-testing/proper: PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang
GitHub - proper-testing/proper: PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang
GitHub - joshrieken/test_that_json: JSON-related helpers for your Elixir testing needs
GitHub - joshrieken/test_that_json: JSON-related helpers for your Elixir testing needs
GitHub - pma/amqp: Idiomatic Elixir client for RabbitMQ
GitHub - pma/amqp: Idiomatic Elixir client for RabbitMQ
GitHub - dbeck/chatter_ex: Chatter library for Elixir, provides a secure broadcast between nodes.
GitHub - dbeck/chatter_ex: Chatter library for Elixir, provides a secure broadcast between nodes.
GitHub - gjaldon/ectophile: Ectophile is an extension for Ecto models to instantly support file uploads.
GitHub - gjaldon/ectophile: Ectophile is an extension for Ecto models to instantly support file uploads.
GitHub - josephwilk/amrita: A polite, well mannered and thoroughly upstanding testing framework for Elixir
GitHub - josephwilk/amrita: A polite, well mannered and thoroughly upstanding testing framework for Elixir
GitHub - MishaConway/ecto_shortcuts: Shortcuts for common operations in ecto
GitHub - MishaConway/ecto_shortcuts: Shortcuts for common operations in ecto
GitHub - jechol/definject: Unobtrusive Dependency Injector for Elixir
GitHub - jechol/definject: Unobtrusive Dependency Injector for Elixir
GitHub - Jcambass/toxiproxy_ex: ToxiproxyEx is an Elixir API client for the resilience testing tool Toxiproxy.
GitHub - Jcambass/toxiproxy_ex: ToxiproxyEx is an Elixir API client for the resilience testing tool Toxiproxy.
GitHub - wesovilabs/exkorpion: A BDD library  for Elixir developers
GitHub - wesovilabs/exkorpion: A BDD library for Elixir developers
GitHub - alexfilatov/near-api-ex: NEAR API in Elixir - a library for DApps development on the NEAR blockchain platform
GitHub - alexfilatov/near-api-ex: NEAR API in Elixir - a library for DApps development on the NEAR blockchain platform
GitHub - eproxus/meck: A mocking library for Erlang
GitHub - eproxus/meck: A mocking library for Erlang
GitHub - dashbitco/broadway: Concurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir
GitHub - dashbitco/broadway: Concurrent and multi-stage data ingestion and data processing with Elixir
GitHub - ephe-meral/ex_sider: Elixir <-> Redis datastructure adapter
GitHub - ephe-meral/ex_sider: Elixir <-> Redis datastructure adapter
GitHub - spreedly/kaffe: An opinionated Elixir wrapper around brod, the Erlang Kafka client, that supports encrypted connections to Heroku Kafka out of the box.
GitHub - spreedly/kaffe: An opinionated Elixir wrapper around brod, the Erlang Kafka client, that supports encrypted connections to Heroku Kafka out of the box.
GitHub - smpallen99/exrm-rpm: Create a rpm for your elixir release with ease
GitHub - smpallen99/exrm-rpm: Create a rpm for your elixir release with ease
GitHub - synrc/kvs: 💿 KVS: NVMe Key-Value Store
GitHub - synrc/kvs: 💿 KVS: NVMe Key-Value Store
GitHub - sproutapp/pavlov: A BDD framework for your Elixir projects
GitHub - sproutapp/pavlov: A BDD framework for your Elixir projects
GitHub - coryodaniel/apocryphal: Swagger based document driven development for ExUnit
GitHub - coryodaniel/apocryphal: Swagger based document driven development for ExUnit
GitHub - randycoulman/mix_test_interactive: Interactive watch mode for Elixir's mix test. https://hexdocs.pm/mix_test_interactive/
GitHub - randycoulman/mix_test_interactive: Interactive watch mode for Elixir's mix test. https://hexdocs.pm/mix_test_interactive/
GitHub - narrowtux/abacus: Parses and evaluates mathematical expressions in Elixir. Inspired by math.js
GitHub - narrowtux/abacus: Parses and evaluates mathematical expressions in Elixir. Inspired by math.js
GitHub - zachallaun/mneme: Snapshot testing for Elixir
GitHub - zachallaun/mneme: Snapshot testing for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-inspector/ref_inspector: Referer parser library
GitHub - elixir-inspector/ref_inspector: Referer parser library
GitHub - exstruct/mazurka: hypermedia api toolkit
GitHub - exstruct/mazurka: hypermedia api toolkit
GitHub - patricksrobertson/secure_random.ex: Convenience library for random base64 strings modeled after my love for Ruby's SecureRandom
GitHub - patricksrobertson/secure_random.ex: Convenience library for random base64 strings modeled after my love for Ruby's SecureRandom
Convenience library for random base64 strings modeled after my love for Ruby's SecureRandom - patricksrobertson/secure_random.ex
GitHub - gpedic/ecto_shortuuid: Ecto type which adds support for ShortUUID in Ecto schemas
GitHub - gpedic/ecto_shortuuid: Ecto type which adds support for ShortUUID in Ecto schemas
GitHub - FabioBatSilva/efrisby: A REST API testing framework for erlang
GitHub - FabioBatSilva/efrisby: A REST API testing framework for erlang
GitHub - RiverFinancial/bitcoinex: Bitcoin utilities in Elixir
GitHub - RiverFinancial/bitcoinex: Bitcoin utilities in Elixir
GitHub - cabol/shards: Partitioned ETS tables for Erlang and Elixir
GitHub - cabol/shards: Partitioned ETS tables for Erlang and Elixir
GitHub - Hentioe/honeycomb: Another scheduling system, focusing on the collection of results for one-time tasks, written in Elixir
GitHub - Hentioe/honeycomb: Another scheduling system, focusing on the collection of results for one-time tasks, written in Elixir
GitHub - bettyblocks/sql_dust: Easy. Simple. Powerful. Generate (complex) SQL queries using magical Elixir SQL dust.
GitHub - bettyblocks/sql_dust: Easy. Simple. Powerful. Generate (complex) SQL queries using magical Elixir SQL dust.
GitHub - Cobenian/expcap: Elixir PCAP library
GitHub - Cobenian/expcap: Elixir PCAP library
GitHub - meadery/white-bread: 🍞 Story BDD tool for elixir using gherkin
GitHub - meadery/white-bread: 🍞 Story BDD tool for elixir using gherkin
GitHub - ma2gedev/power_assert_ex: Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.
GitHub - ma2gedev/power_assert_ex: Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression.
GitHub - archan937/mecks_unit: A simple Elixir package to elegantly mock module functions within (asynchronous) ExUnit tests using Erlang's :meck library
GitHub - archan937/mecks_unit: A simple Elixir package to elegantly mock module functions within (asynchronous) ExUnit tests using Erlang's :meck library
GitHub - fazibear/defql: Create elixir functions with SQL as a body.
GitHub - fazibear/defql: Create elixir functions with SQL as a body.
GitHub - sonerdy/double: Simple injectable test dependencies for Elixir
GitHub - sonerdy/double: Simple injectable test dependencies for Elixir
GitHub - pouriya-jahanbakhsh/sockerl: moved to https://github.com/pouriya/sockerl - Sockerl is an  advanced Erlang/Elixir socket framework for TCP protocols and provides fast, useful and easy-to-use API for implementing servers, clients and client connection pools.
GitHub - pouriya-jahanbakhsh/sockerl: moved to https://github.com/pouriya/sockerl - Sockerl is an advanced Erlang/Elixir socket framework for TCP protocols and provides fast, useful and easy-to-use API for implementing servers, clients and client connection pools.
GitHub - stuart/tuco_tuco: Yet another South American rodent...a Capybara like web app testing tool for Elixir.
GitHub - stuart/tuco_tuco: Yet another South American rodent...a Capybara like web app testing tool for Elixir.
GitHub - novabyte/diver: A HBase driver for Erlang/Elixir using Jinterface and the Asynchbase Java client to query the database.
GitHub - novabyte/diver: A HBase driver for Erlang/Elixir using Jinterface and the Asynchbase Java client to query the database.
GitHub - danielberkompas/elasticsearch-elixir: No-nonsense Elasticsearch library for Elixir
GitHub - danielberkompas/elasticsearch-elixir: No-nonsense Elasticsearch library for Elixir
GitHub - nurugger07/calliope: An elixir haml parser
GitHub - nurugger07/calliope: An elixir haml parser
GitHub - my-flow/mt940: MT940 parser for Elixir
GitHub - my-flow/mt940: MT940 parser for Elixir
GitHub - kipcole9/cldr: The new home of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
GitHub - kipcole9/cldr: The new home of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
GitHub - GameAnalytics/panoramix: Apache Druid client for Elixir
GitHub - GameAnalytics/panoramix: Apache Druid client for Elixir
GitHub - mkrogemann/couchdb_connector: A couchdb connector for Elixir
GitHub - mkrogemann/couchdb_connector: A couchdb connector for Elixir
GitHub - gjaldon/base58check
GitHub - gjaldon/base58check
GitHub - lnikkila/elixir-range-extras: Elixir range utilities: constant-time random sampling and set operations.
GitHub - lnikkila/elixir-range-extras: Elixir range utilities: constant-time random sampling and set operations.
GitHub - whatyouhide/convertat: An Elixir library for converting from and to arbitrary bases.
GitHub - whatyouhide/convertat: An Elixir library for converting from and to arbitrary bases.
GitHub - slime-lang/slime: Minimalistic HTML templates for Elixir, inspired by Slim.
GitHub - slime-lang/slime: Minimalistic HTML templates for Elixir, inspired by Slim.
GitHub - beam-community/ex_machina: Create test data for Elixir applications
GitHub - beam-community/ex_machina: Create test data for Elixir applications
GitHub - seankay/curtail: HTML tag-safe string truncation
GitHub - seankay/curtail: HTML tag-safe string truncation
GitHub - antp/kovacs
GitHub - antp/kovacs
GitHub - benjamintanweihao/blitzy: A simple HTTP load tester in Elixir
GitHub - benjamintanweihao/blitzy: A simple HTTP load tester in Elixir
GitHub - soranoba/bbmustache: Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.
GitHub - soranoba/bbmustache: Binary pattern match Based Mustache template engine for Erlang/OTP.
GitHub - AntonFagerberg/elixir_bencode: Bencode implemented in Elixir
GitHub - AntonFagerberg/elixir_bencode: Bencode implemented in Elixir
GitHub - JonGretar/ExBitcask: Elixir wrapper of Basho's Bitcask Key/Value store.
GitHub - JonGretar/ExBitcask: Elixir wrapper of Basho's Bitcask Key/Value store.
GitHub - shinyscorpion/task_bunny: TaskBunny is a background processing application written in Elixir and uses RabbitMQ as a messaging backend
GitHub - shinyscorpion/task_bunny: TaskBunny is a background processing application written in Elixir and uses RabbitMQ as a messaging backend
GitHub - YgorCastor/ravix: Ravix is an Elixir Client for the amazing RavenDB
GitHub - YgorCastor/ravix: Ravix is an Elixir Client for the amazing RavenDB
GitHub - bravobike/efx: A library to declaratively write testable effects
GitHub - bravobike/efx: A library to declaratively write testable effects
GitHub - jsonmaur/phoenix-pages: Blogs, docs, and static pages in Phoenix
GitHub - jsonmaur/phoenix-pages: Blogs, docs, and static pages in Phoenix
GitHub - derekkraan/walkman: Isolate tests from the real world, inspired by Ruby's VCR.
GitHub - derekkraan/walkman: Isolate tests from the real world, inspired by Ruby's VCR.
GitHub - klarna/ponos: ponos is a simple yet powerful load generator written in erlang
GitHub - klarna/ponos: ponos is a simple yet powerful load generator written in erlang
GitHub - fhunleth/wpa_supplicant.ex: See Nerves.WpaSupplicant now
GitHub - fhunleth/wpa_supplicant.ex: See Nerves.WpaSupplicant now
See Nerves.WpaSupplicant now. Contribute to fhunleth/wpa_supplicant.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - werbitzky/elastix: A simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.
GitHub - werbitzky/elastix: A simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.
GitHub - elixir-wallaby/wallaby: Concurrent browser tests for your Elixir web apps.
GitHub - elixir-wallaby/wallaby: Concurrent browser tests for your Elixir web apps.
GitHub - florinpatrascu/neo4j_sips_models: Neo4j models, for Neo4j.Sips
GitHub - florinpatrascu/neo4j_sips_models: Neo4j models, for Neo4j.Sips
GitHub - guanting112/elixir_remove_emoji: Remove Emoji 😈🈲😱⁉️ ( for Elixir 1.4+ ~ 1.10.x )
GitHub - guanting112/elixir_remove_emoji: Remove Emoji 😈🈲😱⁉️ ( for Elixir 1.4+ ~ 1.10.x )
GitHub - ByeongUkChoi/transformer: Flexible type conversion lightweight library
GitHub - ByeongUkChoi/transformer: Flexible type conversion lightweight library
GitHub - rjsamson/hexate: A simple module for Hex encoding / decoding in Elixir.
GitHub - rjsamson/hexate: A simple module for Hex encoding / decoding in Elixir.
GitHub - GesJeremie/faker-elixir: [unmaintained] FakerElixir generates fake data for you.
GitHub - GesJeremie/faker-elixir: [unmaintained] FakerElixir generates fake data for you.
GitHub - wooga/eredis: Erlang Redis client
GitHub - wooga/eredis: Erlang Redis client
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - schultyy/Mustache.ex: Mustache templates for Elixir
GitHub - schultyy/Mustache.ex: Mustache templates for Elixir
Mustache templates for Elixir. Contribute to schultyy/Mustache.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - jongirard/unique_names_generator: A Unique Names Generator built in Elixir
GitHub - jongirard/unique_names_generator: A Unique Names Generator built in Elixir
GitHub - Rob-bie/expr: An Elixir library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions
GitHub - Rob-bie/expr: An Elixir library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions
GitHub - parroty/excheck: Property-based testing library for Elixir (QuickCheck style).
GitHub - parroty/excheck: Property-based testing library for Elixir (QuickCheck style).
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - caioceccon/random_string_generator: A Elixir module to generate a random string based on a given string pattern.
GitHub - caioceccon/random_string_generator: A Elixir module to generate a random string based on a given string pattern.
GitHub - JuneKelly/sneeze: Render Elixir data-structures to HTML, inspired by Hiccup.
GitHub - JuneKelly/sneeze: Render Elixir data-structures to HTML, inspired by Hiccup.
GitHub - saleyn/erlexec: Execute and control OS processes from Erlang/OTP
GitHub - saleyn/erlexec: Execute and control OS processes from Erlang/OTP
GitHub - batate/blacksmith: Data generation framework for Elixir
GitHub - batate/blacksmith: Data generation framework for Elixir
GitHub - okeuday/uuid: Erlang Native UUID Generation
GitHub - okeuday/uuid: Erlang Native UUID Generation
GitHub - oban-bg/oban: 💎 Robust job processing in Elixir, backed by modern PostgreSQL and SQLite3
GitHub - oban-bg/oban: 💎 Robust job processing in Elixir, backed by modern PostgreSQL and SQLite3
GitHub - edn-format/edn: Extensible Data Notation
GitHub - edn-format/edn: Extensible Data Notation
GitHub - rusterlium/rustler: Safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions
GitHub - rusterlium/rustler: Safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions
GitHub - abitdodgy/words_counted: A Ruby natural language processor.
GitHub - abitdodgy/words_counted: A Ruby natural language processor.
GitHub - carturoch/ex_uc: Elixir Unit Converter
GitHub - carturoch/ex_uc: Elixir Unit Converter
GitHub - theocodes/monetized: A lightweight solution for handling and storing money.
GitHub - theocodes/monetized: A lightweight solution for handling and storing money.
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - elixirs/base62: Base62 encoder/decoder in pure Elixir
GitHub - elixirs/base62: Base62 encoder/decoder in pure Elixir
GitHub - MainShayne233/markdown_test: Test the Elixir code in your markdown files!
GitHub - MainShayne233/markdown_test: Test the Elixir code in your markdown files!
GitHub - appunite/mockery: Simple mocking library for asynchronous testing in Elixir.
GitHub - appunite/mockery: Simple mocking library for asynchronous testing in Elixir.
GitHub - dashbitco/mox: Mocks and explicit contracts in Elixir
GitHub - dashbitco/mox: Mocks and explicit contracts in Elixir
GitHub - okeuday/quickrand: Quick Erlang Random Number Generation
GitHub - okeuday/quickrand: Quick Erlang Random Number Generation
GitHub - KazuCocoa/ex_parameterized: This library support parameterized test with test_with_params macro.
GitHub - KazuCocoa/ex_parameterized: This library support parameterized test with test_with_params macro.
GitHub - railsmechanic/nanoid: Elixir port of NanoID, a secure and URL-friendly unique ID generator. https://hex.pm/packages/nanoid
GitHub - railsmechanic/nanoid: Elixir port of NanoID, a secure and URL-friendly unique ID generator. https://hex.pm/packages/nanoid
GitHub - for-GET/katt: KATT (Klarna API Testing Tool) is an HTTP-based API testing tool for Erlang.
GitHub - for-GET/katt: KATT (Klarna API Testing Tool) is an HTTP-based API testing tool for Erlang.
GitHub - mrdimosthenis/minigen: Pure random data generation library, appropriate for realistic simulations in the Erlang ecosystem
GitHub - mrdimosthenis/minigen: Pure random data generation library, appropriate for realistic simulations in the Erlang ecosystem
GitHub - obmarg/ex_unit_fixtures: A library for defining modular dependencies (fixtures) for ExUnit tests.
GitHub - obmarg/ex_unit_fixtures: A library for defining modular dependencies (fixtures) for ExUnit tests.
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - jjh42/mock: Mocking library for Elixir language
GitHub - jjh42/mock: Mocking library for Elixir language
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - elixir-mongo/mongodb_ecto: MongoDB adapter for Ecto
GitHub - elixir-mongo/mongodb_ecto: MongoDB adapter for Ecto
GitHub - fredwu/stemmer: An English (Porter2) stemming implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - fredwu/stemmer: An English (Porter2) stemming implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - lexmag/simetric: String similarity metrics for Elixir
GitHub - lexmag/simetric: String similarity metrics for Elixir
GitHub - jtmoulia/neotomex: A PEG parser/transformer with a pleasant Elixir DSL.
GitHub - jtmoulia/neotomex: A PEG parser/transformer with a pleasant Elixir DSL.
GitHub - elixir-grpc/grpc: An Elixir implementation of gRPC
GitHub - elixir-grpc/grpc: An Elixir implementation of gRPC
GitHub - alfredbaudisch/pardall_markdown: Reactive publishing framework, filesystem-based with support for Markdown, nested hierarchies, and instant content rebuilding. Written in Elixir.
GitHub - alfredbaudisch/pardall_markdown: Reactive publishing framework, filesystem-based with support for Markdown, nested hierarchies, and instant content rebuilding. Written in Elixir.
GitHub - jsonkenl/xlsxir: Xlsx parser for the Elixir language.
GitHub - jsonkenl/xlsxir: Xlsx parser for the Elixir language.
GitHub - danielberkompas/number: ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper for Elixir
GitHub - danielberkompas/number: ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper for Elixir
GitHub - meadsteve/unit_fun: 📏 Dimension based safety in elixir
GitHub - meadsteve/unit_fun: 📏 Dimension based safety in elixir
GitHub - commanded/eventstore: Event store using PostgreSQL for persistence
GitHub - commanded/eventstore: Event store using PostgreSQL for persistence
GitHub - elixir-ecto/tds: TDS Driver for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-ecto/tds: TDS Driver for Elixir
GitHub - samsondav/rihanna: Rihanna is a high performance postgres-backed job queue for Elixir
GitHub - samsondav/rihanna: Rihanna is a high performance postgres-backed job queue for Elixir
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - antonmi/espec: Elixir Behaviour Driven Development
GitHub - antonmi/espec: Elixir Behaviour Driven Development
GitHub - build-trust/ockam: Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, cryptographic identities, mutual authentication, and authorization policies between distributed applications – at massive scale.
GitHub - build-trust/ockam: Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, cryptographic identities, mutual authentication, and authorization policies between distributed applications – at massive scale.
GitHub - elixir-inspector/ua_inspector: User agent parser library
GitHub - elixir-inspector/ua_inspector: User agent parser library
GitHub - elixirmoney/money: Elixir library for working with Money safer, easier, and fun... Is an interpretation of the Fowler's Money pattern in fun.prog.
GitHub - elixirmoney/money: Elixir library for working with Money safer, easier, and fun... Is an interpretation of the Fowler's Money pattern in fun.prog.
GitHub - elixir-mongo/mongodb: MongoDB driver for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-mongo/mongodb: MongoDB driver for Elixir
GitHub - bernardolins/fake_server: FakeServer integrates with ExUnit to make external APIs testing simpler
GitHub - bernardolins/fake_server: FakeServer integrates with ExUnit to make external APIs testing simpler
GitHub - zookzook/elixir-mongodb-driver: MongoDB driver for Elixir
GitHub - zookzook/elixir-mongodb-driver: MongoDB driver for Elixir
The BEAM Community
The BEAM Community
Our goal is to host relevant projects in the Erlang and Elixir communities, making it easy for those projects to participate in the Google Summer of Code.
It's a simple client of randomuser.me to get random user.
Cloud Monitoring as a Service | Datadog
Cloud Monitoring as a Service | Datadog
See metrics from all of your apps, tools & services in one place with Datadog's cloud monitoring as a service solution. Try it for free.
Livro de Elixir - Casa do Código
Livro de Elixir - Casa do Código
Neste livro, Tiago Davi apresenta a linguagem de programação Elixir, que, por ser uma linguagem imutável e utilizar o paradigma funcional, nos permite pensar em termos de funções e transformação de dados. Você poderá executar código em pequenos processos, cada um com seu próprio estado, de modo que a construção de sistemas distribuídos e concorrentes seja feita de forma natural, transparente e fácil.
Free PO editor
Free PO editor
A powerful and easy-to-use PO file editor that helps translators work faster and better, at no cost.
Engineering Elixir Applications
Engineering Elixir Applications
Develop, deploy, and debug BEAM applications using BEAMOps: a new paradigm that focuses on scalability, fault tolerance, and owning each software delivery step.
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
GitHub - Arp-G/async-elixir: Learn all about asynchronous elixir
GitHub - Arp-G/async-elixir: Learn all about asynchronous elixir
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
The Phoenix LiveView Cookbook
The Phoenix LiveView Cookbook
From beginner to expert: Elevate your Phoenix LiveView skills with the ebook containing tried and tested recipes for solving common problems.
Elixir Merge
Elixir Merge
Daily Elixir newsletter
ElixirWeekly - Elixir Community Newsletter, one email every Thursday.
ElixirWeekly - Elixir Community Newsletter, one email every Thursday.
Weekly Elixir Community Newsletter, covering community news you easily miss, shared on ElixirStatus and the web, in one email every Thursday.
GitHub - chrismccord/mailgun: Elixir Mailgun Client
GitHub - chrismccord/mailgun: Elixir Mailgun Client
GitHub - sonic182/pub_subx: Publisher Subscriber utility for elixir
GitHub - sonic182/pub_subx: Publisher Subscriber utility for elixir
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
The Elixir Fountain
The Elixir Fountain
Your weekly podcast for news & interviews from around the @Elixirlang Community hosted by @johnny_rugger RSS Feed: http://feed.elixirfountain.com
Thinking Elixir Podcast
Thinking Elixir Podcast
News and interviews for the Elixir community
GitHub - codedge-llc/pigeon: iOS and Android push notifications for Elixir
GitHub - codedge-llc/pigeon: iOS and Android push notifications for Elixir
GitHub - romul/airbrake-elixir: An Elixir notifier to the Airbrake/Errbit.  System-wide error reporting enriched with the information from Plug and Phoenix channels.
GitHub - romul/airbrake-elixir: An Elixir notifier to the Airbrake/Errbit. System-wide error reporting enriched with the information from Plug and Phoenix channels.
Elixir Outlaws
Elixir Outlaws
The hallway track of the Elixir community
Desmond Bowe and Chris Bell present a titillating discussion about Elixir application design and the state of the ecosystem. Ask us a question at https://github.com/elixirtalk/elixirtalk and follow u
Phoenix Inside Out Series
Phoenix Inside Out Series
Rebuild a mini-Phoenix framework and learn to use Phoenix framework with confidence
Études for Elixir
Études for Elixir
This book includes descriptions of programs that you can write in Elixir. The programs will usually be short, and each one has been designed to provide practice material for a … - Selection from Études for Elixir [Book]
Learn With Me: Elixir - The Inquisitive Developer
Learn With Me: Elixir - The Inquisitive Developer
A series where I learn Elixir and you can learn along with me.
GitHub - pwoolcoc/exmerl: Elixir wrapper for xmerl_*
GitHub - pwoolcoc/exmerl: Elixir wrapper for xmerl_*
GitHub - tony612/qiniu: [NOT MAINTAINING] Qiniu sdk for Elixir
GitHub - tony612/qiniu: [NOT MAINTAINING] Qiniu sdk for Elixir
Awesome Elixir | LibHunt
Awesome Elixir | LibHunt
Your go-to Elixir Toolbox. A curated list of awesome Elixir and Erlang packages and resources.. 1604 projects organized into 91 categories.
GitHub - knewter/everyoneapi
GitHub - knewter/everyoneapi
GitHub - maarek/ParsEx
GitHub - maarek/ParsEx
GitHub - trustatom-oss/elixir-fluent-client: fluentd client for Elixir
GitHub - trustatom-oss/elixir-fluent-client: fluentd client for Elixir
GitHub - r-icarus/forecast_io: Simple wrapper for Forecast.IO API
GitHub - r-icarus/forecast_io: Simple wrapper for Forecast.IO API
Today I Learned
Today I Learned
TIL is an open-source project by Hashrocket that exists to catalogue the sharing & accumulation of knowledge as it happens day-to-day.
Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers
Erlang and Elixir for Imperative Programmers
Introduction to Erlang and Elixir for developers with knowledge of Java, C++, C# and other imperative languages
GitHub - peburrows/diplomat: Elixir library for interacting with Google's Cloud Datastore
GitHub - peburrows/diplomat: Elixir library for interacting with Google's Cloud Datastore
Elixir in Action
Elixir in Action
Elixir in Action</i> teaches you to apply the new Elixir programming language to practical problems associated with scalability, concurrency, fault tolerance, and high availability.</p>
GitHub - gregpardo/coinbase-elixir: Coinbase API V1 Client for Elixir
GitHub - gregpardo/coinbase-elixir: Coinbase API V1 Client for Elixir
GitHub - WTTJ/chargebeex: An Elixir library to interact with Chargebee
GitHub - WTTJ/chargebeex: An Elixir library to interact with Chargebee
GitHub - prodis/correios-cep-elixir: Find Brazilian addresses by postal code, directly from Correios API. No HTML parsers.
GitHub - prodis/correios-cep-elixir: Find Brazilian addresses by postal code, directly from Correios API. No HTML parsers.
GitHub - teodor-pripoae/opbeat: Opbeat client for Elixir
GitHub - teodor-pripoae/opbeat: Opbeat client for Elixir
GitHub - activemerchant/active_merchant: Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.
GitHub - activemerchant/active_merchant: Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library extracted from Shopify. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.
Elixir in Action, Second Edition
Elixir in Action, Second Edition
<iframe type="text/html" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/n1me0PxQ8NA" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> Revised and updated for Elixir 1.7, Elixir in Action, Second Edition</i> teaches you how to apply Elixir to practical problems associated with scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability. Along the way, you'll develop an appreciation for, and considerable skill in, a functional and concurrent style of programming. </p>
GitHub - zhyu/nadia: Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir
GitHub - zhyu/nadia: Telegram Bot API Wrapper written in Elixir
GitHub - fazibear/airbrakex: Elixir client for the Airbrake service.
GitHub - fazibear/airbrakex: Elixir client for the Airbrake service.
GitHub - aviabird/gringotts: A complete payment library for Elixir and Phoenix Framework
GitHub - aviabird/gringotts: A complete payment library for Elixir and Phoenix Framework
GitHub - jrichocean/Elixirfm: Lastfm API wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - jrichocean/Elixirfm: Lastfm API wrapper for Elixir
Learn Elixir - Best Elixir Tutorials | Hackr.io
Learn Elixir - Best Elixir Tutorials | Hackr.io
Learning Elixir? Check out these best online Elixir courses and tutorials recommended by the programming community. Pick the tutorial as per your learning style: video tutorials or a book. Free course or paid. Tutorials for beginners or advanced learners. Check Elixir community's reviews & comments.
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/Elixir-Cleverbot: Simple implementation of the Cleverbot API in Elixir
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/Elixir-Cleverbot: Simple implementation of the Cleverbot API in Elixir
Meet Elixir
Meet Elixir
Write concurrent programs with the Elixir language.
Elixir in Action, Third Edition
Elixir in Action, Third Edition
Fully updated to Elixir 1.15, this authoritative bestseller reveals how Elixir tackles problems of scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability.</b> Thousands of developers have learned to build applications in Elixir by using Saša Jurić’s Elixir in Action</i>. You’ll skip the programming basics or 101 introductions; this book builds on your existing knowledge to get you quickly writing real Elixir code. Along the way, you'll develop an appreciation for, and considerable skill in, functional and concurrent programming. Inside Elixir in Action, Third Edition</i> you’ll find: Updates for Elixir 1.15</li> Elixir modules, functions, and type system</li> Functional and concurrent programming</li> Introduction to distributed system design</li> Creating deployable releases</li> </ul> Fully updated to Elixir 1.15, this book contains new coverage of working with application configuration and the latest OTP releases. It teaches you the underlying principles and functional concepts of Elixir, and how each piece fits into the bigger picture of building production-ready systems with Elixir, Erlang, and the OTP framework.
GitHub - knewter/dpd_client
GitHub - knewter/dpd_client
GitHub - jeffweiss/exgenius: Elixir library for the (undocumented) Rap Genius (and also Rock, Tech, Pop, Country, etc) API
GitHub - jeffweiss/exgenius: Elixir library for the (undocumented) Rap Genius (and also Rock, Tech, Pop, Country, etc) API
GitHub - jeregrine/mixpanel_data_client
GitHub - jeregrine/mixpanel_data_client
GitHub - parroty/extwitter: Twitter client library for elixir.
GitHub - parroty/extwitter: Twitter client library for elixir.
GitHub - lukeed/elixir-digitalocean: (WIP) Elixir wrapper for the Digital Ocean API v2.
GitHub - lukeed/elixir-digitalocean: (WIP) Elixir wrapper for the Digital Ocean API v2.
GitHub - jonahoffline/link_shrinkex: Elixir library for creating short URLs using Google's URL Shortener API.
GitHub - jonahoffline/link_shrinkex: Elixir library for creating short URLs using Google's URL Shortener API.
GitHub - bryanjos/marvel: CLI and Elixir API Client for the Marvel API
GitHub - bryanjos/marvel: CLI and Elixir API Client for the Marvel API
GitHub - rozap/edgarex: elixir interface for fetching SEC filings from EDGAR
GitHub - rozap/edgarex: elixir interface for fetching SEC filings from EDGAR
GitHub - chatgris/currently: currently is a tool to display cards currently assigns on Trello.
GitHub - chatgris/currently: currently is a tool to display cards currently assigns on Trello.
GitHub - hisea/dockerex
GitHub - hisea/dockerex
The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook
The Little Elixir & OTP Guidebook
The Little Elixir &amp; OTP Guidebook</i> gets you started programming applications with Elixir and OTP. You begin with a quick overview of the Elixir language syntax, along with just enough functional programming to use it effectively. Then, you'll dive straight into OTP and learn how it helps you build scalable, fault-tolerant and distributed applications through several fun examples. </p>
GitHub - Arkar-Aung/mmExchangeRate: Just a simple myanmar exchange rate checker and caculator based on Central Bank of Myanmar API with elixir
GitHub - Arkar-Aung/mmExchangeRate: Just a simple myanmar exchange rate checker and caculator based on Central Bank of Myanmar API with elixir
GitHub - radzserg/rstwitter: Elixir Twitter Client
GitHub - radzserg/rstwitter: Elixir Twitter Client
GitHub - hexedpackets/docker-elixir: Elixir client for the Docker Remote API
GitHub - hexedpackets/docker-elixir: Elixir client for the Docker Remote API
GitHub - joshnuss/commerce_billing: A payment processing library for Elixir
GitHub - joshnuss/commerce_billing: A payment processing library for Elixir
GitHub - RiverFinancial/nacha: An Elixir library for generating and parsing NACHA files for US ACH & EFT bank transfers
GitHub - RiverFinancial/nacha: An Elixir library for generating and parsing NACHA files for US ACH & EFT bank transfers
GitHub - essenciary/feedlex: Feedly client for Elixir
GitHub - essenciary/feedlex: Feedly client for Elixir
GitHub - era/pay: Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.
GitHub - era/pay: Pay is an Elixir Lib to deal with Paypal and other payment solutions.
GitHub - bryanjos/keenex: Keen.io API Client for Elixir
GitHub - bryanjos/keenex: Keen.io API Client for Elixir
GitHub - essenciary/pocketex
GitHub - essenciary/pocketex
GitHub - Zensavona/elixtagram: :camera: Instagram API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)
GitHub - Zensavona/elixtagram: :camera: Instagram API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)
GitHub - zabirauf/elixir-ipfs-api: The Elixir library that is used to communicate with the IPFS REST endpoint.
GitHub - zabirauf/elixir-ipfs-api: The Elixir library that is used to communicate with the IPFS REST endpoint.
GitHub - mijailr/askimet_ex: AskimetEx is a lib for use TypePad's AntiSpam services or Askimet endpoints in elixir projects.
GitHub - mijailr/askimet_ex: AskimetEx is a lib for use TypePad's AntiSpam services or Askimet endpoints in elixir projects.
GitHub - assembla/ex_assembla_api: Assembla API client for Elixir
GitHub - assembla/ex_assembla_api: Assembla API client for Elixir
GitHub - omise/omise-elixir: Omise Client Library for Elixir
GitHub - omise/omise-elixir: Omise Client Library for Elixir
GitHub - bryanjos/balanced-elixir: Balanced Api Client for Elixir
GitHub - bryanjos/balanced-elixir: Balanced Api Client for Elixir
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/bing_translator: A simple Elixir interface to Bing's translation API.
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/bing_translator: A simple Elixir interface to Bing's translation API.
GitHub - dukex/gcmex: Google Cloud Messaging client library for elixir
GitHub - dukex/gcmex: Google Cloud Messaging client library for elixir
GitHub - lee-dohm/semver: A semver library for Elixir
GitHub - lee-dohm/semver: A semver library for Elixir
GitHub - danielberkompas/ex_twilio: Twilio API client for Elixir
GitHub - danielberkompas/ex_twilio: Twilio API client for Elixir
GitHub - blendmedia/mexpanel
GitHub - blendmedia/mexpanel
GitHub - jwarlander/everex: Evernote API client for Elixir
GitHub - jwarlander/everex: Evernote API client for Elixir
GitHub - scrogson/exgravatar: An Elixir module for generating Gravatar urls.
GitHub - scrogson/exgravatar: An Elixir module for generating Gravatar urls.
GitHub - mweibel/facebook.ex: Facebook Graph API Wrapper written in Elixir
GitHub - mweibel/facebook.ex: Facebook Graph API Wrapper written in Elixir
Facebook Graph API Wrapper written in Elixir. Contribute to mweibel/facebook.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - Zensavona/PayPal: :money_with_wings: PayPal REST API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)
GitHub - Zensavona/PayPal: :money_with_wings: PayPal REST API client for the Elixir language (elixir-lang)
GitHub - seven1m/30-days-of-elixir: A walk through the Elixir language in 30 exercises.
GitHub - seven1m/30-days-of-elixir: A walk through the Elixir language in 30 exercises.
GitHub - GrandCru/GoogleSheets: Elixir library for fetching Google Spreadsheet data in CSV format
GitHub - GrandCru/GoogleSheets: Elixir library for fetching Google Spreadsheet data in CSV format
GitHub - tagplay/elixir-tagplay: Elixir client for Tagplay API
GitHub - tagplay/elixir-tagplay: Elixir client for Tagplay API
GitHub - edgurgel/pusher: Elixir library to access the Pusher REST API.
GitHub - edgurgel/pusher: Elixir library to access the Pusher REST API.
GitHub - nobrick/bitmex: BitMEX client library for Elixir.
GitHub - nobrick/bitmex: BitMEX client library for Elixir.
GitHub - securingsincity/ex_codeship
GitHub - securingsincity/ex_codeship
GitHub - trenpixster/asanaficator: An elixir wrapper for Asana
GitHub - trenpixster/asanaficator: An elixir wrapper for Asana
GitHub - lexmag/statix: Fast and reliable Elixir client for StatsD-compatible servers
GitHub - lexmag/statix: Fast and reliable Elixir client for StatsD-compatible servers
GitHub - carlo-colombo/dublin-bus-api: Dublin Bus API
GitHub - carlo-colombo/dublin-bus-api: Dublin Bus API
GitHub - sheharyarn/explay: Google Play API in Elixir  :computer:
GitHub - sheharyarn/explay: Google Play API in Elixir :computer:
GitHub - oivoodoo/exfacebook: Facebook API
GitHub - oivoodoo/exfacebook: Facebook API
GitHub - adjust/airbax: Exception tracking from Elixir to Airbrake
GitHub - adjust/airbax: Exception tracking from Elixir to Airbrake
GitHub - Hades32/elixir-udl-npp: Elixir syntax highlighting for Notepad++
GitHub - Hades32/elixir-udl-npp: Elixir syntax highlighting for Notepad++
GitHub - benjamintanweihao/elixir-cheatsheets
GitHub - benjamintanweihao/elixir-cheatsheets
GitHub - 0xAX/erlang-bookmarks: All about erlang programming language [powerd by community]
GitHub - 0xAX/erlang-bookmarks: All about erlang programming language [powerd by community]
GitHub - efexen/elixir-tab: Little bit of Elixir in every new tab
GitHub - efexen/elixir-tab: Little bit of Elixir in every new tab
GitHub - walterbm/govtrack-elixir: Simple Elixir package for the govtrack.us API
GitHub - walterbm/govtrack-elixir: Simple Elixir package for the govtrack.us API
GitHub - ammmir/elixir-dropbox: Dropbox Core API client for Elixir
GitHub - ammmir/elixir-dropbox: Dropbox Core API client for Elixir
GitHub - bradleyd/exgrid: Elixir library to interact with Sendgrid's API
GitHub - bradleyd/exgrid: Elixir library to interact with Sendgrid's API
Elixir Programming Language Forum
Elixir Programming Language Forum
The Elixir Forum - for Elixir programming language enthusiasts!
GitHub - whitfin/deppie: Elixir's coolest deprecation logger
GitHub - whitfin/deppie: Elixir's coolest deprecation logger
GitHub - stollcri/elixir.novaextension: Elixir Language Definition Extension for Panic Nova
GitHub - stollcri/elixir.novaextension: Elixir Language Definition Extension for Panic Nova
Elixir Language Definition Extension for Panic Nova - stollcri/elixir.novaextension
GitHub - expelledboy/exml: Most simple Elixir wrapper for xmerl xpath
GitHub - expelledboy/exml: Most simple Elixir wrapper for xmerl xpath
GitHub - rafaelss/zanox: Zanox API
GitHub - rafaelss/zanox: Zanox API
GitHub - KazuCocoa/simple_app_reporter_ex: Simple reporting App reviews library
GitHub - KazuCocoa/simple_app_reporter_ex: Simple reporting App reviews library
GitHub - jeffweiss/forcex: Elixir library for the Force.com / Salesforce / SFDC REST API
GitHub - jeffweiss/forcex: Elixir library for the Force.com / Salesforce / SFDC REST API
GitHub - jadercorrea/elixir_generator.vim: Vim plugin to generate elixir method and a test
GitHub - jadercorrea/elixir_generator.vim: Vim plugin to generate elixir method and a test
Vim plugin to generate elixir method and a test. Contribute to jadercorrea/elixir_generator.vim development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - veelenga/dress: :dress: Dress up your stdout
GitHub - veelenga/dress: :dress: Dress up your stdout
GitHub - avitex/elixir-vultr: Simple wrapper for the Vultr API in Elixir
GitHub - avitex/elixir-vultr: Simple wrapper for the Vultr API in Elixir
GitHub - prio/shape: A data validation library for Elixir based on Prismatic Scheme
GitHub - prio/shape: A data validation library for Elixir based on Prismatic Scheme
GitHub - paulodiniz/xe: Realtime currency conversion for Elixir
GitHub - paulodiniz/xe: Realtime currency conversion for Elixir
GitHub - slashdotdash/awesome-elixir-cqrs: A curated list of awesome Elixir and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) resources.
GitHub - slashdotdash/awesome-elixir-cqrs: A curated list of awesome Elixir and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) resources.
GitHub - michihuber/mixpanel_ex: An Elixir client for the Mixpanel HTTP API
GitHub - michihuber/mixpanel_ex: An Elixir client for the Mixpanel HTTP API
GitHub - peburrows/kane: Google Pub/Sub client for Elixir
GitHub - peburrows/kane: Google Pub/Sub client for Elixir
GitHub - alexgaribay/sendgrid_elixir: Create and send composable emails with Elixir and SendGrid.
GitHub - alexgaribay/sendgrid_elixir: Create and send composable emails with Elixir and SendGrid.
GitHub - brendalf/mix.nvim: A Mix Wrapper for Neovim
GitHub - brendalf/mix.nvim: A Mix Wrapper for Neovim
A Mix Wrapper for Neovim. Contribute to brendalf/mix.nvim development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - mhinz/vim-mix-format: Vim integration for the Elixir formatter.
GitHub - mhinz/vim-mix-format: Vim integration for the Elixir formatter.
GitHub - Arkar-Aung/ParabaikElixirConverter: ParabaikElixirConverter is just a Elixir version of Parabaik converter
GitHub - Arkar-Aung/ParabaikElixirConverter: ParabaikElixirConverter is just a Elixir version of Parabaik converter
GitHub - moofish32/vim-ex_test: Run Elixir tests inside VIM
GitHub - moofish32/vim-ex_test: Run Elixir tests inside VIM
GitHub - danmcclain/voorhees
GitHub - danmcclain/voorhees
GitHub - KushalP/uk_postcode: UK postcode parsing and validation for Elixir
GitHub - KushalP/uk_postcode: UK postcode parsing and validation for Elixir
GitHub - dm1try/nvim: write plugins for Neovim using Elixir
GitHub - dm1try/nvim: write plugins for Neovim using Elixir
GitHub - swelham/cashier: Cashier is an Elixir library that aims to be an easy to use payment gateway, whilst offering the fault tolerance and scalability benefits of being built on top of Erlang/OTP
GitHub - swelham/cashier: Cashier is an Elixir library that aims to be an easy to use payment gateway, whilst offering the fault tolerance and scalability benefits of being built on top of Erlang/OTP
GitHub - mbasso/mandrake: Facility, Prosperity and Maintainability.
GitHub - mbasso/mandrake: Facility, Prosperity and Maintainability.
GitHub - indiejames/atom-iex: Elixir iex REPL in an Atom tab.
GitHub - indiejames/atom-iex: Elixir iex REPL in an Atom tab.
GitHub - Bandwidth/elixir-bandwidth: [Deprecated] An Elixir client library for the Bandwidth Voice and Messaging APIs
GitHub - Bandwidth/elixir-bandwidth: [Deprecated] An Elixir client library for the Bandwidth Voice and Messaging APIs
GitHub - epsanchezma/pagexduty: Elixir client for PagerDuty
GitHub - epsanchezma/pagexduty: Elixir client for PagerDuty
GitHub - vishnevskiy/ElixirSublime: Elixir plugin for SublimeText 3 providing code completion and linting.
GitHub - vishnevskiy/ElixirSublime: Elixir plugin for SublimeText 3 providing code completion and linting.
GitHub - waynehoover/unsplash-elixir: Unsplash API client for Elixir
GitHub - waynehoover/unsplash-elixir: Unsplash API client for Elixir
GitHub - zbarnes757/jeaux: A module for validating http params and queries
GitHub - zbarnes757/jeaux: A module for validating http params and queries
GitHub - railsmechanic/bankster: An IBAN account numbers and BIC validation tool for Elixir.
GitHub - railsmechanic/bankster: An IBAN account numbers and BIC validation tool for Elixir.
GitHub - dm1try/ilexir: Elixir + Neovim = :couple:
GitHub - dm1try/ilexir: Elixir + Neovim = :couple:
GitHub - phoenixframework-Brazil/phoenix-snippets
GitHub - phoenixframework-Brazil/phoenix-snippets
Introducing Elixir
Introducing Elixir
Elixir is an excellent language if you want to learn about functional programming, and with this hands-on introduction, you’ll discover just how powerful and fun Elixir can be. This language … - Selection from Introducing Elixir [Book]
GitHub - oscar-lopez/exurban: Elixir wrapper for UrbanAirship API.
GitHub - oscar-lopez/exurban: Elixir wrapper for UrbanAirship API.
GitHub - gunnar2k/elixir-map-to-xml: Converts an Elixir map to an XML document.
GitHub - gunnar2k/elixir-map-to-xml: Converts an Elixir map to an XML document.
GitHub - potatogopher/elixir-getting-started: PDF, MOBI, EPUB documents for Elixir's Getting Started tutorial.
GitHub - potatogopher/elixir-getting-started: PDF, MOBI, EPUB documents for Elixir's Getting Started tutorial.
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/exromaji: A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji and sound.
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/exromaji: A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji and sound.
GitHub - jwhiteman/a-little-elixir-goes-a-long-way: The Little Schemer in Elixir.
GitHub - jwhiteman/a-little-elixir-goes-a-long-way: The Little Schemer in Elixir.
GitHub - msaraiva/atom-elixir: An Atom package for Elixir
GitHub - msaraiva/atom-elixir: An Atom package for Elixir
GitHub - slashmili/alchemist.vim: Elixir Integration Into Vim
GitHub - slashmili/alchemist.vim: Elixir Integration Into Vim
Elixir Integration Into Vim. Contribute to slashmili/alchemist.vim development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - safwank/ElixirRetry: Simple Elixir macros for linear retry, exponential backoff and wait with composable delays
GitHub - safwank/ElixirRetry: Simple Elixir macros for linear retry, exponential backoff and wait with composable delays
GitHub - Grantimus9/elixir-amazon-product-advertising-client: An Amazon Product Advertising API client for Elixir
GitHub - Grantimus9/elixir-amazon-product-advertising-client: An Amazon Product Advertising API client for Elixir
GitHub - talklittle/silent_video: Elixir library to convert GIFs and videos to silent videos.
GitHub - talklittle/silent_video: Elixir library to convert GIFs and videos to silent videos.
GitHub - JakeBecker/vscode-elixir-ls: Elixir language support and debugger for VS Code, powered by ElixirLS.
GitHub - JakeBecker/vscode-elixir-ls: Elixir language support and debugger for VS Code, powered by ElixirLS.
GitHub - elixir-gettext/gettext: Internationalization and localization support for Elixir.
GitHub - elixir-gettext/gettext: Internationalization and localization support for Elixir.
GitHub - kovdavid/SipsDownloader: Utility to download Elixir Sips screencast videos written in Elixir (subscription to Elixir Sips required)
GitHub - kovdavid/SipsDownloader: Utility to download Elixir Sips screencast videos written in Elixir (subscription to Elixir Sips required)
Phoenix in Action
Phoenix in Action
Phoenix is a modern web framework built for the Elixir programming language. Elegant, fault-tolerant, and performant, Phoenix is as easy to use as Rails and as rock-solid as Elixir's Erlang-based foundation. Phoenix in Action</i> builds on your existing web dev skills, teaching you the unique benefits of Phoenix along with just enough Elixir to get the job done.</p>
GitHub - nerdslabs/plugmap: XML Sitemap generator for Plug / Phoenix Framework
GitHub - nerdslabs/plugmap: XML Sitemap generator for Plug / Phoenix Framework
GitHub - mattweldon/exjira: JIRA client library for Elixir
GitHub - mattweldon/exjira: JIRA client library for Elixir
GitHub - kkirsche/Redtube_Elixir: Redtube API Wrapper written in Elixir
GitHub - kkirsche/Redtube_Elixir: Redtube API Wrapper written in Elixir
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/Elixir-Slack: Slack real time messaging and web API client in Elixir
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/Elixir-Slack: Slack real time messaging and web API client in Elixir
GitHub - ccsteam/ex-telegram-client: An Elixir wrapper which communicates with the Telegram-CLI.
GitHub - ccsteam/ex-telegram-client: An Elixir wrapper which communicates with the Telegram-CLI.
GitHub - SparkPost/elixir-sparkpost: SparkPost client library for Elixir https://developers.sparkpost.com
GitHub - SparkPost/elixir-sparkpost: SparkPost client library for Elixir https://developers.sparkpost.com
GitHub - synrc/form: 🧾 FORM: Business X-Forms
GitHub - synrc/form: 🧾 FORM: Business X-Forms
GitHub - erlware/erlware_commons: Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.
GitHub - erlware/erlware_commons: Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components.
GitHub - ewildgoose/elixir-xml_rpc: Encode and decode elixir terms to XML-RPC parameters
GitHub - ewildgoose/elixir-xml_rpc: Encode and decode elixir terms to XML-RPC parameters
GitHub - jeffutter/honeywell-elixir: An Elixir Client for the Honeywell Developer API
GitHub - jeffutter/honeywell-elixir: An Elixir Client for the Honeywell Developer API
GitHub - nhu313/Quinn: XML parser for Elixir
GitHub - nhu313/Quinn: XML parser for Elixir
GitHub - BalalaikaIndustries/balalaika_bear: VK API wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - BalalaikaIndustries/balalaika_bear: VK API wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - proger/erlsh: Erlang shell tools
GitHub - proger/erlsh: Erlang shell tools
GitHub - danielberkompas/ex_twiml: Generate TwiML with Elixir
GitHub - danielberkompas/ex_twiml: Generate TwiML with Elixir
GitHub - Raynes/reap: A refheap API client library in Elixir.
GitHub - Raynes/reap: A refheap API client library in Elixir.
GitHub - slogsdon/mandrill-elixir: a Mandrill wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - slogsdon/mandrill-elixir: a Mandrill wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - duartejc/mailchimp: A basic Elixir wrapper for version 3 of the MailChimp API
GitHub - duartejc/mailchimp: A basic Elixir wrapper for version 3 of the MailChimp API
GitHub - danielberkompas/telephonist: Elixir state machines for Twilio calls
GitHub - danielberkompas/telephonist: Elixir state machines for Twilio calls
GitHub - MonkeyIsNull/reddhl: An headline and link puller for Reddit and its various subreddits
GitHub - MonkeyIsNull/reddhl: An headline and link puller for Reddit and its various subreddits
GitHub - tonini/alchemist.el: Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs
GitHub - tonini/alchemist.el: Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs
Elixir Tooling Integration Into Emacs. Contribute to tonini/alchemist.el development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - processone/fast_yaml: Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir
GitHub - processone/fast_yaml: Fast YAML native library for Erlang / Elixir
GitHub - tonini/alchemist-server: Editor/IDE independent background server to inform about Elixir mix projects
GitHub - tonini/alchemist-server: Editor/IDE independent background server to inform about Elixir mix projects
GitHub - KamilLelonek/yaml-elixir: Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation
GitHub - KamilLelonek/yaml-elixir: Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation
GitHub - simonewebdesign/elixir_pubsub: :droplet: Publish/Subscribe utility module
GitHub - simonewebdesign/elixir_pubsub: :droplet: Publish/Subscribe utility module
GitHub - breakroom/sitemapper: Fast, stream based XML Sitemap generator in Elixir
GitHub - breakroom/sitemapper: Fast, stream based XML Sitemap generator in Elixir
GitHub - ma2gedev/qiita_ex: Qiita API v2 Interface for Elixir
GitHub - ma2gedev/qiita_ex: Qiita API v2 Interface for Elixir
GitHub - bitpay/elixir-client: Elixir core library for connecting to bitpay.com
GitHub - bitpay/elixir-client: Elixir core library for connecting to bitpay.com
GitHub - processone/fast_xml: Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library
GitHub - processone/fast_xml: Fast Expat based Erlang XML parsing library
GitHub - fertapric/async_with: The asynchronous version of Elixir's "with", resolving the dependency graph and executing the clauses in the most performant way possible!
GitHub - fertapric/async_with: The asynchronous version of Elixir's "with", resolving the dependency graph and executing the clauses in the most performant way possible!
GitHub - elixir-editors/elixir-tmbundle: A TextMate and Sublime Text Bundle for the Elixir programming language
GitHub - elixir-editors/elixir-tmbundle: A TextMate and Sublime Text Bundle for the Elixir programming language
GitHub - mgwidmann/global: Wrapper of the Erlang :global module
GitHub - mgwidmann/global: Wrapper of the Erlang :global module
GitHub - elixircnx/parse_elixir_client: An Elixir client for the parse.com REST API
GitHub - elixircnx/parse_elixir_client: An Elixir client for the parse.com REST API
GitHub - novabyte/pathway: An Erlang/Elixir client library for the Trak.io REST API.
GitHub - novabyte/pathway: An Erlang/Elixir client library for the Trak.io REST API.
GitHub - homanchou/elixir-xml-to-map: Converts XML String to Elixir Map data structure with string keys
GitHub - homanchou/elixir-xml-to-map: Converts XML String to Elixir Map data structure with string keys
GitHub - bydooweedoo/is: Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support.
GitHub - bydooweedoo/is: Fast, extensible and easy to use data structure validation for elixir with nested structures support.
GitHub - falti/ex_nric: Validation for National Registration Identity Card numbers (NRIC)
GitHub - falti/ex_nric: Validation for National Registration Identity Card numbers (NRIC)
What is Pub/Sub?  |  Pub/Sub Documentation  |  Google Cloud
What is Pub/Sub?  |  Pub/Sub Documentation  |  Google Cloud
Understand how Pub/Sub works and the different terms associated with Pub/Sub
GitHub - adamkittelson/dogstatsd-elixir: An Elixir client for DogStatsd  https://www.datadoghq.com/
GitHub - adamkittelson/dogstatsd-elixir: An Elixir client for DogStatsd https://www.datadoghq.com/
GitHub - nsweeting/shopify: Easily access the Shopify API with Elixir.
GitHub - nsweeting/shopify: Easily access the Shopify API with Elixir.
GitHub - jeffutter/particle-elixir: An Elixir Client for the Particle Cloud API
GitHub - jeffutter/particle-elixir: An Elixir Client for the Particle Cloud API
GitHub - 81dr/ex_changerate: Elixir client for exchangerate platform API
GitHub - 81dr/ex_changerate: Elixir client for exchangerate platform API
GitHub - koudelka/elixir-riemann: A Riemann client for Elixir, surprise!
GitHub - koudelka/elixir-riemann: A Riemann client for Elixir, surprise!
GitHub - elixir-lang/elixir: Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications
GitHub - elixir-lang/elixir: Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable applications
GitHub - talklittle/ffmpex: Elixir wrapper for FFmpeg command line interface
GitHub - talklittle/ffmpex: Elixir wrapper for FFmpeg command line interface
GitHub - joshrieken/plasm: Ecto's composable query multitool (.count, .random, .earliest, .latest, .find, .at, .on, etc.)
GitHub - joshrieken/plasm: Ecto's composable query multitool (.count, .random, .earliest, .latest, .find, .at, .on, etc.)
GitHub - kbrw/gitex: Elixir implementation of the Git object storage, but with the goal to implement the same semantic with other storage and topics
GitHub - kbrw/gitex: Elixir implementation of the Git object storage, but with the goal to implement the same semantic with other storage and topics
GitHub - timdeputter/FitEx: FitEx is a Macro-Module which provides a bit of sugar for function definitions.
GitHub - timdeputter/FitEx: FitEx is a Macro-Module which provides a bit of sugar for function definitions.
GitHub - aforward/ar2ecto: Migrate your active record migrations to ecto compatible migrations
GitHub - aforward/ar2ecto: Migrate your active record migrations to ecto compatible migrations
GitHub - albert-io/optimal: A schema based keyword list option validator.
GitHub - albert-io/optimal: A schema based keyword list option validator.
GitHub - elixir-editors/vim-elixir: Vim configuration files for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-editors/vim-elixir: Vim configuration files for Elixir
GitHub - crbelaus/trans: Embedded translations for Elixir
GitHub - crbelaus/trans: Embedded translations for Elixir
GitHub - whitfin/dot-notes-elixir: Simple dot/bracket notation parsing/conversion for Maps/Lists
GitHub - whitfin/dot-notes-elixir: Simple dot/bracket notation parsing/conversion for Maps/Lists
GitHub - Overbryd/exoml: A module to decode/encode xml into a tree structure
GitHub - Overbryd/exoml: A module to decode/encode xml into a tree structure
GitHub - CargoSense/ex_statsd: StatsD Client for Elixir (EOL: We Recommend Statix)
GitHub - CargoSense/ex_statsd: StatsD Client for Elixir (EOL: We Recommend Statix)
GitHub - change/linguist: Elixir Internationalization library
GitHub - change/linguist: Elixir Internationalization library
GitHub - ferd/erlang-history: Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell
GitHub - ferd/erlang-history: Hacks to add shell history to Erlang's shell
GitHub - joshnuss/xml_builder: Elixir library for generating XML
GitHub - joshnuss/xml_builder: Elixir library for generating XML
GitHub - kathgironpe/ui_faces: UIFaces API client for Elixir applications.
GitHub - kathgironpe/ui_faces: UIFaces API client for Elixir applications.
GitHub - PharosProduction/ExVertx: Connector to Vert.x event bus via TCP Event Bus Bridge
GitHub - PharosProduction/ExVertx: Connector to Vert.x event bus via TCP Event Bus Bridge
GitHub - stocks29/exjprop: Elixir library for reading Java properties files from various sources.
GitHub - stocks29/exjprop: Elixir library for reading Java properties files from various sources.
GitHub - mykewould/crutches: Some Elixir support
GitHub - mykewould/crutches: Some Elixir support
GitHub - alexfilatov/getatrex: Gettext Automatic Translator in Elixir
GitHub - alexfilatov/getatrex: Gettext Automatic Translator in Elixir
Elixir vs Ruby | How Switching To Elixir Made Our Team Better
Elixir vs Ruby | How Switching To Elixir Made Our Team Better
Elixir is designed for programmer happiness. Here is why Elixir is better than Ruby, and why you should choose it as your programming language of choice.
GitHub - bunnylushington/digoc: Digital Ocean API v2 Elixir Client
GitHub - bunnylushington/digoc: Digital Ocean API v2 Elixir Client
GitHub - martinthenth/goal: A parameter validation library - based on Ecto
GitHub - martinthenth/goal: A parameter validation library - based on Ecto
GitHub - JakeBecker/elixir-ls: A frontend-independent IDE "smartness" server for Elixir. Implements the JSON-based "Language Server Protocol" standard and provides debugger support via VS Code's debugger protocol.
GitHub - JakeBecker/elixir-ls: A frontend-independent IDE "smartness" server for Elixir. Implements the JSON-based "Language Server Protocol" standard and provides debugger support via VS Code's debugger protocol.
GitHub - yakaz/yamerl: YAML 1.2 and JSON parser in pure Erlang
GitHub - yakaz/yamerl: YAML 1.2 and JSON parser in pure Erlang
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/exkanji: A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji, kanji and sound. It uses Mecab.
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/exkanji: A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji, kanji and sound. It uses Mecab.
GitHub - edgurgel/tentacat: Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API
GitHub - edgurgel/tentacat: Simple Elixir wrapper for the GitHub API
GitHub - dnsimple/dnsimple-elixir: The DNSimple API client for Elixir.
GitHub - dnsimple/dnsimple-elixir: The DNSimple API client for Elixir.
GitHub - drobakowski/awesome-erlang: A curated list of awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.
GitHub - drobakowski/awesome-erlang: A curated list of awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.
GitHub - bobfp/skooma: Elixir data validation library
GitHub - bobfp/skooma: Elixir data validation library
GitHub - kickinespresso/ex_gtin: Elixir GTIN & UPC Generation and Validation Library
GitHub - kickinespresso/ex_gtin: Elixir GTIN & UPC Generation and Validation Library
GitHub - christhekeele/mnemonix: A unified interface to Elixir and Erlang key/value stores.
GitHub - christhekeele/mnemonix: A unified interface to Elixir and Erlang key/value stores.
GitHub - rrrene/elixir-style-guide: Style Guide for the Elixir language, implemented by Credo
GitHub - rrrene/elixir-style-guide: Style Guide for the Elixir language, implemented by Credo
GitHub - witchcrafters/quark: Common combinators for Elixir
GitHub - witchcrafters/quark: Common combinators for Elixir
GitHub - mcvnh/tradehub-elixir: Elixir client library for the Tradehub blockchain
GitHub - mcvnh/tradehub-elixir: Elixir client library for the Tradehub blockchain
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - ufirstgroup/ymlr: A YAML encoder for Elixir.
GitHub - ufirstgroup/ymlr: A YAML encoder for Elixir.
GitHub - GetFirefly/firefly: An alternative BEAM implementation, designed for WebAssembly
GitHub - GetFirefly/firefly: An alternative BEAM implementation, designed for WebAssembly
GitHub - C404/sift_ex: Siftscience API Library for Elixir
GitHub - C404/sift_ex: Siftscience API Library for Elixir
GitHub - qcam/saxy: Fast SAX parser and encoder for XML in Elixir
GitHub - qcam/saxy: Fast SAX parser and encoder for XML in Elixir
GitHub - kbrw/sweet_xml
GitHub - kbrw/sweet_xml
GitHub - CargoSense/vex: Data Validation for Elixir
GitHub - CargoSense/vex: Data Validation for Elixir
GitHub - Joe-noh/yomel: 読める、読めるぞぉ!!
GitHub - Joe-noh/yomel: 読める、読めるぞぉ!!
GitHub - chvanikoff/apns4ex: APNS for Elixir
GitHub - chvanikoff/apns4ex: APNS for Elixir
GitHub - marcelog/elixir_authorizenet: Unofficial Elixir Client for the Authorize.NET API
GitHub - marcelog/elixir_authorizenet: Unofficial Elixir Client for the Authorize.NET API
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - kblake/functional-programming: Organize material to teach functional programming using Elixir
GitHub - kblake/functional-programming: Organize material to teach functional programming using Elixir
GitHub - implicitly-awesome/exop: Elixir library that provides macros which allow you to encapsulate business logic and validate incoming parameters with predefined contract.
GitHub - implicitly-awesome/exop: Elixir library that provides macros which allow you to encapsulate business logic and validate incoming parameters with predefined contract.
GitHub - techgaun/darkskyx: A Darksky.net (formerly forecast.io) weather API client for Elixir
GitHub - techgaun/darkskyx: A Darksky.net (formerly forecast.io) weather API client for Elixir
Sunsetting Atom
Sunsetting Atom
We are archiving Atom and all projects under the Atom organization for an official sunset on December 15, 2022.
GitHub - telegex/telegex: Telegram bot framework and API client written in Elixir
GitHub - telegex/telegex: Telegram bot framework and API client written in Elixir
GitHub - mat-mcloughlin/vscode-elixir: Elixir support for VSCode https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mjmcloug.vscode-elixir
GitHub - mat-mcloughlin/vscode-elixir: Elixir support for VSCode https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mjmcloug.vscode-elixir
GitHub - stochastic-thread/exstagram: Instagram client library for Elixir/Phoenix apps
GitHub - stochastic-thread/exstagram: Instagram client library for Elixir/Phoenix apps
GitHub - exercism/elixir: Exercism exercises in Elixir.
GitHub - exercism/elixir: Exercism exercises in Elixir.
GitHub - bryanbrunetti/exdesk: Elixir library for accessing the Desk.com API
GitHub - bryanbrunetti/exdesk: Elixir library for accessing the Desk.com API
GitHub - beam-community/stripity-stripe: An Elixir Library for Stripe
GitHub - beam-community/stripity-stripe: An Elixir Library for Stripe
GitHub - altyaper/conekta-elixir: Elixir library for Conekta api calls
GitHub - altyaper/conekta-elixir: Elixir library for Conekta api calls
GitHub - googleapis/elixir-google-api: Elixir client libraries for accessing Google APIs.
GitHub - googleapis/elixir-google-api: Elixir client libraries for accessing Google APIs.
Syncfusion Free Ebooks | Elixir Succinctly
Syncfusion Free Ebooks | Elixir Succinctly
Author Emanuele DelBono guides readers along the first steps of mastering the Elixir programming language in Elixir Succinctly. Providing a brief overview ...
Elixir for Programmers
Elixir for Programmers
Quick-start: Programmers can learn Elixir faster. Write functional, concurrent, and reliable applications. Learn Elixir, OTP, and Phoenix.
GitHub - mana-ethereum/ethereumex: Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain 0x063D3d782598744AF1252eBEaf3aA97D990Edf72
GitHub - mana-ethereum/ethereumex: Elixir JSON-RPC client for the Ethereum blockchain 0x063D3d782598744AF1252eBEaf3aA97D990Edf72
Kamil Skowron
Kamil Skowron
Hi 👋 I'm Kamil Skowron, a backend software developer with a passion for functional programming. I would like to dedicate the Frathon channel to promote functional programming where I will be publishing "real world" programming videos.
Elixir Foundation
Elixir Foundation
For anyone getting into elixir and functional programming. This playlist is a great way to start! Become a Member and access all Videos! https://www.youtube....
01 Curso de Elixir - Instalación de Elixir en Ubuntu.
01 Curso de Elixir - Instalación de Elixir en Ubuntu.
Curso de Elixir: en este primer capitulo del curso vamos a ver como podemos instalar Elixir y el ecosistema de Erlang dentro de Ubuntu junto con todas las de...
Stripe | Financial Infrastructure to Grow Your Revenue
Stripe | Financial Infrastructure to Grow Your Revenue
Stripe powers online and in-person payment processing and financial solutions for businesses of all sizes. Accept payments, send payouts, and automate financial processes with a suite of APIs and no-code tools.
Datastore is a highly scalable NoSQL database for your web and mobile applications.
CloudI: A Cloud at the lowest level
CloudI: A Cloud at the lowest level
CloudI is an open-source private cloud computing framework for efficient, secure, and internal data processing. CloudI provides scaling for previously unscalable source code with efficient fault-tolerant execution of ATS, C/C++, Erlang/Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript/node.js, OCaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, or Rust services. The bare essentials for efficient fault-tolerant processing on a cloud!
Create Elixir structs, maps with atom keys, and keyword lists from CSV/TSV data.
An Ueberauth strategy for using Auth0 to authenticate your users.
Stuart Hunt / Neat-Ex · GitLab
Stuart Hunt / Neat-Ex · GitLab
An Elixir implementation of the NEAT algorithm, as described here.
GT8 Online / Open Source / Elixir / Weave · GitLab
GT8 Online / Open Source / Elixir / Weave · GitLab
A JIT Configuration Loader for Elixir
GitHub - ma2gedev/luhn_ex: Luhn algorithm in Elixir
GitHub - ma2gedev/luhn_ex: Luhn algorithm in Elixir
GitHub - UniversalAvenue/simhash-ex: Elixir implementation of Simhash
GitHub - UniversalAvenue/simhash-ex: Elixir implementation of Simhash
GitHub - ayrat555/clope: Elixir implementation of CLOPE: A Fast and Effective Clustering Algorithm for Transactional Data
GitHub - ayrat555/clope: Elixir implementation of CLOPE: A Fast and Effective Clustering Algorithm for Transactional Data
GitHub - reset/hash-ring-ex: A consistent hash ring implemention for Elixir
GitHub - reset/hash-ring-ex: A consistent hash ring implemention for Elixir
GitHub - aggelgian/erlang-algorithms: Implementations of popular data structures and algorithms
GitHub - aggelgian/erlang-algorithms: Implementations of popular data structures and algorithms
GitHub - edubkendo/supermemo: An Elixir implementation of the Supermemo 2 algorithm
GitHub - edubkendo/supermemo: An Elixir implementation of the Supermemo 2 algorithm
GitHub - jordan0day/fleet-api: An Elixir API wrapper for the Fleet REST API
GitHub - jordan0day/fleet-api: An Elixir API wrapper for the Fleet REST API
GitHub - obmarg/kazan: Kubernetes API client for Elixir
GitHub - obmarg/kazan: Kubernetes API client for Elixir
GitHub - whitfin/stash: A small and user-friendly ETS wrapper for caching in Elixir
GitHub - whitfin/stash: A small and user-friendly ETS wrapper for caching in Elixir
GitHub - tony612/exchat: (Not maintaining) A Slack-like app by Elixir, Phoenix & React(redux)
GitHub - tony612/exchat: (Not maintaining) A Slack-like app by Elixir, Phoenix & React(redux)
ElementTui: an Elixir library to create terminal user interfaces (tui).
GitHub - Qqwy/elixir-rational: Rational number library for Elixir.
GitHub - Qqwy/elixir-rational: Rational number library for Elixir.
GitHub - cloud8421/dragonfly-server: Elixir app to serve Dragonfly images
GitHub - cloud8421/dragonfly-server: Elixir app to serve Dragonfly images
GitHub - szktty/erlang-lz4: LZ4 bindings for Erlang
GitHub - szktty/erlang-lz4: LZ4 bindings for Erlang
GitHub - Dkendal/zipper_tree: Variadic aritity tree with a zipper for Elixir!
GitHub - Dkendal/zipper_tree: Variadic aritity tree with a zipper for Elixir!
GitHub - techgaun/ex_mustang: :sparkles: A simple, clueless bot
GitHub - techgaun/ex_mustang: :sparkles: A simple, clueless bot
GitHub - asiniy/ecto_state_machine: State machine pattern for Ecto
GitHub - asiniy/ecto_state_machine: State machine pattern for Ecto
GitHub - pma/lfsr: Elixir implementation of a binary Galois LFSR
GitHub - pma/lfsr: Elixir implementation of a binary Galois LFSR
GitHub - smashedtoatoms/the_fuzz: String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Elixir (e.g. Dice/Sorensen, Hamming, Jaccard, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Metaphone, N-Gram, NYSIIS, Overlap, Ratcliff/Obershelp, Refined NYSIIS, Refined Soundex, Soundex, Weighted Levenshtein)
GitHub - smashedtoatoms/the_fuzz: String metrics and phonetic algorithms for Elixir (e.g. Dice/Sorensen, Hamming, Jaccard, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Metaphone, N-Gram, NYSIIS, Overlap, Ratcliff/Obershelp, Refined NYSIIS, Refined Soundex, Soundex, Weighted Levenshtein)
GitHub - ausimian/timelier: A cron-style scheduler application for Elixir.
GitHub - ausimian/timelier: A cron-style scheduler application for Elixir.
GitHub - sabiwara/aja: Extension of the Elixir standard library focused on data stuctures, data manipulation and performance
GitHub - sabiwara/aja: Extension of the Elixir standard library focused on data stuctures, data manipulation and performance
GitHub - eigr/spawn: Spawn - Actor Mesh
GitHub - eigr/spawn: Spawn - Actor Mesh
GitHub - tchoutri/Nvjorn: A multi-protocol network services monitor written in Elixir using Poolboy.
GitHub - tchoutri/Nvjorn: A multi-protocol network services monitor written in Elixir using Poolboy.
GitHub - asaaki/fnv.ex: Pure Elixir implementation of Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions
GitHub - asaaki/fnv.ex: Pure Elixir implementation of Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions
Pure Elixir implementation of Fowler–Noll–Vo hash functions - asaaki/fnv.ex
GitHub - hamiltop/structurez: A playground for data structures in Elixir
GitHub - hamiltop/structurez: A playground for data structures in Elixir
GitHub - os6sense/DefMemo: DefMemo - Ryuk's little puppy! Bring apples.
GitHub - os6sense/DefMemo: DefMemo - Ryuk's little puppy! Bring apples.
GitHub - synrc/chat: 💬 CHAT: Instant Messenger. ISO/IEC: 20922; ITU/IETF: 3394, 3565, 5280, 5480, 5652, 5755 8551, X.509, CMS, PKCS-10, PCKS-7, OCSP, LDAP, DNS; ANSI: X9-42, X9-62, X25519, X488; NIST: SECP384r1.
GitHub - synrc/chat: 💬 CHAT: Instant Messenger. ISO/IEC: 20922; ITU/IETF: 3394, 3565, 5280, 5480, 5652, 5755 8551, X.509, CMS, PKCS-10, PCKS-7, OCSP, LDAP, DNS; ANSI: X9-42, X9-62, X25519, X488; NIST: SECP384r1.
GitHub - medhiwidjaja/nary_tree: An Elixir implementation of generic n-ary tree data structure
GitHub - medhiwidjaja/nary_tree: An Elixir implementation of generic n-ary tree data structure
GitHub - whitfin/jumper: Jump consistent hash implementation in Elixir (without NIFs)
GitHub - whitfin/jumper: Jump consistent hash implementation in Elixir (without NIFs)
GitHub - duailibe/cuid: Collision-resistant ids, in Elixir
GitHub - duailibe/cuid: Collision-resistant ids, in Elixir
GitHub - arianvp/elixir-isaac
GitHub - arianvp/elixir-isaac
GitHub - q60/complex: Elixir library implementing complex numbers and math.
GitHub - q60/complex: Elixir library implementing complex numbers and math.
GitHub - stocks29/ezcryptex: Thin layer on top of Cryptex for more easily encrypting/decrypting, signing/verifying data in elixir
GitHub - stocks29/ezcryptex: Thin layer on top of Cryptex for more easily encrypting/decrypting, signing/verifying data in elixir
GitHub - joekain/BlockingQueue: A blocking queue written in Elixir.
GitHub - joekain/BlockingQueue: A blocking queue written in Elixir.
GitHub - appcues/exconstructor: An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.
GitHub - appcues/exconstructor: An Elixir library for generating struct constructors that handle external data with ease.
GitHub - meh/elixir-datastructures: Datastructures for Elixir.
GitHub - meh/elixir-datastructures: Datastructures for Elixir.
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/mmath: Metric stream related math functions.
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/mmath: Metric stream related math functions.
GitHub - jimm/csvlixir: A CSV reading/writing application for Elixir.
GitHub - jimm/csvlixir: A CSV reading/writing application for Elixir.
GitHub - whitfin/hypex: Fast HyperLogLog implementation for Elixir/Erlang
GitHub - whitfin/hypex: Fast HyperLogLog implementation for Elixir/Erlang
GitHub - HashNuke/coffee_rotor: Rotor plugin to compile CoffeeScript files
GitHub - HashNuke/coffee_rotor: Rotor plugin to compile CoffeeScript files
GitHub - pyykkis/rebar3_asn1_compiler: Plugin for compiling ASN.1 modules with Rebar3.
GitHub - pyykkis/rebar3_asn1_compiler: Plugin for compiling ASN.1 modules with Rebar3.
GitHub - KamilLelonek/figaro-elixir: Environmental variables manager based on Figaro for Elixir projects
GitHub - KamilLelonek/figaro-elixir: Environmental variables manager based on Figaro for Elixir projects
GitHub - whitfin/sleeplocks: BEAM friendly spinlocks for Elixir/Erlang
GitHub - whitfin/sleeplocks: BEAM friendly spinlocks for Elixir/Erlang
GitHub - gmtprime/skogsra: Library to manage OS environment variables and application configuration options with ease
GitHub - gmtprime/skogsra: Library to manage OS environment variables and application configuration options with ease
GitHub - carlosedp/rebar3_diameter_compiler: Compile Diameter .dia files on Erlang Rebar3 projects
GitHub - carlosedp/rebar3_diameter_compiler: Compile Diameter .dia files on Erlang Rebar3 projects
GitHub - asiniy/ecto_materialized_path: Tree structure & hierarchy for ecto models
GitHub - asiniy/ecto_materialized_path: Tree structure & hierarchy for ecto models
GitHub - a115/exmatrix: Elixir library implementing a parallel matrix multiplication algorithm and other utilities for working with matrices. Used for benchmarking computationally intensive concurrent code.
GitHub - a115/exmatrix: Elixir library implementing a parallel matrix multiplication algorithm and other utilities for working with matrices. Used for benchmarking computationally intensive concurrent code.
GitHub - princemaple/elixir-queue: Queue data structure for Elixir-lang
GitHub - princemaple/elixir-queue: Queue data structure for Elixir-lang
RFC 4493: The AES-CMAC Algorithm
RFC 4493: The AES-CMAC Algorithm
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently specified the Cipher-based Message Authentication Code (CMAC), which is equivalent to the One-Key CBC MAC1 (OMAC1) submitted by Iwata and Kurosawa. This memo specifies an authentication algorithm based on CMAC with the 128-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This new authentication algorithm is named AES-CMAC. The purpose of this document is to make the AES-CMAC algorithm conveniently available to the Internet Community. This memo provides information for the Internet community.
GitHub - NAISorg/conrex: An Elixir implementation of the CONREC algorithm for topographic or isochrone maps.
GitHub - NAISorg/conrex: An Elixir implementation of the CONREC algorithm for topographic or isochrone maps.
GitHub - edgurgel/poxa: Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries.
GitHub - edgurgel/poxa: Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries.
GitHub - xerions/medex: Medical Examination - application for register health check callbacks and represent their state via HTTP.
GitHub - xerions/medex: Medical Examination - application for register health check callbacks and represent their state via HTTP.
GitHub - gmcabrita/cuckoo: :bird: Cuckoo Filters in Elixir
GitHub - gmcabrita/cuckoo: :bird: Cuckoo Filters in Elixir
GitHub - seantanly/elixir-minmaxlist: Extension of Enum functions like min_by, max_by, min_max_by, returning a list of results instead of just one.
GitHub - seantanly/elixir-minmaxlist: Extension of Enum functions like min_by, max_by, min_max_by, returning a list of results instead of just one.
GitHub - rockneurotiko/ex_gram: Telegram Bot API low level API and framework
GitHub - rockneurotiko/ex_gram: Telegram Bot API low level API and framework
GitHub - sivsushruth/consolex: Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project
GitHub - sivsushruth/consolex: Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project
GitHub - pluralsh/plural: Enterprise Kubernetes management, accelerated. 🚀
GitHub - pluralsh/plural: Enterprise Kubernetes management, accelerated. 🚀
GitHub - stocks29/dlist: Deque implementations in elixir
GitHub - stocks29/dlist: Deque implementations in elixir
GitHub - rozap/spacesaving: stream count distinct element estimation
GitHub - rozap/spacesaving: stream count distinct element estimation
GitHub - okeuday/trie: Erlang Trie Implementation
GitHub - okeuday/trie: Erlang Trie Implementation
GitHub - stocks29/graphex: A task graph execution library for elixir
GitHub - stocks29/graphex: A task graph execution library for elixir
GitHub - timdeputter/Rendezvous: Implementation of the Rendezvous or Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing algorithm in the Elixir Programming Language
GitHub - timdeputter/Rendezvous: Implementation of the Rendezvous or Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing algorithm in the Elixir Programming Language
GitHub - spacepilots/mason: Mason uses superpowers to coerce maps into structs. This is helpful e.g. when you interface a REST API and want to create a struct from the response.
GitHub - spacepilots/mason: Mason uses superpowers to coerce maps into structs. This is helpful e.g. when you interface a REST API and want to create a struct from the response.
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-battleship: The Good Old game, built with Elixir, Phoenix, React and Redux
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-battleship: The Good Old game, built with Elixir, Phoenix, React and Redux
GitHub - seantanly/elixir-paratize: Elixir library providing some handy parallel processing facilities that supports configuring number of workers and timeout.
GitHub - seantanly/elixir-paratize: Elixir library providing some handy parallel processing facilities that supports configuring number of workers and timeout.
GitHub - doomspork/hydra: Open source API gateway with integrated cache and data transformations.
GitHub - doomspork/hydra: Open source API gateway with integrated cache and data transformations.
GitHub - pavlos/gen_fsm: Elixir wrapper around OTP's gen_fsm
GitHub - pavlos/gen_fsm: Elixir wrapper around OTP's gen_fsm
GitHub - keichan34/tea_crypto_erl: A Tiny Encryption Algorithm implementation
GitHub - keichan34/tea_crypto_erl: A Tiny Encryption Algorithm implementation
GitHub - camshaft/count_buffer: buffer a large set of counters and flush periodically
GitHub - camshaft/count_buffer: buffer a large set of counters and flush periodically
GitHub - okeuday/key2value: Erlang 2-way map
GitHub - okeuday/key2value: Erlang 2-way map
GitHub - florinpatrascu/closure_table: Closure Table for Elixir - a simple solution for storing and manipulating complex hierarchies.
GitHub - florinpatrascu/closure_table: Closure Table for Elixir - a simple solution for storing and manipulating complex hierarchies.
GitHub - gmcabrita/murmur: :speech_balloon: An implementation of the non-cryptographic hash Murmur3
GitHub - gmcabrita/murmur: :speech_balloon: An implementation of the non-cryptographic hash Murmur3
GitHub - alco/chatty: Basic IRC client for writing bots
GitHub - alco/chatty: Basic IRC client for writing bots
GitHub - elixir-nx/nx: Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-nx/nx: Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir
GitHub - riverrun/phauxth: Not actively maintained - Authentication library for Phoenix, and other Plug-based, web applications
GitHub - riverrun/phauxth: Not actively maintained - Authentication library for Phoenix, and other Plug-based, web applications
GitHub - q60/rational: Elixir library implementing rational numbers and math.
GitHub - q60/rational: Elixir library implementing rational numbers and math.
GitHub - jj1bdx/tinymt-erlang: This software is no longer maintained. For archive/reference use only. -- Tiny Mersenne Twister (TinyMT) for Erlang
GitHub - jj1bdx/tinymt-erlang: This software is no longer maintained. For archive/reference use only. -- Tiny Mersenne Twister (TinyMT) for Erlang
GitHub - beatrichartz/parallel_stream: A parallelized stream implementation for Elixir
GitHub - beatrichartz/parallel_stream: A parallelized stream implementation for Elixir
GitHub - tobz/elistrix: A latency / fault tolerance library to help isolate your applications from an uncertain world of slow or failed services.
GitHub - tobz/elistrix: A latency / fault tolerance library to help isolate your applications from an uncertain world of slow or failed services.
GitHub - jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang: sfmt-erlang: SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) for Erlang
GitHub - jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang: sfmt-erlang: SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) for Erlang
GitHub - seantanly/elixir-combination: A simple combinatorics library providing combination and permutation.
GitHub - seantanly/elixir-combination: A simple combinatorics library providing combination and permutation.
GitHub - takscape/elixir-array: An Elixir wrapper library for Erlang's array
GitHub - takscape/elixir-array: An Elixir wrapper library for Erlang's array
GitHub - OCannings/tf-idf: tf-idf elixir
GitHub - OCannings/tf-idf: tf-idf elixir
GitHub - gutschilla/elixir-navigation-tree: A navigation tree representation with helpers to generate HTML out of it - depending of userroles
GitHub - gutschilla/elixir-navigation-tree: A navigation tree representation with helpers to generate HTML out of it - depending of userroles
GitHub - lexmag/tty2048: Terminal-based 2048 game written in Elixir
GitHub - lexmag/tty2048: Terminal-based 2048 game written in Elixir
GitHub - hashd/bitmap-elixir: Bitmap implementation in Elixir using binaries and integers. Fast space efficient data structure for lookups
GitHub - hashd/bitmap-elixir: Bitmap implementation in Elixir using binaries and integers. Fast space efficient data structure for lookups
GitHub - ayrat555/ex_riak_cs: Riak CS API  wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - ayrat555/ex_riak_cs: Riak CS API wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - basho/sidejob: Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang
GitHub - basho/sidejob: Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang
GitHub - mpope9/exor_filter: Erlang nif for xor_filter.  'Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo Filters'.
GitHub - mpope9/exor_filter: Erlang nif for xor_filter. 'Faster and Smaller Than Bloom and Cuckoo Filters'.
GitHub - DanCouper/natural_sort: Elixir natural sort implementation for lists of strings.
GitHub - DanCouper/natural_sort: Elixir natural sort implementation for lists of strings.
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_slack: Slack OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_slack: Slack OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - q60/utils: my website with collection of handy utils
GitHub - q60/utils: my website with collection of handy utils
GitHub - sergioaugrod/uai_shot: A multiplayer ship game built with Elixir, Phoenix Framework and Phaser. :rocket:
GitHub - sergioaugrod/uai_shot: A multiplayer ship game built with Elixir, Phoenix Framework and Phaser. :rocket:
GitHub - mkaput/elixir-bimap: Elixir implementation of bidirectional map and multimap
GitHub - mkaput/elixir-bimap: Elixir implementation of bidirectional map and multimap
GitHub - davebryson/elixir_milliseconds: Simple library to work with milliseconds
GitHub - davebryson/elixir_milliseconds: Simple library to work with milliseconds
GitHub - CaptainFact/captain-fact-api: 🔎 CaptainFact - API. The one that serves and process all the data for https://captainfact.io
GitHub - CaptainFact/captain-fact-api: 🔎 CaptainFact - API. The one that serves and process all the data for https://captainfact.io
GitHub - crertel/graphmath: An Elixir library for performing 2D and 3D mathematics.
GitHub - crertel/graphmath: An Elixir library for performing 2D and 3D mathematics.
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/ex_llama: Elixir NIFs for interacting with llama_cpp.rust managed GGUF models.
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/ex_llama: Elixir NIFs for interacting with llama_cpp.rust managed GGUF models.
GitHub - bitwalker/conform: Easy, powerful, and extendable configuration tooling for releases.
GitHub - bitwalker/conform: Easy, powerful, and extendable configuration tooling for releases.
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/sidetask: :awesome = Elixir's Task ++ Basho's sidejob library
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/sidetask: :awesome = Elixir's Task ++ Basho's sidejob library
GitHub - keichan34/elixir_tea: TEA implementation in Elixir
GitHub - keichan34/elixir_tea: TEA implementation in Elixir
GitHub - massivefermion/enux: utility package for loading, validating and documenting your app's configuration variables from env, json, jsonc and toml files at runtime and injecting them into your environment
GitHub - massivefermion/enux: utility package for loading, validating and documenting your app's configuration variables from env, json, jsonc and toml files at runtime and injecting them into your environment
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-toggl: Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-toggl: Toggl tribute done with Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
GitHub - elvio/guri: Guri - Slackbot command handler powered by Elixir
GitHub - elvio/guri: Guri - Slackbot command handler powered by Elixir
GitHub - tsloughter/rebar3_run: Run a release with one simple command
GitHub - tsloughter/rebar3_run: Run a release with one simple command
GitHub - asonge/loom: A CRDT library with δ-CRDT support.
GitHub - asonge/loom: A CRDT library with δ-CRDT support.
GitHub - kleinernik/elixir-aes-cmac: AES CMAC (rfc 4493) in Elixir
GitHub - kleinernik/elixir-aes-cmac: AES CMAC (rfc 4493) in Elixir
GitHub - adamkittelson/block_timer: Macros to use :timer.apply_after and :timer.apply_interval with a block
GitHub - adamkittelson/block_timer: Macros to use :timer.apply_after and :timer.apply_interval with a block
GitHub - surik/rebar3_abnfc_plugin: Rebar3 abnfc plugin
GitHub - surik/rebar3_abnfc_plugin: Rebar3 abnfc plugin
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/elixir-weaviate: Weaviate Rest Wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/elixir-weaviate: Weaviate Rest Wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - avdi/dotenv_elixir: A port of dotenv to Elixir
GitHub - avdi/dotenv_elixir: A port of dotenv to Elixir
GitHub - caddishouse/reader: A web-based document reader.
GitHub - caddishouse/reader: A web-based document reader.
GitHub - tsurupin/job_search: An app to search startup jobs scraped from websites written in Elixir, Phoenix, React and styled-components.
GitHub - tsurupin/job_search: An app to search startup jobs scraped from websites written in Elixir, Phoenix, React and styled-components.
GitHub - lexmag/oauther: OAuth 1.0 for Elixir
GitHub - lexmag/oauther: OAuth 1.0 for Elixir
GitHub - sasa1977/fsm: Finite State Machine data structure
GitHub - sasa1977/fsm: Finite State Machine data structure
GitHub - JordiPolo/dataframe: Package providing functionality similar to Python's Pandas or R's data.frame()
GitHub - JordiPolo/dataframe: Package providing functionality similar to Python's Pandas or R's data.frame()
GitHub - vic/indifferent: Elixir Indifferent access on maps/lists/tuples with custom key transforms.
GitHub - vic/indifferent: Elixir Indifferent access on maps/lists/tuples with custom key transforms.
GitHub - massemanet/eper: Erlang performance and debugging tools
GitHub - massemanet/eper: Erlang performance and debugging tools
GitHub - maarek/ether: An Elixir Debugger
GitHub - maarek/ether: An Elixir Debugger
GitHub - dashbitco/nimble_totp: A tiny Elixir library for time-based one time passwords (TOTP)
GitHub - dashbitco/nimble_totp: A tiny Elixir library for time-based one time passwords (TOTP)
GitHub - Bounceapp/elixir-vercel
GitHub - Bounceapp/elixir-vercel
GitHub - fazibear/ex_ical: ICalendar parser for Elixir.
GitHub - fazibear/ex_ical: ICalendar parser for Elixir.
GitHub - sebastiw/rebar3_idl_compiler
GitHub - sebastiw/rebar3_idl_compiler
GitHub - zamith/sass_elixir: A sass plugin for elixir projects
GitHub - zamith/sass_elixir: A sass plugin for elixir projects
GitHub - bitgamma/synthex: A signal synthesis library
GitHub - bitgamma/synthex: A signal synthesis library
GitHub - pvmart/rebar3_live: Rebar3 live plugin
GitHub - pvmart/rebar3_live: Rebar3 live plugin
GitHub - exstruct/etude: futures for elixir/erlang
GitHub - exstruct/etude: futures for elixir/erlang
GitHub - tchoutri/Exon: Exon is a “mess manager” developed in Elixir and provides a simple API to manage & document your stuff.
GitHub - tchoutri/Exon: Exon is a “mess manager” developed in Elixir and provides a simple API to manage & document your stuff.
GitHub - alfert/coverex: Coverage Reports for Elixir
GitHub - alfert/coverex: Coverage Reports for Elixir
GitHub - DevL/good_times: Expressive and easy to use datetime functions in Elixir.
GitHub - DevL/good_times: Expressive and easy to use datetime functions in Elixir.
GitHub - elpassion/sprint-poker: Online estimation tool for Agile teams.
GitHub - elpassion/sprint-poker: Online estimation tool for Agile teams.
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-trello: Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-trello: Trello tribute done in Elixir, Phoenix Framework, React and Redux.
GitHub - HashNuke/ansible-elixir-stack: Ansible role to setup server with Elixir & Postgres to deploy apps
GitHub - HashNuke/ansible-elixir-stack: Ansible role to setup server with Elixir & Postgres to deploy apps
GitHub - ayrat555/rock: Elixir implementation of ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes
GitHub - ayrat555/rock: Elixir implementation of ROCK: A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Attributes
GitHub - stride-nyc/remote_retro: Free, world-class retrospectives
GitHub - stride-nyc/remote_retro: Free, world-class retrospectives
GitHub - trestrantham/ex_figaro: Figaro for Elixir
GitHub - trestrantham/ex_figaro: Figaro for Elixir
GitHub - erpuno/ecsv: 💠 ECSV: Потоковий CSV парсер
GitHub - erpuno/ecsv: 💠 ECSV: Потоковий CSV парсер
GitHub - atabary/moment: Moment is designed to bring easy date and time handling to Elixir.
GitHub - atabary/moment: Moment is designed to bring easy date and time handling to Elixir.
GitHub - axelson/dep_viz: A visual tool to help developers understand Elixir recompilation in their projects
GitHub - axelson/dep_viz: A visual tool to help developers understand Elixir recompilation in their projects
GitHub - nurugger07/chronos: An elixir date/time library
GitHub - nurugger07/chronos: An elixir date/time library
GitHub - nathanhornby/emojiclock-elixir: An Elixir module for returning an emoji clock for a given hour
GitHub - nathanhornby/emojiclock-elixir: An Elixir module for returning an emoji clock for a given hour
GitHub - aerosol/Tabula: :u7533: Pretty printer for maps/structs collections (Elixir)
GitHub - aerosol/Tabula: :u7533: Pretty printer for maps/structs collections (Elixir)
GitHub - gridpoint-com/plox: Server-side rendered SVG graphing components for Phoenix and LiveView
GitHub - gridpoint-com/plox: Server-side rendered SVG graphing components for Phoenix and LiveView
GitHub - anoskov/rsa-ex: Library for working with RSA keys using Elixir and OpenSSL ports
GitHub - anoskov/rsa-ex: Library for working with RSA keys using Elixir and OpenSSL ports
GitHub - nirvana/belvedere: An example of CircleCI integration with Elixir
GitHub - nirvana/belvedere: An example of CircleCI integration with Elixir
GitHub - Ahamtech/elixir-gandi
GitHub - Ahamtech/elixir-gandi
GitHub - jbernardo95/cronex: A cron like system built in Elixir, that you can mount in your supervision tree
GitHub - jbernardo95/cronex: A cron like system built in Elixir, that you can mount in your supervision tree
GitHub - liveforeverx/exscript: Elixir escript library (derived work from elixir)
GitHub - liveforeverx/exscript: Elixir escript library (derived work from elixir)
GitHub - jarednorman/dismake: a "compiler" (as in `Mix.compilers`) for Elixir that just runs make
GitHub - jarednorman/dismake: a "compiler" (as in `Mix.compilers`) for Elixir that just runs make
GitHub - vans163/rebar3_auto: Rebar3 plugin to auto compile and reload on file change.
GitHub - vans163/rebar3_auto: Rebar3 plugin to auto compile and reload on file change.
GitHub - alexfilatov/guardian_redis: Guardian DB Redis adapter
GitHub - alexfilatov/guardian_redis: Guardian DB Redis adapter
GitHub - lycus/exmake: A modern, scriptable, dependency-based build tool loosely based on Make principles.
GitHub - lycus/exmake: A modern, scriptable, dependency-based build tool loosely based on Make principles.
GitHub - khusnetdinov/phoenix_routes_js: Phoenix routes helpers in JavaScript code.
GitHub - khusnetdinov/phoenix_routes_js: Phoenix routes helpers in JavaScript code.
GitHub - sashman/absinthe_gen: Scaffold generator for elixir phoenix absinthe projects
GitHub - sashman/absinthe_gen: Scaffold generator for elixir phoenix absinthe projects
GitHub - kbrw/exfsm: Simple elixir library to define a static FSM.
GitHub - kbrw/exfsm: Simple elixir library to define a static FSM.
GitHub - arago/lru_cache: ETS-based fix-sized LRU cache for elixir
GitHub - arago/lru_cache: ETS-based fix-sized LRU cache for elixir
Application of a computer to improve the results obtained in working with the SuperMemo method - SuperMemo
Application of a computer to improve the results obtained in working with the SuperMemo method - SuperMemo
Application of a computer to improve the results obtained in working with the SuperMemo method. This text was taken from P.A.Wozniak.
GitHub - entone/firmata: Firmata protocol in Elixir
GitHub - entone/firmata: Firmata protocol in Elixir
GitHub - msoedov/firex: Firex is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from elixir module
GitHub - msoedov/firex: Firex is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from elixir module
GitHub - Dkendal/aruspex: A configurable constraint solver
GitHub - Dkendal/aruspex: A configurable constraint solver
GitHub - stavro/remodel: :necktie: An Elixir presenter package used to transform map structures.  "ActiveModel::Serializer for Elixir"
GitHub - stavro/remodel: :necktie: An Elixir presenter package used to transform map structures. "ActiveModel::Serializer for Elixir"
GitHub - savonarola/optimus: Command line arguments parser for Elixir
GitHub - savonarola/optimus: Command line arguments parser for Elixir
GitHub - potatosalad/erlang-crypto_rsassa_pss: RSASSA-PSS Public Key Cryptographic Signature Algorithm for Erlang and Elixir.
GitHub - potatosalad/erlang-crypto_rsassa_pss: RSASSA-PSS Public Key Cryptographic Signature Algorithm for Erlang and Elixir.
GitHub - CargoSense/ex_csv: CSV for Elixir
GitHub - CargoSense/ex_csv: CSV for Elixir
GitHub - whitfin/siphash-elixir: An Elixir implementation of the SipHash cryptographic hash family
GitHub - whitfin/siphash-elixir: An Elixir implementation of the SipHash cryptographic hash family
GitHub - manelli/ex_bcrypt: Elixir wrapper for the OpenBSD bcrypt password hashing algorithm
GitHub - manelli/ex_bcrypt: Elixir wrapper for the OpenBSD bcrypt password hashing algorithm
GitHub - alisinabh/ntru_elixir: a NIF for libntru. NTRU is a post quantum cryptography algorithm.
GitHub - alisinabh/ntru_elixir: a NIF for libntru. NTRU is a post quantum cryptography algorithm.
GitHub - gordalina/hush_gcp_secret_manager: A Google Secret Manager Provider for Hush
GitHub - gordalina/hush_gcp_secret_manager: A Google Secret Manager Provider for Hush
GitHub - hopsor/open_hours: Time calculations using business hours
GitHub - hopsor/open_hours: Time calculations using business hours
GitHub - erlware/relx: Sane, simple release creation for Erlang
GitHub - erlware/relx: Sane, simple release creation for Erlang
GitHub - peburrows/goth: Elixir package for Oauth authentication via Google Cloud APIs
GitHub - peburrows/goth: Elixir package for Oauth authentication via Google Cloud APIs
GitHub - jarednorman/canada: Easy permission definitions in Elixir apps!
GitHub - jarednorman/canada: Easy permission definitions in Elixir apps!
GitHub - madebymany/passwordless_auth: A library for simple passwordless authentication
GitHub - madebymany/passwordless_auth: A library for simple passwordless authentication
GitHub - jshmrtn/phoenix-client-ssl: Set of Plugs / Lib to help with SSL Client Auth.
GitHub - jshmrtn/phoenix-client-ssl: Set of Plugs / Lib to help with SSL Client Auth.
GitHub - yesmeck/hexdocset: Convert hex doc to Dash.app's docset format.
GitHub - yesmeck/hexdocset: Convert hex doc to Dash.app's docset format.
GitHub - annkissam/akd: Elixir Deployment Automation Package
GitHub - annkissam/akd: Elixir Deployment Automation Package
GitHub - excavador/rebar3_neotoma_plugin: Rebar3 neotoma (Parser Expression Grammar) compiler
GitHub - excavador/rebar3_neotoma_plugin: Rebar3 neotoma (Parser Expression Grammar) compiler
GitHub - meh/cesso: CSV handling library for Elixir.
GitHub - meh/cesso: CSV handling library for Elixir.
GitHub - alice-bot/alice: A Slack bot framework for Elixir; down the rabbit hole!
GitHub - alice-bot/alice: A Slack bot framework for Elixir; down the rabbit hole!
GitHub - rrrene/credo: A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching.
GitHub - rrrene/credo: A static code analysis tool for the Elixir language with a focus on code consistency and teaching.
GitHub - bitwalker/libcluster: Automatic cluster formation/healing for Elixir applications
GitHub - bitwalker/libcluster: Automatic cluster formation/healing for Elixir applications
GitHub - bitwalker/exirc: IRC client adapter for Elixir projects
GitHub - bitwalker/exirc: IRC client adapter for Elixir projects
GitHub - general-CbIC/poolex: A library for managing pools of workers
GitHub - general-CbIC/poolex: A library for managing pools of workers
GitHub - bharani91/ex-shop: Digital goods shop & blog created using Elixir (Phoenix framework)
GitHub - bharani91/ex-shop: Digital goods shop & blog created using Elixir (Phoenix framework)
GitHub - operable/cog: Bringing the power of the command line to chat
GitHub - operable/cog: Bringing the power of the command line to chat
GitHub - BennyHallett/anubis: Command Line application framework for Elixir
GitHub - BennyHallett/anubis: Command Line application framework for Elixir
GitHub - phoenixframework/ex_conf: Simple Elixir Configuration Management
GitHub - phoenixframework/ex_conf: Simple Elixir Configuration Management
GitHub - rozap/exgpg: gpg interface
GitHub - rozap/exgpg: gpg interface
GitHub - okeuday/nodefinder: Strategies For Automatic Node Discovery
GitHub - okeuday/nodefinder: Strategies For Automatic Node Discovery
GitHub - rengel-de/calixir: Calixir is a port of the Lisp calendar software calendrica-4.0 to Elixir.
GitHub - rengel-de/calixir: Calixir is a port of the Lisp calendar software calendrica-4.0 to Elixir.
GitHub - rcdilorenzo/repeatex: Natural language for repeating dates
GitHub - rcdilorenzo/repeatex: Natural language for repeating dates
GitHub - Nebo15/confex: Useful helper to read and use application configuration from environment variables.
GitHub - Nebo15/confex: Useful helper to read and use application configuration from environment variables.
GitHub - ingerslevio/kubex: Kubex is the kubernetes integration for Elixir projects and it is written in pure Elixir.
GitHub - ingerslevio/kubex: Kubex is the kubernetes integration for Elixir projects and it is written in pure Elixir.
GitHub - he9qi/ueberauth_weibo: Weibo OAuth2 strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - he9qi/ueberauth_weibo: Weibo OAuth2 strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - synrc/mad: ⚡ MAD: Managing Application Dependencies LING/UNIX
GitHub - synrc/mad: ⚡ MAD: Managing Application Dependencies LING/UNIX
GitHub - marceldegraaf/ueberauth_cas: Central Authentication Service strategy for Überauth
GitHub - marceldegraaf/ueberauth_cas: Central Authentication Service strategy for Überauth
GitHub - xerions/phoenix_swagger: Swagger integration to Phoenix framework
GitHub - xerions/phoenix_swagger: Swagger integration to Phoenix framework
GitHub - JonGretar/ExDocDash: Dash.app formatter for ex_doc.
GitHub - JonGretar/ExDocDash: Dash.app formatter for ex_doc.
GitHub - d0rc/sweetconfig: something to forget about configuration in releases
GitHub - d0rc/sweetconfig: something to forget about configuration in releases
GitHub - asonge/erlaudio: Erlang PortAudio bindings
GitHub - asonge/erlaudio: Erlang PortAudio bindings
GitHub - whitfin/cachex: A powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks and expirations
GitHub - whitfin/cachex: A powerful caching library for Elixir with support for transactions, fallbacks and expirations
GitHub - lpil/dogma: :closed_lock_with_key: A code style linter for Elixir
GitHub - lpil/dogma: :closed_lock_with_key: A code style linter for Elixir
GitHub - khusnetdinov/loki: :pencil: Loki is library that includes helpers for building powerful interactive command line applications, tasks, modules.
GitHub - khusnetdinov/loki: :pencil: Loki is library that includes helpers for building powerful interactive command line applications, tasks, modules.
GitHub - jalaali/elixir-jalaali: Jalaali (also known as Jalali, Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) calendar implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - jalaali/elixir-jalaali: Jalaali (also known as Jalali, Persian, Khorshidi, Shamsi) calendar implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - Nebo15/bsoneach: Elixir package that applies a function to each document in a BSON file.
GitHub - Nebo15/bsoneach: Elixir package that applies a function to each document in a BSON file.
GitHub - swelham/ueberauth_microsoft: Microsoft Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - swelham/ueberauth_microsoft: Microsoft Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - AgilionApps/remix: Automatic recompilation of mix code on file change.
GitHub - AgilionApps/remix: Automatic recompilation of mix code on file change.
GitHub - maennchen/crontab: Parse Cron Expressions, Compose Cron Expression Strings and Caluclate Execution Dates.
GitHub - maennchen/crontab: Parse Cron Expressions, Compose Cron Expression Strings and Caluclate Execution Dates.
GitHub - kurenn/medusa_server: A simple web server written in elixir to stack images
GitHub - kurenn/medusa_server: A simple web server written in elixir to stack images
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_twitter: Twitter Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_twitter: Twitter Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - chrislaskey/oauth2_github: A GitHub OAuth2 Provider for Elixir
GitHub - chrislaskey/oauth2_github: A GitHub OAuth2 Provider for Elixir
GitHub - dulltools/ex_alsa: ALSA NIFs in C for Elixir.
GitHub - dulltools/ex_alsa: ALSA NIFs in C for Elixir.
GitHub - trapped/elixir-rsa: Erlang public_key cryptography wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - trapped/elixir-rsa: Erlang public_key cryptography wrapper for Elixir
GitHub - qhool/quaff: Erlang/Elixir helpers
GitHub - qhool/quaff: Erlang/Elixir helpers
GitHub - marciol/inspector: A simple tool to manage inspect debugger
GitHub - marciol/inspector: A simple tool to manage inspect debugger
GitHub - benoitc/rebar3_protobuffs: rebar3 protobuffs provider using protobuffs from Basho
GitHub - benoitc/rebar3_protobuffs: rebar3 protobuffs provider using protobuffs from Basho
GitHub - fuelen/owl: A toolkit for writing command-line user interfaces.
GitHub - fuelen/owl: A toolkit for writing command-line user interfaces.
GitHub - kellymclaughlin/rebar3-eqc-plugin: A rebar3 plugin to enable the execution of Erlang QuickCheck properties
GitHub - kellymclaughlin/rebar3-eqc-plugin: A rebar3 plugin to enable the execution of Erlang QuickCheck properties
GitHub - gmcabrita/bloomex: :hibiscus: A pure Elixir implementation of Scalable Bloom Filters
GitHub - gmcabrita/bloomex: :hibiscus: A pure Elixir implementation of Scalable Bloom Filters
GitHub - parroty/exprof: A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof.
GitHub - parroty/exprof: A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof.
GitHub - ueberauth/guardian_db: Guardian DB integration for tracking tokens and ensuring logout cannot be replayed.
GitHub - ueberauth/guardian_db: Guardian DB integration for tracking tokens and ensuring logout cannot be replayed.
GitHub - MikaAK/request_cache_plug: Request caching for Phoenix & Absinthe (GraphQL), short circuiting even the JSON decoding/encoding
GitHub - MikaAK/request_cache_plug: Request caching for Phoenix & Absinthe (GraphQL), short circuiting even the JSON decoding/encoding
GitHub - riverrun/comeonin: Password hashing specification for the Elixir programming language
GitHub - riverrun/comeonin: Password hashing specification for the Elixir programming language
GitHub - easco/configparser_ex: A simple Elixir parser for the same kind of files that Python's configparser library handles
GitHub - easco/configparser_ex: A simple Elixir parser for the same kind of files that Python's configparser library handles
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_facebook: Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_facebook: Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - khusnetdinov/sesamex: [WIP] Another authentication hex for Phoenix.
GitHub - khusnetdinov/sesamex: [WIP] Another authentication hex for Phoenix.
GitHub - bryanjos/aws_auth: AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Library for Elixir
GitHub - bryanjos/aws_auth: AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Library for Elixir
GitHub - coryodaniel/speakeasy: Middleware based authorization for Absinthe GraphQL powered by Bodyguard
GitHub - coryodaniel/speakeasy: Middleware based authorization for Absinthe GraphQL powered by Bodyguard
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_google: Google OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_google: Google OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - khusnetdinov/phoenix_gon: :fire: Phoenix variables in your JavaScript without headache.
GitHub - khusnetdinov/phoenix_gon: :fire: Phoenix variables in your JavaScript without headache.
GitHub - tyre/red_black_tree: Red-black tree implementation for Elixir.
GitHub - tyre/red_black_tree: Red-black tree implementation for Elixir.
GitHub - mrdimosthenis/emel: A simple and functional machine learning library for the Erlang ecosystem
GitHub - mrdimosthenis/emel: A simple and functional machine learning library for the Erlang ecosystem
GitHub - rob-brown/MonadEx: Upgrade your pipelines with monads.
GitHub - rob-brown/MonadEx: Upgrade your pipelines with monads.
GitHub - jfrolich/authorize: Rule based authorization for Elixir
GitHub - jfrolich/authorize: Rule based authorization for Elixir
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth: An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth: An Elixir Authentication System for Plug-based Web Applications
GitHub - versilov/matrex: A blazing fast matrix library for Elixir/Erlang with C implementation using CBLAS.
GitHub - versilov/matrex: A blazing fast matrix library for Elixir/Erlang with C implementation using CBLAS.
GitHub - danielberkompas/cloak: Elixir encryption library designed for Ecto
GitHub - danielberkompas/cloak: Elixir encryption library designed for Ecto
GitHub - Cantido/int_set: A time- and memory-efficient data structure for positive integers.
GitHub - Cantido/int_set: A time- and memory-efficient data structure for positive integers.
GitHub - coryodaniel/k8s: Kubernetes API Client for Elixir
GitHub - coryodaniel/k8s: Kubernetes API Client for Elixir
GitHub - alco/benchfella: Microbenchmarking tool for Elixir
GitHub - alco/benchfella: Microbenchmarking tool for Elixir
GitHub - labzero/bootleg: Simple deployment and server automation for Elixir.
GitHub - labzero/bootleg: Simple deployment and server automation for Elixir.
GitHub - api-hogs/bureaucrat: Generate Phoenix API documentation from tests
GitHub - api-hogs/bureaucrat: Generate Phoenix API documentation from tests
GitHub - elixirscript/elixirscript: Converts Elixir to JavaScript
GitHub - elixirscript/elixirscript: Converts Elixir to JavaScript
GitHub - gordalina/hush_aws_secrets_manager: An AWS Secrets Manager Provider for Hush
GitHub - gordalina/hush_aws_secrets_manager: An AWS Secrets Manager Provider for Hush
GitHub - CrowdHailer/elixir-on-docker: Quickly get started developing clustered Elixir applications for cloud environments.
GitHub - CrowdHailer/elixir-on-docker: Quickly get started developing clustered Elixir applications for cloud environments.
GitHub - dashbitco/flow: Computational parallel flows on top of GenStage
GitHub - dashbitco/flow: Computational parallel flows on top of GenStage
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/doorman: Tools to make Plug, and Phoenix authentication simple and flexible.
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/doorman: Tools to make Plug, and Phoenix authentication simple and flexible.
GitHub - undeadlabs/discovery: An OTP application for auto-discovering services with Consul
GitHub - undeadlabs/discovery: An OTP application for auto-discovering services with Consul
GitHub - henrik/progress_bar: Command-line progress bars and spinners for Elixir.
GitHub - henrik/progress_bar: Command-line progress bars and spinners for Elixir.
GitHub - ntrepid8/ex_crypto: Wrapper around the Erlang crypto module for Elixir.
GitHub - ntrepid8/ex_crypto: Wrapper around the Erlang crypto module for Elixir.
GitHub - djm/table_rex: An Elixir app which generates text-based tables for display
GitHub - djm/table_rex: An Elixir app which generates text-based tables for display
GitHub - aws-beam/aws-elixir: AWS clients for Elixir
GitHub - aws-beam/aws-elixir: AWS clients for Elixir
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_github: GitHub OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_github: GitHub OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - folz/bento: :bento: A fast, correct, pure-Elixir library for reading and writing Bencoded metainfo (.torrent) files.
GitHub - folz/bento: :bento: A fast, correct, pure-Elixir library for reading and writing Bencoded metainfo (.torrent) files.
GitHub - joeyates/exdm: Deploy Elixir applications via mix tasks
GitHub - joeyates/exdm: Deploy Elixir applications via mix tasks
GitHub - danhper/ex_cli: User friendly CLI apps for Elixir
GitHub - danhper/ex_cli: User friendly CLI apps for Elixir
GitHub - bjufre/ex_prompt: ExPrompt is a helper package to add interactivity to your command line applications as easy as possible.
GitHub - bjufre/ex_prompt: ExPrompt is a helper package to add interactivity to your command line applications as easy as possible.
GitHub - atabary/timex-interval: A date/time interval library for Elixir projects, based on Timex.
GitHub - atabary/timex-interval: A date/time interval library for Elixir projects, based on Timex.
GitHub - smoku/phoenix_api_docs: Phoenix API Docs
GitHub - smoku/phoenix_api_docs: Phoenix API Docs
GitHub - okeuday/reltool_util: Erlang reltool utility functionality application
GitHub - okeuday/reltool_util: Erlang reltool utility functionality application
GitHub - wooga/locker: Atomic distributed "check and set" for short-lived keys
GitHub - wooga/locker: Atomic distributed "check and set" for short-lived keys
GitHub - redink/extrace: Elixir wrapper for Recon Trace.
GitHub - redink/extrace: Elixir wrapper for Recon Trace.
GitHub - Yawolf/yocingo
GitHub - Yawolf/yocingo
GitHub - hedwig-im/hedwig: An Adapter-based Bot Framework for Elixir Applications
GitHub - hedwig-im/hedwig: An Adapter-based Bot Framework for Elixir Applications
GitHub - karolsluszniak/ex_check: One task to efficiently run all code analysis & testing tools in an Elixir project. Born out of 💜 to Elixir and pragmatism.
GitHub - karolsluszniak/ex_check: One task to efficiently run all code analysis & testing tools in an Elixir project. Born out of 💜 to Elixir and pragmatism.
GitHub - cabol/nebulex: In-memory and distributed caching toolkit for Elixir.
GitHub - cabol/nebulex: In-memory and distributed caching toolkit for Elixir.
GitHub - alexfilatov/ueberauth_line: LINE strategy for Ueberauth
GitHub - alexfilatov/ueberauth_line: LINE strategy for Ueberauth
GitHub - borodiychuk/ueberauth_foursquare: Foursquare OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - borodiychuk/ueberauth_foursquare: Foursquare OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - tsharju/elixir_locker
GitHub - tsharju/elixir_locker
GitHub - zmoshansky/aeacus: A simple, secure, and highly configurable Elixir identity [username | email | id | etc.]/password authentication module to use with Ecto.
GitHub - zmoshansky/aeacus: A simple, secure, and highly configurable Elixir identity [username | email | id | etc.]/password authentication module to use with Ecto.
GitHub - Ahamtech/elixir-leaseweb: Leaseweb API Wrapper for Elixir and Erlang
GitHub - Ahamtech/elixir-leaseweb: Leaseweb API Wrapper for Elixir and Erlang
GitHub - rubencaro/cipher: Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries
GitHub - rubencaro/cipher: Elixir crypto library to encrypt/decrypt arbitrary binaries
GitHub - lau/calendar: date-time and time zone handling in Elixir
GitHub - lau/calendar: date-time and time zone handling in Elixir
GitHub - handnot2/sigaws: An Elixir library to sign and verify HTTP requests using AWS Signature V4
GitHub - handnot2/sigaws: An Elixir library to sign and verify HTTP requests using AWS Signature V4
GitHub - mojolingo/mojo-auth.ex: MojoAuth implementation in Elixir
GitHub - mojolingo/mojo-auth.ex: MojoAuth implementation in Elixir
MojoAuth implementation in Elixir. Contribute to mojolingo/mojo-auth.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - membraneframework/beamchmark: Elixir tool for benchmarking EVM performance
GitHub - membraneframework/beamchmark: Elixir tool for benchmarking EVM performance
GitHub - ymtszw/hipchat_elixir: [DISCONTINUED] HipChat client library for Elixir
GitHub - ymtszw/hipchat_elixir: [DISCONTINUED] HipChat client library for Elixir
GitHub - chrislaskey/oauth2_facebook: A Facebook OAuth2 Provider for Elixir
GitHub - chrislaskey/oauth2_facebook: A Facebook OAuth2 Provider for Elixir
GitHub - codedge-llc/scribe: Pretty print tables of Elixir structs and maps.
GitHub - codedge-llc/scribe: Pretty print tables of Elixir structs and maps.
GitHub - sashaafm/nomad: Elixir/Phoenix Cloud SDK and Deployment Tool
GitHub - sashaafm/nomad: Elixir/Phoenix Cloud SDK and Deployment Tool
GitHub - emadalam/mahaul: Supercharge your environment variables in Elixir. Parse and validate with compile time access guarantees, defaults, fallbacks and app pre-boot validations.
GitHub - emadalam/mahaul: Supercharge your environment variables in Elixir. Parse and validate with compile time access guarantees, defaults, fallbacks and app pre-boot validations.
GitHub - schrockwell/bodyguard: Simple authorization conventions for Phoenix apps
GitHub - schrockwell/bodyguard: Simple authorization conventions for Phoenix apps
GitHub - rubencaro/bottler: Get your Elixir into proper recipients, and serve it nicely to final consumers
GitHub - rubencaro/bottler: Get your Elixir into proper recipients, and serve it nicely to final consumers
GitHub - ex-aws/ex_aws: A flexible, easy to use set of clients AWS APIs for Elixir
GitHub - ex-aws/ex_aws: A flexible, easy to use set of clients AWS APIs for Elixir
GitHub - alehander92/wire: encode and decode bittorrent peer wire protocol messages with elixir
GitHub - alehander92/wire: encode and decode bittorrent peer wire protocol messages with elixir
GitHub - absinthe-graphql/absinthe: The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
GitHub - absinthe-graphql/absinthe: The GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
GitHub - hahuang65/beaker: A mirror for https://git.sr.ht/~hwrd/beaker
GitHub - hahuang65/beaker: A mirror for https://git.sr.ht/~hwrd/beaker
GitHub - zampino/exnn: An Elixir Evolutive Neural Network framework à la G.Sher
GitHub - zampino/exnn: An Elixir Evolutive Neural Network framework à la G.Sher
GitHub - jlouis/fuse: A Circuit Breaker for Erlang
GitHub - jlouis/fuse: A Circuit Breaker for Erlang
GitHub - jcomellas/getopt: Erlang module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax
GitHub - jcomellas/getopt: Erlang module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax
GitHub - Arp-G/csv2sql: A blazing fast fully-automated CSV to database importer
GitHub - Arp-G/csv2sql: A blazing fast fully-automated CSV to database importer
GitHub - coryodaniel/bonny: The Elixir based Kubernetes Development Framework
GitHub - coryodaniel/bonny: The Elixir based Kubernetes Development Framework
GitHub - Nebo15/skycluster: Automatic cluster formation/healing for Elixir applications.
GitHub - Nebo15/skycluster: Automatic cluster formation/healing for Elixir applications.
GitHub - processone/rebar3_exunit: A plugin to run Elixir ExUnit tests from rebar3 build tool
GitHub - processone/rebar3_exunit: A plugin to run Elixir ExUnit tests from rebar3 build tool
GitHub - joekain/bmark: A benchmarking tool for Elixir
GitHub - joekain/bmark: A benchmarking tool for Elixir
GitHub - railsmechanic/zachaeus: An easy to use licensing system, using asymmetric cryptography to generate and validate licenses.
GitHub - railsmechanic/zachaeus: An easy to use licensing system, using asymmetric cryptography to generate and validate licenses.
GitHub - jr0senblum/jc: Erlang, in-memory distributable cache
GitHub - jr0senblum/jc: Erlang, in-memory distributable cache
GitHub - Cinderella-Man/igthorn: Cryptocurrency trading platform
GitHub - Cinderella-Man/igthorn: Cryptocurrency trading platform
GitHub - Bounceapp/elixir-calendarific: An Elixir wrapper for the holiday API Calendarific
GitHub - Bounceapp/elixir-calendarific: An Elixir wrapper for the holiday API Calendarific
GitHub - sasa1977/con_cache: ets based key/value cache with row level isolated writes and ttl support
GitHub - sasa1977/con_cache: ets based key/value cache with row level isolated writes and ttl support
GitHub - fredwu/simple_bayes: A Naive Bayes machine learning implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - fredwu/simple_bayes: A Naive Bayes machine learning implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - yosriady/merkle_tree: :evergreen_tree: Merkle Tree implementation in pure Elixir
GitHub - yosriady/merkle_tree: :evergreen_tree: Merkle Tree implementation in pure Elixir
GitHub - kagux/ex_debug_toolbar: A debug web toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about request
GitHub - kagux/ex_debug_toolbar: A debug web toolbar for Phoenix projects to display all sorts of information about request
GitHub - yuce/pot: POT is an Erlang library for generating Google Authenticator compatible one time passwords
GitHub - yuce/pot: POT is an Erlang library for generating Google Authenticator compatible one time passwords
GitHub - ericentin/gen_state_machine: An idiomatic Elixir wrapper for gen_statem in OTP 19 (and above).
GitHub - ericentin/gen_state_machine: An idiomatic Elixir wrapper for gen_statem in OTP 19 (and above).
GitHub - BayesWitnesses/m2cgen: Transform ML models into a native code (Java, C, Python, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, R, PowerShell, PHP, Dart, Haskell, Ruby, F#, Rust) with zero dependencies
GitHub - BayesWitnesses/m2cgen: Transform ML models into a native code (Java, C, Python, Go, JavaScript, Visual Basic, C#, R, PowerShell, PHP, Dart, Haskell, Ruby, F#, Rust) with zero dependencies
GitHub - Clivern/Lynx: 🐺 A Fast, Secure and Reliable Terraform Backend, Set up in Minutes.
GitHub - Clivern/Lynx: 🐺 A Fast, Secure and Reliable Terraform Backend, Set up in Minutes.
GitHub - rcdilorenzo/filtrex: A library for performing and validating complex filters from a client (e.g. smart filters)
GitHub - rcdilorenzo/filtrex: A library for performing and validating complex filters from a client (e.g. smart filters)
GitHub - blt/port_compiler: A rebar3 port compiler
GitHub - blt/port_compiler: A rebar3 port compiler
GitHub - melpon/memoize: A method caching macro for elixir using CAS on ETS.
GitHub - melpon/memoize: A method caching macro for elixir using CAS on ETS.
GitHub - StevenJL/parex: An elixir module for parallel execution of functions/processes
GitHub - StevenJL/parex: An elixir module for parallel execution of functions/processes
GitHub - koudelka/slacker: An Elixir Slack bot! (work in progress)
GitHub - koudelka/slacker: An Elixir Slack bot! (work in progress)
GitHub - fishcakez/dbg: Tracing for Elixir
GitHub - fishcakez/dbg: Tracing for Elixir
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_identity: A username/password Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_identity: A username/password Strategy for Überauth
GitHub - beatrichartz/csv: CSV Decoding and Encoding for Elixir
GitHub - beatrichartz/csv: CSV Decoding and Encoding for Elixir
Elixir’s Platform as a Service
Elixir’s Platform as a Service
The only platform that fully supports Elixir and Phoenix. Unlock the full power of Elixir/Phoenix. No infrastructure, maintenance, or operations.
GitHub - proger/eflame: Flame Graph profiler for Erlang
GitHub - proger/eflame: Flame Graph profiler for Erlang
GitHub - pow-auth/pow: Robust, modular, and extendable user authentication system
GitHub - pow-auth/pow: Robust, modular, and extendable user authentication system
GitHub - dashbitco/nimble_csv: A simple and fast CSV parsing and dumping library for Elixir
GitHub - dashbitco/nimble_csv: A simple and fast CSV parsing and dumping library for Elixir
GitHub - surik/rebar3_yang_plugin: Rebar3 yang compiler
GitHub - surik/rebar3_yang_plugin: Rebar3 yang compiler
GitHub - mgamini/oauth2cli-elixir: Simple OAuth2 client written for elixir
GitHub - mgamini/oauth2cli-elixir: Simple OAuth2 client written for elixir
GitHub - handnot2/samly: Elixir Plug library to enable SAML 2.0 SP SSO in Phoenix/Plug applications.
GitHub - handnot2/samly: Elixir Plug library to enable SAML 2.0 SP SSO in Phoenix/Plug applications.
GitHub - Artur-Sulej/excellent_migrations: An Elixir tool for checking safety of database migrations.
GitHub - Artur-Sulej/excellent_migrations: An Elixir tool for checking safety of database migrations.
GitHub - nietaki/rexbug: A thin Elixir wrapper for the redbug Erlang tracing debugger.
GitHub - nietaki/rexbug: A thin Elixir wrapper for the redbug Erlang tracing debugger.
GitHub - dulltools/ex_jack: JACK interface for Elixir using NIFs.
GitHub - dulltools/ex_jack: JACK interface for Elixir using NIFs.
GitHub - peek-travel/cocktail: Elixir date recurrence library based on iCalendar events
GitHub - peek-travel/cocktail: Elixir date recurrence library based on iCalendar events
GitHub - elixir-lang/ex_doc: ExDoc produces HTML and EPUB documentation for Elixir projects
GitHub - elixir-lang/ex_doc: ExDoc produces HTML and EPUB documentation for Elixir projects
GitHub - pprzetacznik/IElixir: Jupyter's kernel for Elixir programming language
GitHub - pprzetacznik/IElixir: Jupyter's kernel for Elixir programming language
GitHub - Queertoo/Queerlink: A simple yet efficient URL shortening service written in Elixir
GitHub - Queertoo/Queerlink: A simple yet efficient URL shortening service written in Elixir
GitHub - HashNuke/rotor: Super-simple build system for Elixir
GitHub - HashNuke/rotor: Super-simple build system for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-nx/axon: Nx-powered Neural Networks
GitHub - elixir-nx/axon: Nx-powered Neural Networks
GitHub - erlcloud/erlcloud: AWS APIs library for Erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, DDB,  ELB and etc)
GitHub - erlcloud/erlcloud: AWS APIs library for Erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, DDB, ELB and etc)
GitHub - miros/exreleasy: ⛔️ DEPRECATED A very simple tool for releasing elixir applications
GitHub - miros/exreleasy: ⛔️ DEPRECATED A very simple tool for releasing elixir applications
GitHub - KittyHeaven/blue_bird: API Documentation Generator for the Phoenix Framework
GitHub - KittyHeaven/blue_bird: API Documentation Generator for the Phoenix Framework
GitHub - parroty/oauth2ex: An OAuth 2.0 client library for elixir.
GitHub - parroty/oauth2ex: An OAuth 2.0 client library for elixir.
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/genai: Generative AI client for multiple providers with plugin extension support
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/genai: Generative AI client for multiple providers with plugin extension support
GitHub - ndreynolds/ratatouille: A TUI (terminal UI) kit for Elixir
GitHub - ndreynolds/ratatouille: A TUI (terminal UI) kit for Elixir
GitHub - MilosMosovsky/terminator: 🛡 Modern elixir ACL/ABAC library for managing granular user abilities and permissions
GitHub - MilosMosovsky/terminator: 🛡 Modern elixir ACL/ABAC library for managing granular user abilities and permissions
GitHub - cpjk/canary: :hatching_chick: Elixir authorization and resource-loading library for Plug applications.
GitHub - cpjk/canary: :hatching_chick: Elixir authorization and resource-loading library for Plug applications.
GitHub - qgadrian/elixir_git_hooks: 🪝 Add git hooks to Elixir projects
GitHub - qgadrian/elixir_git_hooks: 🪝 Add git hooks to Elixir projects
GitHub - bunnylushington/Apache.PasswdMD5: Apache/APR Style Password Hashing
GitHub - bunnylushington/Apache.PasswdMD5: Apache/APR Style Password Hashing
Apache/APR Style Password Hashing. Contribute to bunnylushington/Apache.PasswdMD5 development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - QuinnWilton/stockastic: Simple Elixir wrapper for the Stockfighter API
GitHub - QuinnWilton/stockastic: Simple Elixir wrapper for the Stockfighter API
GitHub - dwyl/elixir-auth-google: 👤Minimalist Google OAuth Authentication for Elixir Apps. Tested, Documented & Maintained. Setup in 5 mins. 🚀
GitHub - dwyl/elixir-auth-google: 👤Minimalist Google OAuth Authentication for Elixir Apps. Tested, Documented & Maintained. Setup in 5 mins. 🚀
GitHub - zhongwencool/observer_cli: Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line
GitHub - zhongwencool/observer_cli: Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line
GitHub - fremantle-industries/workbench: From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
GitHub - fremantle-industries/workbench: From Idea to Execution - Manage your trading operation across a distributed cluster
GitHub - quantum-elixir/quantum-core: :watch: Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir
GitHub - quantum-elixir/quantum-core: :watch: Cron-like job scheduler for Elixir
GitHub - aaronrenner/phx_gen_auth: An authentication system generator for Phoenix 1.5 applications.
GitHub - aaronrenner/phx_gen_auth: An authentication system generator for Phoenix 1.5 applications.
GitHub - BigThinkcode/ex_aws_msk_iam_auth: AWS_MSK_IAM Authentication Plugin for Broadway Kafka
GitHub - BigThinkcode/ex_aws_msk_iam_auth: AWS_MSK_IAM Authentication Plugin for Broadway Kafka
GitHub - synrc/bpe: 💠 BPE: BPMN Process Engine ISO 19510
GitHub - synrc/bpe: 💠 BPE: BPMN Process Engine ISO 19510
GitHub - liveforeverx/exrun: Runtime and debugging tools for elixir
GitHub - liveforeverx/exrun: Runtime and debugging tools for elixir
GitHub - joaomdmoura/machinery: Elixir State machine thin layer for structs
GitHub - joaomdmoura/machinery: Elixir State machine thin layer for structs
GitHub - gordalina/hush: Hush is a runtime configuration loader for Elixir applications
GitHub - gordalina/hush: Hush is a runtime configuration loader for Elixir applications
GitHub - lau/tzdata: tzdata for Elixir. Born from the Calendar library.
GitHub - lau/tzdata: tzdata for Elixir. Born from the Calendar library.
GitHub - alehander92/tracker_request: an elixir library for dealing with bittorrent tracker requests and responses
GitHub - alehander92/tracker_request: an elixir library for dealing with bittorrent tracker requests and responses
GitHub - defp/github_oauth: A simple github oauth library
GitHub - defp/github_oauth: A simple github oauth library
GitHub - elixirscript/elixir-estree: The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir
GitHub - elixirscript/elixir-estree: The ESTree Nodes and JavaScript AST to JavaScript Code Generator in Elixir
GitHub - tyre/sorted_set: Sorted Set library for Elixir
GitHub - tyre/sorted_set: Sorted Set library for Elixir
GitHub - wkhere/eastar: A* graph pathfinding in pure Elixir
GitHub - wkhere/eastar: A* graph pathfinding in pure Elixir
GitHub - OpenWeb-Archive/gen_spoxy: **DEPRECATED** caching made fun!
GitHub - OpenWeb-Archive/gen_spoxy: **DEPRECATED** caching made fun!
GitHub - elixir-maru/maru_swagger: Add swagger compliant documentation to your maru API
GitHub - elixir-maru/maru_swagger: Add swagger compliant documentation to your maru API
GitHub - hrefhref/booter: Boot an Elixir application step by step (inspired by RabbitMQ)
GitHub - hrefhref/booter: Boot an Elixir application step by step (inspired by RabbitMQ)
GitHub - paulanthonywilson/basic_auth: Elixir Plug to easily add HTTP basic authentication to an app
GitHub - paulanthonywilson/basic_auth: Elixir Plug to easily add HTTP basic authentication to an app
GitHub - bunnylushington/Apache.htpasswd: Apache httpasswd file reader/writer in Elixir
GitHub - bunnylushington/Apache.htpasswd: Apache httpasswd file reader/writer in Elixir
Apache httpasswd file reader/writer in Elixir. Contribute to bunnylushington/Apache.htpasswd development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/elixir-openai: Elixir OpenAi Client
GitHub - noizu-labs-ml/elixir-openai: Elixir OpenAi Client
GitHub - 5HT/active: ♾️ ACTIVE: Filesystem Activities
GitHub - 5HT/active: ♾️ ACTIVE: Filesystem Activities
GitHub - elixir-ecto/connection: Connection behaviour for connection processes
GitHub - elixir-ecto/connection: Connection behaviour for connection processes
GitHub - Danielwsx64/xcribe: XCribe is a doc generator for Rest APIs built with Phoenix. The documentation is generated by the test specs.
GitHub - Danielwsx64/xcribe: XCribe is a doc generator for Rest APIs built with Phoenix. The documentation is generated by the test specs.
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_vk: vk.com OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - ueberauth/ueberauth_vk: vk.com OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
GitHub - rdf-elixir/jsonld-ex: An implementation of JSON-LD for Elixir
GitHub - rdf-elixir/jsonld-ex: An implementation of JSON-LD for Elixir
GitHub - secomind/cyanide: BSON documents in Elixir language
GitHub - secomind/cyanide: BSON documents in Elixir language
GitHub - rdf-elixir/rdf-ex: An implementation of RDF for Elixir
GitHub - rdf-elixir/rdf-ex: An implementation of RDF for Elixir
GitHub - kbrw/reaxt: Use React template into your Elixir application for server rendering
GitHub - kbrw/reaxt: Use React template into your Elixir application for server rendering
GitHub - ueberauth/oauth2: An Elixir OAuth 2.0 Client Library
GitHub - ueberauth/oauth2: An Elixir OAuth 2.0 Client Library
GitHub - rdf-elixir/sparql-ex: An implementation of SPARQL for Elixir
GitHub - rdf-elixir/sparql-ex: An implementation of SPARQL for Elixir
GitHub - witchcrafters/witchcraft: Monads and other dark magic for Elixir
GitHub - witchcrafters/witchcraft: Monads and other dark magic for Elixir
GitHub - fremantle-industries/tai: A composable, real time, market data and trade execution toolkit. Built with Elixir, runs on the Erlang virtual machine
GitHub - fremantle-industries/tai: A composable, real time, market data and trade execution toolkit. Built with Elixir, runs on the Erlang virtual machine
GitHub - epgsql/pooler: An OTP Process Pool Application
GitHub - epgsql/pooler: An OTP Process Pool Application
GitHub - edeliver/edeliver: Deployment for Elixir and Erlang
GitHub - edeliver/edeliver: Deployment for Elixir and Erlang
GitHub - bencheeorg/benchee: Easy and extensible benchmarking in Elixir providing you with lots of statistics!
GitHub - bencheeorg/benchee: Easy and extensible benchmarking in Elixir providing you with lots of statistics!
Prometheus - Monitoring system & time series database
Prometheus - Monitoring system & time series database
An open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach.
A tool for working with base64 encoded images
YouTrack: Project management for all your teams
YouTrack: Project management for all your teams
Everything in one place. Track tasks, manage projects, maintain a knowledge base, support your customers, collaborate, and deliver great products. Designed with every member of your team in mind. Free for teams of up to 10. In our cloud or on your server.
Pop3 client to download email (including attachments) from the inbox. Decodes multipart content, quoted-printables, base64 and encoded-words. Uses an Erlang pop
Fast, simple and lightweight pagination system for your Elixir application.
OSX notifications in a pluggable architecture for other kinds of notifications.
Application Monitoring  &amp; Error Tracking for Developers
Application Monitoring &amp; Error Tracking for Developers
Full-stack application monitoring and error tracking that helps small teams move fast and fix things.
skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
skribbl - Free Multiplayer Drawing & Guessing Game
skribbl io is a free multiplayer drawing and guessing game. Draw and guess words with your friends and people all around the world! Score the most points and be the winner!
Dan McGuire / texas · GitLab
Dan McGuire / texas · GitLab
Texas is a powerful abstraction over updating your clients using server-side rendering and server-side Virtual DOM diff/patching. Embrace better abstractions that allow you to stop writing impossibly complex...
Cizen / Cizen · GitLab
Cizen / Cizen · GitLab
Build highly concurrent, monitorable, and extensible applications with a collection of automata.
Mike Chmielewski / rollex · GitLab
Mike Chmielewski / rollex · GitLab
Tailwind CSS Phoenix (Elixir) - Flowbite
Tailwind CSS Phoenix (Elixir) - Flowbite
Learn how to install Flowbite with Phoenix and Tailwind CSS to start building rich and interactive web applications based on the Elixir programming language
Rollbar provides real-time error tracking & debugging tools for developers. ✓ JavaScript ✓PHP ✓Ruby ✓Python ✓Java ✓Android ✓iOS ✓.NET & more.
Phoenix Admin Panel built with PETAL · Backpex
Phoenix Admin Panel built with PETAL · Backpex
Backpex is a highly customizable admin panel for Phoenix LiveView apps. Production-ready, beautiful CRUD views in minutes, extend with ease.
GitHub - josevalim/portal: A tutorial for shooting fault-tolerant portals for distributed data-transfer application in Elixir
GitHub - josevalim/portal: A tutorial for shooting fault-tolerant portals for distributed data-transfer application in Elixir
GitHub - Betree/burnex: 📨🔥 Elixir burner email (temporary address) detector
GitHub - Betree/burnex: 📨🔥 Elixir burner email (temporary address) detector
GitHub - thechangelog/changelog.com: Changelog is news and podcast for developers. This is our open source platform.
GitHub - thechangelog/changelog.com: Changelog is news and podcast for developers. This is our open source platform.
Changelog is news and podcast for developers. This is our open source platform. - thechangelog/changelog.com
GitHub - swoosh/swoosh: Compose, deliver and test your emails easily in Elixir
GitHub - swoosh/swoosh: Compose, deliver and test your emails easily in Elixir
GitHub - acutario/ravenx: Notification dispatch library for Elixir applications
GitHub - acutario/ravenx: Notification dispatch library for Elixir applications
GitHub - jvoegele/wait_for_it: Elixir library for waiting for things to happen
GitHub - jvoegele/wait_for_it: Elixir library for waiting for things to happen
GitHub - leorog/quarantine: Tiny OTP application for feature toggles.
GitHub - leorog/quarantine: Tiny OTP application for feature toggles.
Monitor, Debug and Improve Your Entire Stack
Monitor, Debug and Improve Your Entire Stack
Sign up for free, no credit card required. Get Instant Observability with New Relic One and Quickstarts that make it easy to instrument in a few clicks.
GitHub - YellowApple/Rubix: A very simple (and barely-functioning) Ruby runner for Elixir
GitHub - YellowApple/Rubix: A very simple (and barely-functioning) Ruby runner for Elixir
GitHub - elixirkoans/elixir-koans: Elixir learning exercises
GitHub - elixirkoans/elixir-koans: Elixir learning exercises
GitHub - ericmj/ex2ms: :ets.fun2ms for Elixir, translate functions to match specifications
GitHub - ericmj/ex2ms: :ets.fun2ms for Elixir, translate functions to match specifications
GitHub - rbishop/identicon: An Elixir library for generating GitHub-like identicons
GitHub - rbishop/identicon: An Elixir library for generating GitHub-like identicons
GitHub - umurgdk/elixir-feedme: Elixir RSS/Atom parser
GitHub - umurgdk/elixir-feedme: Elixir RSS/Atom parser
GitHub - pragmaticivan/logglix: 🎱  Logger backend app for Loggly requests
GitHub - pragmaticivan/logglix: 🎱 Logger backend app for Loggly requests
GitHub - hexpm/hexpm: API server and website for Hex
GitHub - hexpm/hexpm: API server and website for Hex
GitHub - pma/phoenix_pubsub_rabbitmq: RabbitMQ adapter for Phoenix's PubSub layer
GitHub - pma/phoenix_pubsub_rabbitmq: RabbitMQ adapter for Phoenix's PubSub layer
GitHub - naymspace/backpex: Backpex is a highly customizable administration panel for Phoenix LiveView applications.
GitHub - naymspace/backpex: Backpex is a highly customizable administration panel for Phoenix LiveView applications.
GitHub - TreyE/json_stream_encoder: Streaming encoder for JSON in elixir.
GitHub - TreyE/json_stream_encoder: Streaming encoder for JSON in elixir.
GitHub - DockYard/elixir-mail: Build composable mail messages
GitHub - DockYard/elixir-mail: Build composable mail messages
GitHub - meh/jazz: Yet another library to handle JSON in Elixir.
GitHub - meh/jazz: Yet another library to handle JSON in Elixir.
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus-plugs: Prometheus.erl Elixir Plugs
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus-plugs: Prometheus.erl Elixir Plugs
GitHub - CrowdHailer/OK: Elegant error/exception handling in Elixir, with result monads.
GitHub - CrowdHailer/OK: Elegant error/exception handling in Elixir, with result monads.
GitHub - meh/exquisite: LINQ-like match_spec generation for Elixir.
GitHub - meh/exquisite: LINQ-like match_spec generation for Elixir.
GitHub - C404/distance-matrix-api: Google Distance Matrix API Library for Elixir
GitHub - C404/distance-matrix-api: Google Distance Matrix API Library for Elixir
GitHub - pragdave/mdef: Easily define multiple function heads in elixir
GitHub - pragdave/mdef: Easily define multiple function heads in elixir
GitHub - absinthe-graphql/absinthe_plug: Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
GitHub - absinthe-graphql/absinthe_plug: Plug support for Absinthe, the GraphQL toolkit for Elixir
GitHub - parroty/exprintf: A printf / sprintf library for Elixir. It works as a wrapper for :io.format.
GitHub - parroty/exprintf: A printf / sprintf library for Elixir. It works as a wrapper for :io.format.
GitHub - mschae/cors_plug: An Elixir Plug to add CORS.
GitHub - mschae/cors_plug: An Elixir Plug to add CORS.
GitHub - wojtekmach/oop: OOP in Elixir!
GitHub - wojtekmach/oop: OOP in Elixir!
GitHub - angelikatyborska/vnu-elixir: An Elixir client for the Nu HTML Checker (v.Nu).
GitHub - angelikatyborska/vnu-elixir: An Elixir client for the Nu HTML Checker (v.Nu).
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-react-redux-template: Application template for SPAs with Phoenix, React and Redux
GitHub - bigardone/phoenix-react-redux-template: Application template for SPAs with Phoenix, React and Redux
GitHub - ricn/zarex: Filename sanitization for Elixir
GitHub - ricn/zarex: Filename sanitization for Elixir
GitHub - bitgamma/crudex: CRUD utilities for Phoenix and Ecto
GitHub - bitgamma/crudex: CRUD utilities for Phoenix and Ecto
GitHub - larshesel/phoenix_pubsub_vernemq: OBSOLETE - A VerneMQ/MQTT pubsub adapter for the Phoenix framework
GitHub - larshesel/phoenix_pubsub_vernemq: OBSOLETE - A VerneMQ/MQTT pubsub adapter for the Phoenix framework
GitHub - bbense/elixgrep: An elixir framework to implement concurrent versions of common unix utilities, grep, find, etc..
GitHub - bbense/elixgrep: An elixir framework to implement concurrent versions of common unix utilities, grep, find, etc..
GitHub - pareeohnos/geonames-elixir: An elixir wrapper around the GeoNames API
GitHub - pareeohnos/geonames-elixir: An elixir wrapper around the GeoNames API
GitHub - FilterKaapi/pandex: Lightweight Elixir wrapper for Pandoc. Convert Markdown, CommonMark, HTML, Latex... to HTML, HTML5, opendocument, rtf, texttile, asciidoc, markdown, json and others
GitHub - FilterKaapi/pandex: Lightweight Elixir wrapper for Pandoc. Convert Markdown, CommonMark, HTML, Latex... to HTML, HTML5, opendocument, rtf, texttile, asciidoc, markdown, json and others
GitHub - jmerriweather/exldap: A module for working with LDAP from Elixir
GitHub - jmerriweather/exldap: A module for working with LDAP from Elixir
GitHub - taiansu/pipe_to: The enhanced elixir pipe operator which can specify the target position
GitHub - taiansu/pipe_to: The enhanced elixir pipe operator which can specify the target position
GitHub - Nebo15/gen_task: Generic Task behavior that helps encapsulate errors and recover from them in classic GenStage workers.
GitHub - Nebo15/gen_task: Generic Task behavior that helps encapsulate errors and recover from them in classic GenStage workers.
GitHub - appsignal/appsignal-elixir: 🟪 AppSignal for Elixir package
GitHub - appsignal/appsignal-elixir: 🟪 AppSignal for Elixir package
GitHub - sergiotapia/magnetissimo: Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
GitHub - sergiotapia/magnetissimo: Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
GitHub - gniquil/ex_minimatch
GitHub - gniquil/ex_minimatch
GitHub - jfrolich/smoothie: Beautiful emails for your elixir application
GitHub - jfrolich/smoothie: Beautiful emails for your elixir application
GitHub - synrc/nitro: 🔥 NITRO: Nitrogen Web Framework RFC 6455
GitHub - synrc/nitro: 🔥 NITRO: Nitrogen Web Framework RFC 6455
GitHub - vic/happy: the alchemist's happy path with elixir
GitHub - vic/happy: the alchemist's happy path with elixir
GitHub - Overbryd/myhtmlex: Elixir/Erlang bindings for lexborisov's myhtml
GitHub - Overbryd/myhtmlex: Elixir/Erlang bindings for lexborisov's myhtml
GitHub - f34nk/modest_ex: Elixir library to do pipeable transformations on html strings (with CSS selectors)
GitHub - f34nk/modest_ex: Elixir library to do pipeable transformations on html strings (with CSS selectors)
GitHub - smashedtoatoms/address_us: US Address Parsing for Elixir.
GitHub - smashedtoatoms/address_us: US Address Parsing for Elixir.
GitHub - stocks29/plug_redirect_https: Redirect http to https behind a load balancer (or other reverse proxy).
GitHub - stocks29/plug_redirect_https: Redirect http to https behind a load balancer (or other reverse proxy).
GitHub - bryanjos/plug_jwt: Plug for JWT authentication
GitHub - bryanjos/plug_jwt: Plug for JWT authentication
GitHub - pigmej/exelli: Elli elixir wrapper with some sugar sytnax goodies.
GitHub - pigmej/exelli: Elli elixir wrapper with some sugar sytnax goodies.
GitHub - gausby/scaffold: A mix task for creating new projects based on templates fetched from a Git-repo
GitHub - gausby/scaffold: A mix task for creating new projects based on templates fetched from a Git-repo
GitHub - mruoss/pluggable: Elixir library to build Plug-like pipelines
GitHub - mruoss/pluggable: Elixir library to build Plug-like pipelines
GitHub - sugar-framework/elixir-http-router: HTTP Router with various macros to assist in developing your application and organizing your code
GitHub - sugar-framework/elixir-http-router: HTTP Router with various macros to assist in developing your application and organizing your code
GitHub - emadb/rovex: A multi mars rover implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - emadb/rovex: A multi mars rover implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - lexmag/blaguth: Basic Access Authentication in Plug applications
GitHub - lexmag/blaguth: Basic Access Authentication in Plug applications
GitHub - entice/entice: Docs for the entice project
GitHub - entice/entice: Docs for the entice project
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix: Peace of mind from prototype to production
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix: Peace of mind from prototype to production
GitHub - pkinney/segseg_ex: Segment-segment intersection classifier and calculator for Elixir
GitHub - pkinney/segseg_ex: Segment-segment intersection classifier and calculator for Elixir
GitHub - knutin/elli: Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server
GitHub - knutin/elli: Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server
GitHub - synrc/rest: ☕ REST: RFC-2616 Framework
GitHub - synrc/rest: ☕ REST: RFC-2616 Framework
GitHub - manukall/feeder_ex: Wrapper for feeder. Elixir RSS parser
GitHub - manukall/feeder_ex: Wrapper for feeder. Elixir RSS parser
GitHub - evanfarrar/ex_bump: Library for editing bitmap files
GitHub - evanfarrar/ex_bump: Library for editing bitmap files
GitHub - gutschilla/plug-session-memcached: Store your plug sessions in memcached
GitHub - gutschilla/plug-session-memcached: Store your plug sessions in memcached
GitHub - CrowdHailer/Ace: HTTP web server and client, supports http1 and http2
GitHub - CrowdHailer/Ace: HTTP web server and client, supports http1 and http2
GitHub - KamilLelonek/ex_postmark: Postmark adapter for sending template emails in Elixir
GitHub - KamilLelonek/ex_postmark: Postmark adapter for sending template emails in Elixir
GitHub - yuce/png: A pure Erlang library for creating PNG images. It can currently create 8 and 16 bit RGB, RGB with alpha, indexed, grayscale and grayscale with alpha images.
GitHub - yuce/png: A pure Erlang library for creating PNG images. It can currently create 8 and 16 bit RGB, RGB with alpha, indexed, grayscale and grayscale with alpha images.
GitHub - f34nk/tidy_ex: Elixir binding to the granddaddy of HTML tools
GitHub - f34nk/tidy_ex: Elixir binding to the granddaddy of HTML tools
GitHub - henrik/plug_and_play: Set up an Elixir Plug application with less boilerplate.
GitHub - henrik/plug_and_play: Set up an Elixir Plug application with less boilerplate.
GitHub - ReSTARTR/ex-lolcat: The clone of lolcat. written in elixir
GitHub - ReSTARTR/ex-lolcat: The clone of lolcat. written in elixir
GitHub - talklittle/thumbnex: Elixir library to create thumbnails from images and video screenshots.
GitHub - talklittle/thumbnex: Elixir library to create thumbnails from images and video screenshots.
GitHub - mmmries/chunky_svg: An Elixir library for generating SVG images
GitHub - mmmries/chunky_svg: An Elixir library for generating SVG images
GitHub - Frost/resin: Make your plug pipeline act more enterprisey...
GitHub - Frost/resin: Make your plug pipeline act more enterprisey...
GitHub - graphql-elixir/graphql_parser: Elixir binding for libgraphqlparser
GitHub - graphql-elixir/graphql_parser: Elixir binding for libgraphqlparser
GitHub - rubencaro/harakiri: Help applications kill themselves
GitHub - rubencaro/harakiri: Help applications kill themselves
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub_redis: The Redis PubSub adapter for the Phoenix framework
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_pubsub_redis: The Redis PubSub adapter for the Phoenix framework
GitHub - tacticiankerala/elixir-weather: A command line weather app built using elixir
GitHub - tacticiankerala/elixir-weather: A command line weather app built using elixir
GitHub - romul/airbrake_plug: Airbrake reporter for Elixir's Plug (DEPRECATED in favor of https://github.com/romul/airbrake-elixir)
GitHub - romul/airbrake_plug: Airbrake reporter for Elixir's Plug (DEPRECATED in favor of https://github.com/romul/airbrake-elixir)
GitHub - stocks29/dice: Roll the dice, in elixir
GitHub - stocks29/dice: Roll the dice, in elixir
GitHub - keathley/butler_cage: A butler plugin for Nick Cage photos
GitHub - keathley/butler_cage: A butler plugin for Nick Cage photos
GitHub - pragdave/dir_walker: Simple Elixir file-system directory tree walker. It can handle large filesystems, as the tree is traversed lazily.
GitHub - pragdave/dir_walker: Simple Elixir file-system directory tree walker. It can handle large filesystems, as the tree is traversed lazily.
GitHub - ryo33/fwatch-ex: A file watcher for Elixir language
GitHub - ryo33/fwatch-ex: A file watcher for Elixir language
GitHub - slime-lang/phoenix_slime: Phoenix Template Engine for Slime
GitHub - slime-lang/phoenix_slime: Phoenix Template Engine for Slime
GitHub - MikaAK/elixir_error_message: Elixir error messages to make the errors within the system easier to expect and predict, as well as read
GitHub - MikaAK/elixir_error_message: Elixir error messages to make the errors within the system easier to expect and predict, as well as read
GitHub - unifysell/youtrack_logger_backend: Adding youtrack as a logger backend to your elixir application.
GitHub - unifysell/youtrack_logger_backend: Adding youtrack as a logger backend to your elixir application.
GitHub - romul/newrelic.ex: NewRelic agent for Elixir
GitHub - romul/newrelic.ex: NewRelic agent for Elixir
NewRelic agent for Elixir. Contribute to romul/newrelic.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - fabrik42/writing_an_interpreter_in_elixir: Elixir implementation of an interpreter for the Monkey programming language
GitHub - fabrik42/writing_an_interpreter_in_elixir: Elixir implementation of an interpreter for the Monkey programming language
GitHub - rkotze/eye_drops: Configurable Elixir mix task to watch file changes and run the corresponding command.
GitHub - rkotze/eye_drops: Configurable Elixir mix task to watch file changes and run the corresponding command.
GitHub - stevenschobert/weebo: An XML-RPC parser/formatter for Elixir, with full support for datatype mapping!
GitHub - stevenschobert/weebo: An XML-RPC parser/formatter for Elixir, with full support for datatype mapping!
GitHub - jsonmaur/phoenix-turnstile: Use Cloudflare Turnstile in Phoenix
GitHub - jsonmaur/phoenix-turnstile: Use Cloudflare Turnstile in Phoenix
GitHub - mgwidmann/scrivener_html: HTML view helpers for Scrivener
GitHub - mgwidmann/scrivener_html: HTML view helpers for Scrivener
GitHub - fxg42/phoenix-flux-react: An experiment with Phoenix Channels, GenEvents, React and Flux.
GitHub - fxg42/phoenix-flux-react: An experiment with Phoenix Channels, GenEvents, React and Flux.
GitHub - zmoshansky/echo: A simple & highly extendable, meta-notification system; Echo checks notification preferences & dispatch notifications to different adapters (ex. email, logger, analytics, sms, etc.).
GitHub - zmoshansky/echo: A simple & highly extendable, meta-notification system; Echo checks notification preferences & dispatch notifications to different adapters (ex. email, logger, analytics, sms, etc.).
GitHub - ianwalter/imgex: An Elixir client library for generating image URLs with imgix
GitHub - ianwalter/imgex: An Elixir client library for generating image URLs with imgix
GitHub - techgaun/http_digex: HTTP Digest Auth Library to create auth header to be used with HTTP Digest Authentication
GitHub - techgaun/http_digex: HTTP Digest Auth Library to create auth header to be used with HTTP Digest Authentication
GitHub - dismae/ex_iss: An elixir wrapper for Open Notify's International Space Station API. http://open-notify.org/
GitHub - dismae/ex_iss: An elixir wrapper for Open Notify's International Space Station API. http://open-notify.org/
GitHub - devshane/mnemonic_slugs: An Elixir library for generating memorable slugs.
GitHub - devshane/mnemonic_slugs: An Elixir library for generating memorable slugs.
GitHub - KazuCocoa/revision_plate_ex: Plug application and middleware that serves endpoint returns application's REVISION.
GitHub - KazuCocoa/revision_plate_ex: Plug application and middleware that serves endpoint returns application's REVISION.
GitHub - cblavier/phx_component_helpers: Extensible Phoenix liveview components, without boilerplate
GitHub - cblavier/phx_component_helpers: Extensible Phoenix liveview components, without boilerplate
GitHub - keathley/finch: Elixir HTTP client, focused on performance
GitHub - keathley/finch: Elixir HTTP client, focused on performance
GitHub - slogsdon/http: HTTP server for Elixir
GitHub - slogsdon/http: HTTP server for Elixir
GitHub - fuelen/ecto_dev_logger: An alternative logger for Ecto queries
GitHub - fuelen/ecto_dev_logger: An alternative logger for Ecto queries
GitHub - LangPham/gi: Gi is a library for manipulating Graphics Interfacing. Use utility mogrify, identify, ... of GraphicsMagick to resize, draw on base images....
GitHub - LangPham/gi: Gi is a library for manipulating Graphics Interfacing. Use utility mogrify, identify, ... of GraphicsMagick to resize, draw on base images....
GitHub - sashman/app_optex: Elixir AppOptics client
GitHub - sashman/app_optex: Elixir AppOptics client
GitHub - stnly/plug_ribbon: :ribbon: Injects a ribbon into your web application depending on the environment
GitHub - stnly/plug_ribbon: :ribbon: Injects a ribbon into your web application depending on the environment
GitHub - jxs/phoenix_linguist: linguist integration functions into phoenix
GitHub - jxs/phoenix_linguist: linguist integration functions into phoenix
GitHub - camshaft/lineo: parse transform for accurate line numbers
GitHub - camshaft/lineo: parse transform for accurate line numbers
GitHub - craigp/elixir-gmail: A Gmail API client for Elixir
GitHub - craigp/elixir-gmail: A Gmail API client for Elixir
GitHub - falood/file_system: Filesystem monitor for elixir
GitHub - falood/file_system: Filesystem monitor for elixir
GitHub - kbrw/plug_forwarded_peer: Very simple plug which reads `X-Forwarded-For` or `Forwarded` header according to rfc7239 and fill `conn.remote_ip` with the root client ip.
GitHub - kbrw/plug_forwarded_peer: Very simple plug which reads `X-Forwarded-For` or `Forwarded` header according to rfc7239 and fill `conn.remote_ip` with the root client ip.
GitHub - talko/lhttpc: What used to be here -- this is a backwards-compat user and repo m(
GitHub - talko/lhttpc: What used to be here -- this is a backwards-compat user and repo m(
GitHub - pragdave/exexif: Pure elixir library to extract tiff and exif metadata from jpeg files
GitHub - pragdave/exexif: Pure elixir library to extract tiff and exif metadata from jpeg files
GitHub - elixir-ivcu/ivcu: Image Validator, Converter, and Uploader
GitHub - elixir-ivcu/ivcu: Image Validator, Converter, and Uploader
GitHub - adanselm/exrecaptcha: Simple reCaptcha display/verify code for Elixir applications. Using Exrecaptcha with a CMS such as Phoenix is easy.
GitHub - adanselm/exrecaptcha: Simple reCaptcha display/verify code for Elixir applications. Using Exrecaptcha with a CMS such as Phoenix is easy.
GitHub - elixirstatus/phoenix_html_sanitizer: HTML Sanitizer for Phoenix
GitHub - elixirstatus/phoenix_html_sanitizer: HTML Sanitizer for Phoenix
GitHub - handnot2/plug_sigaws: An Elixir Plug to verify HTTP requests signed with AWS Signature V4
GitHub - handnot2/plug_sigaws: An Elixir Plug to verify HTTP requests signed with AWS Signature V4
GitHub - xavier/json_pointer: Implementation of RFC 6901 which defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JSON document
GitHub - xavier/json_pointer: Implementation of RFC 6901 which defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value within a JSON document
GitHub - grempe/ex_rated: ExRated, the Elixir OTP GenServer with the naughty name that allows you to rate-limit calls to any service that requires it.
GitHub - grempe/ex_rated: ExRated, the Elixir OTP GenServer with the naughty name that allows you to rate-limit calls to any service that requires it.
GitHub - whatyouhide/plug_heartbeat: A plug for responding to heartbeat requests.
GitHub - whatyouhide/plug_heartbeat: A plug for responding to heartbeat requests.
GitHub - elixir-waffle/waffle: Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-waffle/waffle: Flexible file upload and attachment library for Elixir
GitHub - remi/plug_canonical_host: PlugCanonicalHost ensures that all requests are served by a single canonical host.
GitHub - remi/plug_canonical_host: PlugCanonicalHost ensures that all requests are served by a single canonical host.
GitHub - annkissam/rummage_ecto: Search, Sort and Pagination for ecto queries
GitHub - annkissam/rummage_ecto: Search, Sort and Pagination for ecto queries
GitHub - swelham/ivar: Ivar is an adapter based HTTP client that provides the ability to build composable HTTP requests.
GitHub - swelham/ivar: Ivar is an adapter based HTTP client that provides the ability to build composable HTTP requests.
GitHub - mailman-elixir/mailman: Mailman provides a clean way of defining mailers in your Elixir applications
GitHub - mailman-elixir/mailman: Mailman provides a clean way of defining mailers in your Elixir applications
GitHub - 5HT/fs: 📁 FS: Windows, Linux, Mac Driver
GitHub - 5HT/fs: 📁 FS: Windows, Linux, Mac Driver
GitHub - msoedov/graphitex: Graphite client for Elixir
GitHub - msoedov/graphitex: Graphite client for Elixir
GitHub - mschae/trailing_format_plug: An elixir plug to support legacy APIs that use a rails-like trailing format: http://api.dev/resources.json
GitHub - mschae/trailing_format_plug: An elixir plug to support legacy APIs that use a rails-like trailing format: http://api.dev/resources.json
GitHub - sajmoon/mellon: Authentication module for Plug applications
GitHub - sajmoon/mellon: Authentication module for Plug applications
GitHub - dojo-toulouse/elixir-koans: Small exercises to discover elixir by testing
GitHub - dojo-toulouse/elixir-koans: Small exercises to discover elixir by testing
GitHub - keathley/butler_tableflip: Flipping tables with butler
GitHub - keathley/butler_tableflip: Flipping tables with butler
GitHub - sergey-chechaev/elixir_ipgeobase: Find Russian and Ukraine city by IP address and find country for other country Elixir
GitHub - sergey-chechaev/elixir_ipgeobase: Find Russian and Ukraine city by IP address and find country for other country Elixir
GitHub - azranel/plug_password: Simple plug to secure your server with password
GitHub - azranel/plug_password: Simple plug to secure your server with password
GitHub - meh/cauldron: I wonder what kind of Elixir is boiling in there.
GitHub - meh/cauldron: I wonder what kind of Elixir is boiling in there.
GitHub - tchoutri/Eikon: Eikōn is an Elixir library providing a read-only interface for image files.
GitHub - tchoutri/Eikon: Eikōn is an Elixir library providing a read-only interface for image files.
GitHub - c-rack/plug_response_header: Elixir Plug to manipulate HTTP response headers
GitHub - c-rack/plug_response_header: Elixir Plug to manipulate HTTP response headers
GitHub - vic/pipe_here: An Elixir macro for easily piping arguments at any position.
GitHub - vic/pipe_here: An Elixir macro for easily piping arguments at any position.
JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.
GitHub - keichan34/exfile: File upload persistence and processing for Phoenix / Plug
GitHub - keichan34/exfile: File upload persistence and processing for Phoenix / Plug
GitHub - arvidkahl/sizeable: An Elixir library to make File Sizes human-readable
GitHub - arvidkahl/sizeable: An Elixir library to make File Sizes human-readable
GitHub - coderplanets/coderplanets_server: coderplanets.com API(GraphQL) server,   build with elixir, phoenix, absinthe
GitHub - coderplanets/coderplanets_server: coderplanets.com API(GraphQL) server, build with elixir, phoenix, absinthe
GitHub - commanded/commanded: Use Commanded to build Elixir CQRS/ES applications
GitHub - commanded/commanded: Use Commanded to build Elixir CQRS/ES applications
GitHub - talentdeficit/jsxn: jsx but with maps for people who are into that kind of thing
GitHub - talentdeficit/jsxn: jsx but with maps for people who are into that kind of thing
GitHub - mgwidmann/named_args: Allows named arg style arguments in Elixir
GitHub - mgwidmann/named_args: Allows named arg style arguments in Elixir
GitHub - elixirdrops/kerosene: Pagination for Ecto and Pheonix.
GitHub - elixirdrops/kerosene: Pagination for Ecto and Pheonix.
GitHub - chrismccord/phoenix_haml: Phoenix Template Engine for Haml
GitHub - chrismccord/phoenix_haml: Phoenix Template Engine for Haml
GitHub - sviridov/anaphora-elixir: The anaphoric macro collection for Elixir
GitHub - sviridov/anaphora-elixir: The anaphoric macro collection for Elixir
GitHub - mschae/jwtex: A JWT encoding and decoding library in Elixir
GitHub - mschae/jwtex: A JWT encoding and decoding library in Elixir
GitHub - gothinkster/elixir-phoenix-realworld-example-app: Exemplary real world application built with Elixir + Phoenix
GitHub - gothinkster/elixir-phoenix-realworld-example-app: Exemplary real world application built with Elixir + Phoenix
GitHub - jeffweiss/plug_statsd: Send connection response time and count to statsd
GitHub - jeffweiss/plug_statsd: Send connection response time and count to statsd
GitHub - AgilionApps/relax: Simple Elixir implementation of a jsonapi.org server.
GitHub - AgilionApps/relax: Simple Elixir implementation of a jsonapi.org server.
GitHub - cconstantin/plug_rails_cookie_session_store: Rails compatible Plug session store
GitHub - cconstantin/plug_rails_cookie_session_store: Rails compatible Plug session store
GitHub - techgaun/plug_secex: Plug that adds various HTTP Headers to make Phoenix/Elixir app more secure
GitHub - techgaun/plug_secex: Plug that adds various HTTP Headers to make Phoenix/Elixir app more secure
GitHub - DevL/plug_require_header: An Elixir Plug for requiring and extracting a given header.
GitHub - DevL/plug_require_header: An Elixir Plug for requiring and extracting a given header.
GitHub - gamache/fuzzyurl.ex: An Elixir library for non-strict parsing, manipulation, and wildcard matching of URLs.
GitHub - gamache/fuzzyurl.ex: An Elixir library for non-strict parsing, manipulation, and wildcard matching of URLs.
An Elixir library for non-strict parsing, manipulation, and wildcard matching of URLs. - gamache/fuzzyurl.ex
GitHub - leifg/backports: Ensure backwards compatibility even if newer functions are used
GitHub - leifg/backports: Ensure backwards compatibility even if newer functions are used
GitHub - alfert/reaxive: Reactive Extensions for Elixir
GitHub - alfert/reaxive: Reactive Extensions for Elixir
GitHub - shankardevy/phoenix-pubsub-postgres: Postgresql PubSub adapter for Phoenix apps
GitHub - shankardevy/phoenix-pubsub-postgres: Postgresql PubSub adapter for Phoenix apps
GitHub - gen-smtp/gen_smtp: The extensible Erlang SMTP client and server library.
GitHub - gen-smtp/gen_smtp: The extensible Erlang SMTP client and server library.
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_html: Building blocks for working with HTML in Phoenix
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_html: Building blocks for working with HTML in Phoenix
GitHub - whitfin/tiny: A small, fast and fully compliant JSON parser in Elixir
GitHub - whitfin/tiny: A small, fast and fully compliant JSON parser in Elixir
GitHub - mochi/mochiweb: MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
GitHub - mochi/mochiweb: MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
GitHub - narrowtux/Tube: WebSocket client library written in pure Elixir
GitHub - narrowtux/Tube: WebSocket client library written in pure Elixir
GitHub - c-rack/plug_cloudflare: Parses CloudFlare's CF-Connecting-IP header into Plug.Conn's remote_ip field.
GitHub - c-rack/plug_cloudflare: Parses CloudFlare's CF-Connecting-IP header into Plug.Conn's remote_ip field.
GitHub - adriankumpf/srtm: Query locations for elevation data from the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
GitHub - adriankumpf/srtm: Query locations for elevation data from the NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
GitHub - duartejc/rogger: Elixir logger to publish log messages in RabbitMQ
GitHub - duartejc/rogger: Elixir logger to publish log messages in RabbitMQ
GitHub - ninenines/gun: HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Websocket client (and more) for Erlang/OTP.
GitHub - ninenines/gun: HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, Websocket client (and more) for Erlang/OTP.
GitHub - Arp-G/pictionary: Picture guessing and drawing multiplayer game
GitHub - Arp-G/pictionary: Picture guessing and drawing multiplayer game
GitHub - ggpasqualino/plug_checkup: PlugCheckup provides a Plug for adding simple health checks to your app
GitHub - ggpasqualino/plug_checkup: PlugCheckup provides a Plug for adding simple health checks to your app
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus_process_collector: Prometheus.io process collector in Erlang
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus_process_collector: Prometheus.io process collector in Erlang
GitHub - dnlgrv/stranger: Chat anonymously with a randomly chosen stranger
GitHub - dnlgrv/stranger: Chat anonymously with a randomly chosen stranger
GitHub - antp/mailer
GitHub - antp/mailer
GitHub - kbrw/mailibex: Library containing Email related implementations in Elixir : dkim, spf, dmark, mimemail, smtp
GitHub - kbrw/mailibex: Library containing Email related implementations in Elixir : dkim, spf, dmark, mimemail, smtp
GitHub - DevL/guardsafe: Macros expanding into code that can be safely used in guard clauses.
GitHub - DevL/guardsafe: Macros expanding into code that can be safely used in guard clauses.
GitHub - whatyouhide/corsica: Elixir library for dealing with CORS requests. 🏖
GitHub - whatyouhide/corsica: Elixir library for dealing with CORS requests. 🏖
GitHub - sorentwo/flippant: :traffic_light: Feature flipping for the Elixir world
GitHub - sorentwo/flippant: :traffic_light: Feature flipping for the Elixir world
GitHub - sheharyarn/better_params: Cleaner request parameters in Elixir web applications 🙌
GitHub - sheharyarn/better_params: Cleaner request parameters in Elixir web applications 🙌
GitHub - erneestoc/feedx: Generic feed adding social features to current applications.
GitHub - erneestoc/feedx: Generic feed adding social features to current applications.
GitHub - ricn/librex: Elixir library to convert office documents to other formats using LibreOffice.
GitHub - ricn/librex: Elixir library to convert office documents to other formats using LibreOffice.
GitHub - hlongvu/phoenix_meta_tags: Phoenix library helps generating meta tags for website.
GitHub - hlongvu/phoenix_meta_tags: Phoenix library helps generating meta tags for website.
GitHub - elixir-geolix/geolix: IP information lookup provider
GitHub - elixir-geolix/geolix: IP information lookup provider
GitHub - bugsnag-elixir/plugsnag: A Bugsnag notifier for Elixir's plug
GitHub - bugsnag-elixir/plugsnag: A Bugsnag notifier for Elixir's plug
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus-phoenix: Prometheus.io Phoenix instrumenter
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus-phoenix: Prometheus.io Phoenix instrumenter
GitHub - Anonyfox/elixir-scrape: Scrape any website, article or RSS/Atom Feed with ease!
GitHub - Anonyfox/elixir-scrape: Scrape any website, article or RSS/Atom Feed with ease!
GitHub - graphql-elixir/plug_graphql: Plug (Phoenix) integration for GraphQL Elixir
GitHub - graphql-elixir/plug_graphql: Plug (Phoenix) integration for GraphQL Elixir
GitHub - evuez/geohax: Geohash encoding and decoding for Elixir.
GitHub - evuez/geohax: Geohash encoding and decoding for Elixir.
GitHub - UA3MQJ/wheretz: Time zone by geo coordinates lookup
GitHub - UA3MQJ/wheretz: Time zone by geo coordinates lookup
GitHub - RobertDober/lab42_defkw: Functions with syntax for keyword arguments and defaults
GitHub - RobertDober/lab42_defkw: Functions with syntax for keyword arguments and defaults
GitHub - globocom/thumbor-client-ex: Client to thumbor using Elixir
GitHub - globocom/thumbor-client-ex: Client to thumbor using Elixir
GitHub - samueljseay/recaptcha: A simple reCaptcha 2 library for Elixir applications.
GitHub - samueljseay/recaptcha: A simple reCaptcha 2 library for Elixir applications.
GitHub - wstucco/geohash_nif: Elixir NIF for Geohash C Library
GitHub - wstucco/geohash_nif: Elixir NIF for Geohash C Library
GitHub - bitgamma/plug_auth: A collection of authentication-related plugs
GitHub - bitgamma/plug_auth: A collection of authentication-related plugs
GitHub - rrrene/html_sanitize_ex: HTML sanitizer for Elixir
GitHub - rrrene/html_sanitize_ex: HTML sanitizer for Elixir
Application Monitoring for Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Node.js & Python
Application Monitoring for Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Node.js & Python
AppSignal APM offers error tracking, performance monitoring, dashboards, host metrics, and alerts. Built for Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Node.js, and JavaScript.
GitHub - camshaft/world_json_ex: elixir module for the world in geo.json
GitHub - camshaft/world_json_ex: elixir module for the world in geo.json
GitHub - jschniper/gelf_logger: An Elixir Logger backend for GELF
GitHub - jschniper/gelf_logger: An Elixir Logger backend for GELF
GitHub - camshaft/rebind: rebind parse transform for erlang
GitHub - camshaft/rebind: rebind parse transform for erlang
GitHub - liveforeverx/apix: Simple convention and DSL for transformation of elixir functions to an API for later documentation and or validation.
GitHub - liveforeverx/apix: Simple convention and DSL for transformation of elixir functions to an API for later documentation and or validation.
GitHub - nicksanders/exdjango: A few elixir libraries for working with django
GitHub - nicksanders/exdjango: A few elixir libraries for working with django
GitHub - whitfin/sentix: A cross-platform file watcher for Elixir based on fswatch.
GitHub - whitfin/sentix: A cross-platform file watcher for Elixir based on fswatch.
GitHub - spandex-project/spandex: A platform agnostic tracing library
GitHub - spandex-project/spandex: A platform agnostic tracing library
GitHub - synrc/n2o: ⭕ N2O: Distributed WebSocket Application Server ISO 20922
GitHub - synrc/n2o: ⭕ N2O: Distributed WebSocket Application Server ISO 20922
GitHub - batate/elixir-pipes: Macros for more flexible composition with the Elixir Pipe operator
GitHub - batate/elixir-pipes: Macros for more flexible composition with the Elixir Pipe operator
GitHub - alexocode/etag_plug: A simple to use shallow ETag plug
GitHub - alexocode/etag_plug: A simple to use shallow ETag plug
GitHub - slashmili/ex_guard: ExGuard is a mix command to handle events on file system modifications
GitHub - slashmili/ex_guard: ExGuard is a mix command to handle events on file system modifications
GitHub - lowks/Radpath: Path library for Elixir inspired by Python's pathlib
GitHub - lowks/Radpath: Path library for Elixir inspired by Python's pathlib
GitHub - jsonmaur/phoenix-svg: Inline SVG component for Phoenix
GitHub - jsonmaur/phoenix-svg: Inline SVG component for Phoenix
GitHub - jclem/logfmt-elixir: Decode and encode Logfmt lines in Elixir
GitHub - jclem/logfmt-elixir: Decode and encode Logfmt lines in Elixir
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_live_reload: Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_live_reload: Provides live-reload functionality for Phoenix
GitHub - mojotech/scrivener: Pagination for the Elixir ecosystem
GitHub - mojotech/scrivener: Pagination for the Elixir ecosystem
GitHub - beam-community/scrivener_headers: Scrivener pagination with headers and web linking
GitHub - beam-community/scrivener_headers: Scrivener pagination with headers and web linking
GitHub - elixir-typed-structor/typed_structor: TypedStructor is a library for defining structs with types effortlessly.
GitHub - elixir-typed-structor/typed_structor: TypedStructor is a library for defining structs with types effortlessly.
GitHub - kemonomachi/yuri: Elixir module for easier URI manipulation.
GitHub - kemonomachi/yuri: Elixir module for easier URI manipulation.
GitHub - nazipov/ip2location-elixir: An Elixir library for the IP2Location database
GitHub - nazipov/ip2location-elixir: An Elixir library for the IP2Location database
GitHub - sugar-framework/plugs: A collection of Plug middleware for web applications
GitHub - sugar-framework/plugs: A collection of Plug middleware for web applications
GitHub - pkinney/explode: An easy utility for responding with standard HTTP/JSON error payloads in Plug- and Phoenix-based applications
GitHub - pkinney/explode: An easy utility for responding with standard HTTP/JSON error payloads in Plug- and Phoenix-based applications
GitHub - keepcosmos/readability: Readability is Elixir library for extracting and curating articles.
GitHub - keepcosmos/readability: Readability is Elixir library for extracting and curating articles.
GitHub - synrc/form: 🧾 FORM: Business X-Forms
GitHub - synrc/form: 🧾 FORM: Business X-Forms
GitHub - hexedpackets/trot: An Elixir web micro-framework.
GitHub - hexedpackets/trot: An Elixir web micro-framework.
GitHub - sugar-framework/sugar: Modular web framework for Elixir
GitHub - sugar-framework/sugar: Modular web framework for Elixir
GitHub - Cobenian/raygun: A raygun client for Elixir
GitHub - Cobenian/raygun: A raygun client for Elixir
GitHub - massivefermion/jsonc: Utilities for working with jsonc, a superset of json
GitHub - massivefermion/jsonc: Utilities for working with jsonc, a superset of json
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/mstore
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/mstore
GitHub - garyf/json_web_token_ex: An Elixir implementation of the JSON Web Token (JWT) Standard, RFC 7519
GitHub - garyf/json_web_token_ex: An Elixir implementation of the JSON Web Token (JWT) Standard, RFC 7519
GitHub - fredwu/crawler: A high performance web crawler / scraper in Elixir.
GitHub - fredwu/crawler: A high performance web crawler / scraper in Elixir.
GitHub - expede/exceptional: Helpers for Elixir exceptions
GitHub - expede/exceptional: Helpers for Elixir exceptions
GitHub - securingsincity/molasses: Feature toggle library for elixir
GitHub - securingsincity/molasses: Feature toggle library for elixir
GitHub - hashrocket/tilex: Today I Learned
GitHub - hashrocket/tilex: Today I Learned
GitHub - inaka/Dayron: A repository `similar` to Ecto.Repo that maps to an underlying http client, sending requests to an external rest api instead of a database
GitHub - inaka/Dayron: A repository `similar` to Ecto.Repo that maps to an underlying http client, sending requests to an external rest api instead of a database
GitHub - ScenicFramework/scenic: Core Scenic library
GitHub - ScenicFramework/scenic: Core Scenic library
GitHub - wkhere/webassembly: Web DSL for Elixir
GitHub - wkhere/webassembly: Web DSL for Elixir
GitHub - guedes/exjson: JSON parser and genarator in Elixir.
GitHub - guedes/exjson: JSON parser and genarator in Elixir.
GitHub - theanht1/vim_snake: Classical multiplayer snake game with Vim-style keybinding
GitHub - theanht1/vim_snake: Classical multiplayer snake game with Vim-style keybinding
GitHub - shhavel/uri_query: URI encode nested GET parameters and array values in Elixir
GitHub - shhavel/uri_query: URI encode nested GET parameters and array values in Elixir
GitHub - stuart/elixir-webdriver: WebDriver client for Elixir.
GitHub - stuart/elixir-webdriver: WebDriver client for Elixir.
GitHub - zhangsoledad/alchemic_avatar: Creating letter avatar from a name
GitHub - zhangsoledad/alchemic_avatar: Creating letter avatar from a name
GitHub - asaaki/cmark.ex: 💧 Elixir NIF for cmark (C), a parser library following the CommonMark spec, a compatible implementation of Markdown.
GitHub - asaaki/cmark.ex: 💧 Elixir NIF for cmark (C), a parser library following the CommonMark spec, a compatible implementation of Markdown.
💧 Elixir NIF for cmark (C), a parser library following the CommonMark spec, a compatible implementation of Markdown. - asaaki/cmark.ex
GitHub - Accenture/reactive-interaction-gateway: Create low-latency, interactive user experiences for stateless microservices.
GitHub - Accenture/reactive-interaction-gateway: Create low-latency, interactive user experiences for stateless microservices.
Application Monitoring for Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Node.js & Python
Application Monitoring for Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Node.js & Python
AppSignal APM offers error tracking, performance monitoring, dashboards, host metrics, and alerts. Built for Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Elixir, Node.js, and JavaScript.
GitHub - cblage/elixir-json: Native JSON library for Elixir
GitHub - cblage/elixir-json: Native JSON library for Elixir
GitHub - meyercm/shorter_maps: Elixir ~M sigil for map shorthand. `~M{id, name} ~> %{id: id, name: name}`
GitHub - meyercm/shorter_maps: Elixir ~M sigil for map shorthand. `~M{id, name} ~> %{id: id, name: name}`
Build software better, together
Build software better, together
GitHub - mana-ethereum/ex_rlp: Elixir implementation of Ethereum's RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) encoding
GitHub - mana-ethereum/ex_rlp: Elixir implementation of Ethereum's RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) encoding
GitHub - slogsdon/placid: A REST toolkit for building highly-scalable and fault-tolerant HTTP APIs with Elixir
GitHub - slogsdon/placid: A REST toolkit for building highly-scalable and fault-tolerant HTTP APIs with Elixir
GitHub - obmarg/plug_fprof: An Elixir Plug for profiling code with fprof.
GitHub - obmarg/plug_fprof: An Elixir Plug for profiling code with fprof.
GitHub - gushonorato/mechanize: Build web scrapers and automate interaction with websites in Elixir with ease!
GitHub - gushonorato/mechanize: Build web scrapers and automate interaction with websites in Elixir with ease!
GitHub - Betree/atomex: 🌊 Elixir RSS/ATOM feed builder with a focus on standards compliance, security and extensibility
GitHub - Betree/atomex: 🌊 Elixir RSS/ATOM feed builder with a focus on standards compliance, security and extensibility
GitHub - trenpixster/addict: User management lib for Phoenix Framework
GitHub - trenpixster/addict: User management lib for Phoenix Framework
GitHub - Nebo15/multiverse: Elixir package that allows to add compatibility layers via API gateways.
GitHub - Nebo15/multiverse: Elixir package that allows to add compatibility layers via API gateways.
GitHub - KazuCocoa/http_proxy: http proxy with Elixir. wait request with multi port and forward to each URIs
GitHub - KazuCocoa/http_proxy: http proxy with Elixir. wait request with multi port and forward to each URIs
GitHub - surface-ui/surface: A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix
GitHub - surface-ui/surface: A server-side rendering component library for Phoenix
GitHub - mneudert/instream: InfluxDB driver for Elixir
GitHub - mneudert/instream: InfluxDB driver for Elixir
GitHub - polmuz/elixir-geohash: Geohash encode/decode for Elixir
GitHub - polmuz/elixir-geohash: Geohash encode/decode for Elixir
GitHub - pkinney/topo: A Geometry library for Elixir that calculates spatial relationships between two geometries
GitHub - pkinney/topo: A Geometry library for Elixir that calculates spatial relationships between two geometries
GitHub - hissssst/pathex: Fastest tool to access data in Elixir
GitHub - hissssst/pathex: Fastest tool to access data in Elixir
GitHub - jschneider1207/ElixirExif
GitHub - jschneider1207/ElixirExif
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/lager_logger: A lager backend that forwards all log messages to Elixir's Logger
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/lager_logger: A lager backend that forwards all log messages to Elixir's Logger
GitHub - vic/ok_jose: Pipe elixir functions that match ok/error tuples or custom patterns.
GitHub - vic/ok_jose: Pipe elixir functions that match ok/error tuples or custom patterns.
GitHub - LeeroyDing/json_logger: Simple JSON Logger for Elixir apps.
GitHub - LeeroyDing/json_logger: Simple JSON Logger for Elixir apps.
GitHub - benoitc/erlang-metrics: A generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang.
GitHub - benoitc/erlang-metrics: A generic interface to different metrics systems in Erlang.
GitHub - liveforeverx/ratx: Rate limiter and overload protection for erlang application
GitHub - liveforeverx/ratx: Rate limiter and overload protection for erlang application
GitHub - sivsushruth/mixgraph: An interactive dependency plotter for your Hex Package
GitHub - sivsushruth/mixgraph: An interactive dependency plotter for your Hex Package
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_ecto: Phoenix and Ecto integration with support for concurrent acceptance testing
GitHub - phoenixframework/phoenix_ecto: Phoenix and Ecto integration with support for concurrent acceptance testing
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/phoenix_html_simplified_helpers: Some helpers for phoenix html( truncate, time_ago_in_words, number_with_delimiter, url_for, current_page? )
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/phoenix_html_simplified_helpers: Some helpers for phoenix html( truncate, time_ago_in_words, number_with_delimiter, url_for, current_page? )
GitHub - peburrows/river: An HTTP/2 client for Elixir (a work in progress!)
GitHub - peburrows/river: An HTTP/2 client for Elixir (a work in progress!)
GitHub - slogsdon/plug-web-socket: An exploration into a stand-alone library for Plug applications to easily adopt WebSockets.
GitHub - slogsdon/plug-web-socket: An exploration into a stand-alone library for Plug applications to easily adopt WebSockets.
GitHub - pezra/ex-uri-template: RFC 6570 compliant URI template processor for Elixir
GitHub - pezra/ex-uri-template: RFC 6570 compliant URI template processor for Elixir
GitHub - doomspork/artifact: File upload and on-the-fly processing for Elixir
GitHub - doomspork/artifact: File upload and on-the-fly processing for Elixir
GitHub - SebastianSzturo/kaisuu: Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime
GitHub - SebastianSzturo/kaisuu: Japan's Kanji Usage on Twitter in Realtime
GitHub - AppDoctorIo/accesspass: provides a full user authentication experience for an API. Includes login,logout,register,forgot password, forgot username, confirmation email and all that other good stuff. Includes plug for checking for authenticated users and macro for generating the required routes.
GitHub - AppDoctorIo/accesspass: provides a full user authentication experience for an API. Includes login,logout,register,forgot password, forgot username, confirmation email and all that other good stuff. Includes plug for checking for authenticated users and macro for generating the required routes.
GitHub - ForzaElixir/rollbax: Exception tracking and logging from Elixir to Rollbar
GitHub - ForzaElixir/rollbax: Exception tracking and logging from Elixir to Rollbar
GitHub - britton-jb/sentinel: DEPRECATED - Phoenix Authentication library that wraps Guardian for extra functionality
GitHub - britton-jb/sentinel: DEPRECATED - Phoenix Authentication library that wraps Guardian for extra functionality
GitHub - navinpeiris/countriex: All sorts of useful information about every country. A pure elixir port of the ruby Countries gem
GitHub - navinpeiris/countriex: All sorts of useful information about every country. A pure elixir port of the ruby Countries gem
GitHub - CandyGumdrop/proj: Elixir coordinate conversion library using OSGeo's PROJ.4
GitHub - CandyGumdrop/proj: Elixir coordinate conversion library using OSGeo's PROJ.4
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus-ecto: Prometheus.io collector for Elixir.Ecto
GitHub - deadtrickster/prometheus-ecto: Prometheus.io collector for Elixir.Ecto
GitHub - craigp/slack_logger_backend: An Elixir logger backend for posting errors to Slack.
GitHub - craigp/slack_logger_backend: An Elixir logger backend for posting errors to Slack.
GitHub - jr0senblum/jwalk: Helper module for working with Erlang proplists, eep 18, map and mochijson-style JSON representations
GitHub - jr0senblum/jwalk: Helper module for working with Erlang proplists, eep 18, map and mochijson-style JSON representations
GitHub - wait1/wait1_ex: Plug adapter for the wait1 protocol
GitHub - wait1/wait1_ex: Plug adapter for the wait1 protocol
GitHub - ma2gedev/netrcex: Reads netrc files implemented in Elixir
GitHub - ma2gedev/netrcex: Reads netrc files implemented in Elixir
GitHub - manukall/phoenix_token_auth: Token authentication solution for Phoenix. Useful for APIs for e.g. single page apps.
GitHub - manukall/phoenix_token_auth: Token authentication solution for Phoenix. Useful for APIs for e.g. single page apps.
GitHub - DeadZen/goldrush: Small, Fast event processing and monitoring for Erlang/OTP applications.
GitHub - DeadZen/goldrush: Small, Fast event processing and monitoring for Erlang/OTP applications.
GitHub - uesteibar/neuron: A GraphQL client for Elixir
GitHub - uesteibar/neuron: A GraphQL client for Elixir
GitHub - beam-telemetry/telemetry: Dynamic dispatching library for metrics and instrumentations.
GitHub - beam-telemetry/telemetry: Dynamic dispatching library for metrics and instrumentations.
GitHub - CyrusOfEden/geocoder: An Elixir Geocoder/Reverse Geocoder
GitHub - CyrusOfEden/geocoder: An Elixir Geocoder/Reverse Geocoder
GitHub - kittoframework/kitto: Kitto is a framework for interactive dashboards written in Elixir
GitHub - kittoframework/kitto: Kitto is a framework for interactive dashboards written in Elixir
GitHub - kbrw/rulex: This tiny library (2 macros only) allows you to define very simple rule handler using Elixir pattern matching.
GitHub - kbrw/rulex: This tiny library (2 macros only) allows you to define very simple rule handler using Elixir pattern matching.
GitHub - slashdotdash/eventsourced: Functional domain models with event sourcing in Elixir
GitHub - slashdotdash/eventsourced: Functional domain models with event sourcing in Elixir
GitHub - vic/pit: Elixir macro for extracting or transforming values inside a pipe flow.
GitHub - vic/pit: Elixir macro for extracting or transforming values inside a pipe flow.
GitHub - marcelog/ex_abnf: Parser for ABNF Grammars
GitHub - marcelog/ex_abnf: Parser for ABNF Grammars
GitHub - jwhiteman/lighthouse-scheme: A toy Scheme-like language on Elixir, just for fun
GitHub - jwhiteman/lighthouse-scheme: A toy Scheme-like language on Elixir, just for fun
GitHub - nbw/jisho_elixir: A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org)
GitHub - nbw/jisho_elixir: A Japanese dictionary API; a wrapper around Jisho's API (http://jisho.org)
GitHub - ryo33/onetime-elixir: An onetime key-value store for Elixir
GitHub - ryo33/onetime-elixir: An onetime key-value store for Elixir
GitHub - configcat/elixir-sdk: ConfigCat SDK for Elixir. ConfigCat is a hosted feature flag service: https://configcat.com. Manage feature toggles across frontend, backend, mobile, desktop apps. Alternative to LaunchDarkly. Management app + feature flag SDKs.
GitHub - configcat/elixir-sdk: ConfigCat SDK for Elixir. ConfigCat is a hosted feature flag service: https://configcat.com. Manage feature toggles across frontend, backend, mobile, desktop apps. Alternative to LaunchDarkly. Management app + feature flag SDKs.
GitHub - mneudert/plug_accesslog: Plug for writing access logs
GitHub - mneudert/plug_accesslog: Plug for writing access logs
GitHub - yltsrc/geocalc: Geographic calculations for Elixir
GitHub - yltsrc/geocalc: Geographic calculations for Elixir
GitHub - appsignal/appsignal-elixir: 🟪 AppSignal for Elixir package
GitHub - appsignal/appsignal-elixir: 🟪 AppSignal for Elixir package
GitHub - Brightergy/egaugex: A simple egauge parser to retrieve and parse data from egauge devices
GitHub - Brightergy/egaugex: A simple egauge parser to retrieve and parse data from egauge devices
GitHub - okeuday/keys1value: Erlang set associative map for key lists
GitHub - okeuday/keys1value: Erlang set associative map for key lists
GitHub - ma2gedev/mix-star: Elixir Mix task to starring GitHub repository with `mix deps.get`ting dependent library
GitHub - ma2gedev/mix-star: Elixir Mix task to starring GitHub repository with `mix deps.get`ting dependent library
GitHub - jimsynz/lex_luthor: Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir.
GitHub - jimsynz/lex_luthor: Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir. Lexer in Elixir.
GitHub - getsentry/sentry-elixir: The official Elixir SDK for Sentry (sentry.io)
GitHub - getsentry/sentry-elixir: The official Elixir SDK for Sentry (sentry.io)
GitHub - navinpeiris/logster: Easily parsable single line, plain text and JSON logger for Plug and Phoenix applications
GitHub - navinpeiris/logster: Easily parsable single line, plain text and JSON logger for Plug and Phoenix applications
GitHub - ash-project/ash: A declarative, extensible framework for building Elixir applications.
GitHub - ash-project/ash: A declarative, extensible framework for building Elixir applications.
GitHub - akoutmos/prom_ex: An Elixir Prometheus metrics collection library built on top of Telemetry with accompanying Grafana dashboards
GitHub - akoutmos/prom_ex: An Elixir Prometheus metrics collection library built on top of Telemetry with accompanying Grafana dashboards
GitHub - basho/lager: A logging framework for Erlang/OTP
GitHub - basho/lager: A logging framework for Erlang/OTP
GitHub - tyre/imagineer: Image processing in Elixir
GitHub - tyre/imagineer: Image processing in Elixir
GitHub - Hajto/ExFCM: ExFCM is a simple wrapper around Firebase Cloud Messaging
GitHub - Hajto/ExFCM: ExFCM is a simple wrapper around Firebase Cloud Messaging
GitHub - christhekeele/matcha: 🍵 First-class Elixir match specifications.
GitHub - christhekeele/matcha: 🍵 First-class Elixir match specifications.
GitHub - falood/exsync: Yet another elixir reloader.
GitHub - falood/exsync: Yet another elixir reloader.
GitHub - jtmoulia/spawndir: Spawn processes from the file system.
GitHub - jtmoulia/spawndir: Spawn processes from the file system.
GitHub - thisiscetin/indicado: Technical indicator library for Elixir with no dependencies.
GitHub - thisiscetin/indicado: Technical indicator library for Elixir with no dependencies.
GitHub - jsncmgs1/spotify_ex: Elixir wrapper for the Spotify Web API
GitHub - jsncmgs1/spotify_ex: Elixir wrapper for the Spotify Web API
GitHub - rdf-elixir/sparql_client: A SPARQL client for Elixir
GitHub - rdf-elixir/sparql_client: A SPARQL client for Elixir
GitHub - wkhere/reprise: Simplified module reloader for Elixir
GitHub - wkhere/reprise: Simplified module reloader for Elixir
GitHub - zachallett/growl: Simple wrapper for growl, the notification system for OSX
GitHub - zachallett/growl: Simple wrapper for growl, the notification system for OSX
GitHub - joken-elixir/joken: Elixir JWT library
GitHub - joken-elixir/joken: Elixir JWT library
GitHub - feng19/spider_man: SpiderMan,a base-on Broadway fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
GitHub - feng19/spider_man: SpiderMan,a base-on Broadway fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
GitHub - rwdaigle/metrix: Elixir library to log custom application metrics, in a well-structured, human and machine readable format, for use by downstream log processing systems (Librato, Reimann, etc...)
GitHub - rwdaigle/metrix: Elixir library to log custom application metrics, in a well-structured, human and machine readable format, for use by downstream log processing systems (Librato, Reimann, etc...)
GitHub - ejpcmac/typed_struct: An Elixir library for defining structs with a type without writing boilerplate code.
GitHub - ejpcmac/typed_struct: An Elixir library for defining structs with a type without writing boilerplate code.
GitHub - pinterest/elixometer: A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.
GitHub - pinterest/elixometer: A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.
GitHub - JohnJocoo/weighted_random: Elixir weighted random pick library optimised for quick take_one and take_n operations
GitHub - JohnJocoo/weighted_random: Elixir weighted random pick library optimised for quick take_one and take_n operations
GitHub - jungsoft/crudry: Elixir library for DRYing CRUD in Phoenix Contexts and Absinthe Resolvers.
GitHub - jungsoft/crudry: Elixir library for DRYing CRUD in Phoenix Contexts and Absinthe Resolvers.
GitHub - unnawut/licensir: An Elixir mix task that lists all the licenses used by your Mix project dependencies.
GitHub - unnawut/licensir: An Elixir mix task that lists all the licenses used by your Mix project dependencies.
GitHub - devinus/markdown: A simple Elixir Markdown to HTML conversion library
GitHub - devinus/markdown: A simple Elixir Markdown to HTML conversion library
GitHub - geolessel/react-phoenix: Make rendering React.js components in Phoenix easy
GitHub - geolessel/react-phoenix: Make rendering React.js components in Phoenix easy
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/folsom_ddb: Folsom consumer plugin for dalmatinerdb
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/folsom_ddb: Folsom consumer plugin for dalmatinerdb
GitHub - omohokcoj/filterable: Filtering from incoming params in Elixir/Ecto/Phoenix with easy to use DSL.
GitHub - omohokcoj/filterable: Filtering from incoming params in Elixir/Ecto/Phoenix with easy to use DSL.
GitHub - CrowdHailer/raxx: Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients
GitHub - CrowdHailer/raxx: Interface for HTTP webservers, frameworks and clients
GitHub - MyMedsAndMe/spell: Spell is a Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) client implementation in Elixir. WAMP is an open standard WebSocket subprotocol that provides two application messaging patterns in one unified protocol: Remote Procedure Calls + Publish & Subscribe: http://wamp.ws/
GitHub - MyMedsAndMe/spell: Spell is a Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) client implementation in Elixir. WAMP is an open standard WebSocket subprotocol that provides two application messaging patterns in one unified protocol: Remote Procedure Calls + Publish & Subscribe: http://wamp.ws/
GitHub - wende/elchemy: Write Elixir code using statically-typed Elm-like syntax (compatible with Elm tooling)
GitHub - wende/elchemy: Write Elixir code using statically-typed Elm-like syntax (compatible with Elm tooling)
GitHub - vic/expat: Reusable, composable patterns across Elixir libraries
GitHub - vic/expat: Reusable, composable patterns across Elixir libraries
GitHub - xavier/huex: Elixir client for Philips Hue connected light bulbs
GitHub - xavier/huex: Elixir client for Philips Hue connected light bulbs
GitHub - whitfin/expool: Extremely simple Process pooling and task submission in Elixir
GitHub - whitfin/expool: Extremely simple Process pooling and task submission in Elixir
GitHub - whitfin/vessel: Elixir MapReduce interfaces with Hadoop Streaming integration
GitHub - whitfin/vessel: Elixir MapReduce interfaces with Hadoop Streaming integration
GitHub - vectordotdev/timber-elixir: 🌲 Great Elixir logging made easy
GitHub - vectordotdev/timber-elixir: 🌲 Great Elixir logging made easy
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/pact: Better dependency injection in Elixir
GitHub - BlakeWilliams/pact: Better dependency injection in Elixir
GitHub - hykw/japan_municipality_key: Elixir Library for Japan municipality key converting
GitHub - hykw/japan_municipality_key: Elixir Library for Japan municipality key converting
GitHub - eljojo/ex_chain: Simple Markov Chain written in Elixir
GitHub - eljojo/ex_chain: Simple Markov Chain written in Elixir
GitHub - undeadlabs/instrumental-ex: An Elixir client for Instrumental
GitHub - undeadlabs/instrumental-ex: An Elixir client for Instrumental
GitHub - smpallen99/ex_admin: ExAdmin is an auto administration package for Elixir and the Phoenix Framework
GitHub - smpallen99/ex_admin: ExAdmin is an auto administration package for Elixir and the Phoenix Framework
GitHub - ex-azure/ex_azure_speech
GitHub - ex-azure/ex_azure_speech
GitHub - danhper/elixir-browser: Browser detection for Elixir
GitHub - danhper/elixir-browser: Browser detection for Elixir
GitHub - okeuday/dynamic_compile: compile and load erlang modules from string input
GitHub - okeuday/dynamic_compile: compile and load erlang modules from string input
GitHub - Bounceapp/ex_passbook: Elixir library to create Apple Wallet (.pkpass) files
GitHub - Bounceapp/ex_passbook: Elixir library to create Apple Wallet (.pkpass) files
GitHub - khia/exlager: Elixir binding for lager
GitHub - khia/exlager: Elixir binding for lager
GitHub - talentdeficit/jsx: an erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating json. inspired by yajl
GitHub - talentdeficit/jsx: an erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating json. inspired by yajl
GitHub - navinpeiris/geoip: Elixir library to find geo location information given an IP address, hostname or Plug.Conn
GitHub - navinpeiris/geoip: Elixir library to find geo location information given an IP address, hostname or Plug.Conn
GitHub - vic/params: Easy parameters validation/casting with Ecto.Schema, akin to Rails' strong parameters.
GitHub - vic/params: Easy parameters validation/casting with Ecto.Schema, akin to Rails' strong parameters.
GitHub - shiryel/rayex: Raylib binds to elixir for games programming
GitHub - shiryel/rayex: Raylib binds to elixir for games programming
GitHub - marcelog/logger_logstash_backend: Logstash backend for the Elixir Logger
GitHub - marcelog/logger_logstash_backend: Logstash backend for the Elixir Logger
GitHub - philss/floki: Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors.
GitHub - philss/floki: Floki is a simple HTML parser that enables search for nodes using CSS selectors.
GitHub - fhunleth/elixir_ale: Interact with hardware in Elixir - GPIOs, I2C and SPI
GitHub - fhunleth/elixir_ale: Interact with hardware in Elixir - GPIOs, I2C and SPI
GitHub - AlloyCI/alloy_ci: Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir.
GitHub - AlloyCI/alloy_ci: Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery coordinator, written in Elixir.
GitHub - smeevil/cloudex: An elixir library which helps with uploading image files or urls to cloudinary
GitHub - smeevil/cloudex: An elixir library which helps with uploading image files or urls to cloudinary
introduce multi-path configuration by mindreframer · Pull Request #1 · Driftrock/quiet_logger
introduce multi-path configuration by mindreframer · Pull Request #1 · Driftrock/quiet_logger
GitHub - atomvm/AtomVM: Tiny Erlang VM
GitHub - atomvm/AtomVM: Tiny Erlang VM
GitHub - alco/porcelain: Work with external processes like a boss
GitHub - alco/porcelain: Work with external processes like a boss
GitHub - elixir-mogrify/mogrify: Image processing in Elixir (ImageMagick command line wrapper)
GitHub - elixir-mogrify/mogrify: Image processing in Elixir (ImageMagick command line wrapper)
GitHub - AntonFagerberg/rackla: Open Source API Gateway in Elixir
GitHub - AntonFagerberg/rackla: Open Source API Gateway in Elixir
GitHub - edgurgel/httpoison: Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney
GitHub - edgurgel/httpoison: Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney
GitHub - annkissam/rummage_phoenix: Full Phoenix Support for Rummage. It can be used for searching, sorting and paginating collections in phoenix.
GitHub - annkissam/rummage_phoenix: Full Phoenix Support for Rummage. It can be used for searching, sorting and paginating collections in phoenix.
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/exfavicon: Elixir library for discovering favicons
GitHub - ikeikeikeike/exfavicon: Elixir library for discovering favicons
GitHub - mgwidmann/elixir-pattern_tap: Macro for tapping into a pattern match while using the pipe operator
GitHub - mgwidmann/elixir-pattern_tap: Macro for tapping into a pattern match while using the pipe operator
GitHub - chatgris/funnel: Streaming Elixir API built upon ElasticSearch's percolation.
GitHub - chatgris/funnel: Streaming Elixir API built upon ElasticSearch's percolation.
GitHub - elixir-mint/mint: Functional HTTP client for Elixir with support for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 🌱
GitHub - elixir-mint/mint: Functional HTTP client for Elixir with support for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 🌱
GitHub - Cobenian/Presentex: Elixir -> HTML/JavaScript based presentation framework intended for showing Elixir code
GitHub - Cobenian/Presentex: Elixir -> HTML/JavaScript based presentation framework intended for showing Elixir code
GitHub - michaelnisi/feeder: Parse RSS and Atom feeds
GitHub - michaelnisi/feeder: Parse RSS and Atom feeds
GitHub - Vagabond/erlang-syslog: Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3)
GitHub - Vagabond/erlang-syslog: Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3)
GitHub - asaaki/discount.ex: Elixir NIF for discount, a Markdown parser
GitHub - asaaki/discount.ex: Elixir NIF for discount, a Markdown parser
Elixir NIF for discount, a Markdown parser. Contribute to asaaki/discount.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - valpackett/httpotion: [Deprecated because ibrowse is not maintained] HTTP client for Elixir (use Tesla please)
GitHub - valpackett/httpotion: [Deprecated because ibrowse is not maintained] HTTP client for Elixir (use Tesla please)
GitHub - felt/geo: A collection of GIS functions for Elixir
GitHub - felt/geo: A collection of GIS functions for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-plug/plug: Compose web applications with functions
GitHub - elixir-plug/plug: Compose web applications with functions
GitHub - beam-community/jsonapi: JSON:API Serializer and Query Handler for Elixir
GitHub - beam-community/jsonapi: JSON:API Serializer and Query Handler for Elixir
GitHub - MaxStrange/expyplot: Matplotlib for Elixir
GitHub - MaxStrange/expyplot: Matplotlib for Elixir
GitHub - tomgco/elixir-charm: ANSI rainbow for elixir, be a magician
GitHub - tomgco/elixir-charm: ANSI rainbow for elixir, be a magician
GitHub - milmazz/bupe: BUPE is a Elixir ePub generator and parser (supports EPUB v3)
GitHub - milmazz/bupe: BUPE is a Elixir ePub generator and parser (supports EPUB v3)
GitHub - petalframework/petal_components: Phoenix + Live View HEEX Components
GitHub - petalframework/petal_components: Phoenix + Live View HEEX Components
GitHub - otobus/event_bus: :surfer: Traceable, extendable and minimalist **event bus** implementation for Elixir with built-in **event store** and **event watcher** based on ETS.
GitHub - otobus/event_bus: :surfer: Traceable, extendable and minimalist **event bus** implementation for Elixir with built-in **event store** and **event watcher** based on ETS.
GitHub - vt-elixir/ja_serializer: JSONAPI.org Serialization in Elixir.
GitHub - vt-elixir/ja_serializer: JSONAPI.org Serialization in Elixir.
GitHub - Group4Layers/ex_image_info: ExImageInfo is an Elixir library to parse images (binaries) and get the dimensions (size), detected mime-type and overall validity for a set of image formats. It is the fastest and supports multiple formats.
GitHub - Group4Layers/ex_image_info: ExImageInfo is an Elixir library to parse images (binaries) and get the dimensions (size), detected mime-type and overall validity for a set of image formats. It is the fastest and supports multiple formats.
GitHub - kevin-hanselman/mines: A minesweeper clone in the terminal, written in Elixir.
GitHub - kevin-hanselman/mines: A minesweeper clone in the terminal, written in Elixir.
GitHub - elixir-tesla/tesla: The flexible HTTP client library for Elixir, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.
GitHub - elixir-tesla/tesla: The flexible HTTP client library for Elixir, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.
GitHub - mojotech/torch: A rapid admin generator for Elixir & Phoenix
GitHub - mojotech/torch: A rapid admin generator for Elixir & Phoenix
GitHub - shankardevy/passport: Provides authentication for phoenix application
GitHub - shankardevy/passport: Provides authentication for phoenix application
GitHub - dunyakirkali/format_parser.ex: The owls are not what they seem
GitHub - dunyakirkali/format_parser.ex: The owls are not what they seem
The owls are not what they seem. Contribute to dunyakirkali/format_parser.ex development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - gothinkster/realworld: "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more
GitHub - gothinkster/realworld: "The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more - gothinkster/realworld
GitHub - elixir-crawly/crawly: Crawly, a high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
GitHub - elixir-crawly/crawly: Crawly, a high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
GitHub - ex-phone-number/ex_phone_number: Elixir port of libphonenumber
GitHub - ex-phone-number/ex_phone_number: Elixir port of libphonenumber
GitHub - kofigumbs/codec-beam: Generate Erlang VM byte code from Haskell
GitHub - kofigumbs/codec-beam: Generate Erlang VM byte code from Haskell
GitHub - wemake-services/ecto_autoslug_field: Automatically create slugs for Ecto schemas.
GitHub - wemake-services/ecto_autoslug_field: Automatically create slugs for Ecto schemas.
Application Performance Monitoring & Error Tracking Software
Application Performance Monitoring & Error Tracking Software
Self-hosted and cloud-based application performance monitoring & error tracking that helps software teams see clearer, solve quicker, & learn continuously.
NEAR | Blockchains, Abstracted
NEAR | Blockchains, Abstracted
NEAR is the chain abstraction stack, empowering builders to create apps that scale to billions of users and across all blockchains.
Library for working with streams
Exsms: A Elixir library for sending transactional SMS - supports Sendinblue, mailjet, msg91, msg91_otp and textlocal
Easily generate structs and maps based on your ecto schemas.
Ockam | Build Trust
Ockam | Build Trust
Modern applications are distributed, interconnected, and have Zero-Trust in network boundaries. These applications must exchange data with Trust. Ockam empowers developers to build applications that can Trust Data-in-Motion across complex, variable, and hostile networks. Ockam has a simple developer experience and powerful primitives that orchestrate end-to-end encryption, key management, authorization policy enforcement, and mutual authentication.
Timo Pallach / FlyingDdns · GitLab
Timo Pallach / FlyingDdns · GitLab
A dyndns server written in elixir using the following components: PowerDNS as DNS server PostgreSQL as database backend phoenix as webfrontend (using elixir/erlang) relayd as http load balancer
GitHub - benknowles/code_signing: Elixir library for signing and verifying BEAM files with Ed25519 signatures
GitHub - benknowles/code_signing: Elixir library for signing and verifying BEAM files with Ed25519 signatures
GitHub - bitwalker/exrm: Automatically generate a release for your Elixir project!
GitHub - bitwalker/exrm: Automatically generate a release for your Elixir project!
GitHub - tfiedlerdejanze/expublish: Automates semantic release versioning and best practices for elixir packages.
GitHub - tfiedlerdejanze/expublish: Automates semantic release versioning and best practices for elixir packages.
GitHub - genericlady/chemistry: Chemistry is a Testing Framework for Elixir
GitHub - genericlady/chemistry: Chemistry is a Testing Framework for Elixir
GitHub - dantswain/mix_eunit: A mix task to execute eunit tests.
GitHub - dantswain/mix_eunit: A mix task to execute eunit tests.
GitHub - KazuCocoa/elixir-gimei
GitHub - KazuCocoa/elixir-gimei
GitHub - leifg/excellent: Excel Parser written in Elixir (currently only Excel 2000)
GitHub - leifg/excellent: Excel Parser written in Elixir (currently only Excel 2000)
GitHub - mhanberg/temple: An HTML DSL for Elixir and Phoenix
GitHub - mhanberg/temple: An HTML DSL for Elixir and Phoenix
GitHub - HashNuke/hound: Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation
GitHub - HashNuke/hound: Elixir library for writing integration tests and browser automation
GitHub - jsonmaur/namor: A subdomain-safe name generator
GitHub - jsonmaur/namor: A subdomain-safe name generator
GitHub - abitdodgy/gibran: Gibran is an Elixir natural language processor, and a port of WordsCounted.
GitHub - abitdodgy/gibran: Gibran is an Elixir natural language processor, and a port of WordsCounted.
GitHub - synrc/ca: 🛡️ CA: Certificate Authority. ДСТУ: 4145. ITU/IETF: 3279, 5755, X.501, X.509, X.511, X.520.
GitHub - synrc/ca: 🛡️ CA: Certificate Authority. ДСТУ: 4145. ITU/IETF: 3279, 5755, X.501, X.509, X.511, X.520.
GitHub - slogsdon/pool: Socket acceptor pool for Elixir
GitHub - slogsdon/pool: Socket acceptor pool for Elixir
GitHub - minibikini/paasaa: 🔤 Natural language detection for Elixir
GitHub - minibikini/paasaa: 🔤 Natural language detection for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-ecto/ecto: A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query.
GitHub - elixir-ecto/ecto: A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query.
GitHub - jxub/barrel_ex: BarrelDB Elixir client done in my GSoC '18. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/barrel-db/Clients/barrel_ex
GitHub - jxub/barrel_ex: BarrelDB Elixir client done in my GSoC '18. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/barrel-db/Clients/barrel_ex
GitHub - cafebazaar/ecto-cassandra: Cassandra Ecto Adapter
GitHub - cafebazaar/ecto-cassandra: Cassandra Ecto Adapter
GitHub - radar/elastic: A thin veneer over HTTPotion that talks to Elastic Search
GitHub - radar/elastic: A thin veneer over HTTPotion that talks to Elastic Search
GitHub - Tyler-pierce/simplestatex: Simple Stat Ex can be used to keep counters around hourly daily or other activity for an elixir project
GitHub - Tyler-pierce/simplestatex: Simple Stat Ex can be used to keep counters around hourly daily or other activity for an elixir project
GitHub - glasnoster/eliver: Interactive semantic versioning for Elixir packages
GitHub - glasnoster/eliver: Interactive semantic versioning for Elixir packages
GitHub - gausby/level: Level for Elixir implements various helper functions and data types for working with Googles Level data store.
GitHub - gausby/level: Level for Elixir implements various helper functions and data types for working with Googles Level data store.
GitHub - zyro/elixir-uuid: UUID generator and utilities for Elixir
GitHub - zyro/elixir-uuid: UUID generator and utilities for Elixir
GitHub - jazzyb/sqlite_ecto: SQLite3 adapter for Ecto
GitHub - jazzyb/sqlite_ecto: SQLite3 adapter for Ecto
GitHub - d0rc/exrabbit: Simple rabbitmq bindings for elixir
GitHub - d0rc/exrabbit: Simple rabbitmq bindings for elixir
GitHub - meh/amnesia: Mnesia wrapper for Elixir.
GitHub - meh/amnesia: Mnesia wrapper for Elixir.
GitHub - zambal/eml: Library for writing and manipulating (html) markup in Elixir.
GitHub - zambal/eml: Library for writing and manipulating (html) markup in Elixir.
GitHub - meh/urna: REST in peace.
GitHub - meh/urna: REST in peace.
GitHub - savonarola/smppex: ✉️ SMPP 3.4 protocol and framework implementation in Elixir
GitHub - savonarola/smppex: ✉️ SMPP 3.4 protocol and framework implementation in Elixir
GitHub - tjheeta/mysqlex: Mysql driver for Elixir from Erlang
GitHub - tjheeta/mysqlex: Mysql driver for Elixir from Erlang
GitHub - fredwu/opq: Elixir queue! A simple, in-memory queue with worker pooling and rate limiting in Elixir.
GitHub - fredwu/opq: Elixir queue! A simple, in-memory queue with worker pooling and rate limiting in Elixir.
GitHub - Gazler/changex: Automated changelog generation from git logs
GitHub - Gazler/changex: Automated changelog generation from git logs
GitHub - pma/riak_ecto: Riak adapter for Ecto
GitHub - pma/riak_ecto: Riak adapter for Ecto
GitHub - yrashk/relex: Erlang/Elixir Release Assembler
GitHub - yrashk/relex: Erlang/Elixir Release Assembler
GitHub - popo63301/ecto_list: 📝 Simple ordered model management with Ecto.
GitHub - popo63301/ecto_list: 📝 Simple ordered model management with Ecto.
GitHub - xou/elixlsx: An Elixir XLSX writer
GitHub - xou/elixlsx: An Elixir XLSX writer
GitHub - falood/eio: elixir server of engine.io
GitHub - falood/eio: elixir server of engine.io
GitHub - Frost/isn: Postgrex.Extension and Ecto.Type for PostgreSQL isn module
GitHub - Frost/isn: Postgrex.Extension and Ecto.Type for PostgreSQL isn module
GitHub - asiniy/download: Downloads remote file and stores it in the filesystem
GitHub - asiniy/download: Downloads remote file and stores it in the filesystem
GitHub - lpil/palette: A useless library that does stuff the standard library does better.
GitHub - lpil/palette: A useless library that does stuff the standard library does better.
GitHub - nccgroup/sobelow: Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework
GitHub - nccgroup/sobelow: Security-focused static analysis for the Phoenix Framework
GitHub - fishcakez/core: Library for selective receive OTP processes
GitHub - fishcakez/core: Library for selective receive OTP processes
GitHub - edubkendo/datomex: Elixir driver for the Datomic REST API
GitHub - edubkendo/datomex: Elixir driver for the Datomic REST API
GitHub - tsloughter/erlastic_search: An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.
GitHub - tsloughter/erlastic_search: An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface.
GitHub - cheerfulstoic/ecto_watch: EctoWatch allows you to easily get notifications about database changes directly from PostgreSQL.
GitHub - cheerfulstoic/ecto_watch: EctoWatch allows you to easily get notifications about database changes directly from PostgreSQL.
GitHub - azranel/ecto_facade: Separate your read and write operations in replicated database setup
GitHub - azranel/ecto_facade: Separate your read and write operations in replicated database setup
GitHub - mururu/msgpack-elixir: MessagePack Implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]
GitHub - mururu/msgpack-elixir: MessagePack Implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]
GitHub - lexmag/msgpax: High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]
GitHub - lexmag/msgpax: High-performance and comprehensive MessagePack implementation for Elixir / msgpack.org[Elixir]
GitHub - DockYard/ecto_fixtures: Fixtures for Elixir apps
GitHub - DockYard/ecto_fixtures: Fixtures for Elixir apps
GitHub - timbuchwaldt/udpflux: An opinionated InfluxDB UDP only client
GitHub - timbuchwaldt/udpflux: An opinionated InfluxDB UDP only client
GitHub - bitwalker/timex_ecto: An adapter for using Timex DateTimes with Ecto
GitHub - bitwalker/timex_ecto: An adapter for using Timex DateTimes with Ecto
GitHub - Zatvobor/tirexs: An Elixir flavored HTTP client and DSL library for Elasticsearch
GitHub - Zatvobor/tirexs: An Elixir flavored HTTP client and DSL library for Elasticsearch
GitHub - mosic/exdisque: Elixir client for Disque (https://github.com/antirez/disque), an in-memory, distributed job queue.
GitHub - mosic/exdisque: Elixir client for Disque (https://github.com/antirez/disque), an in-memory, distributed job queue.
GitHub - Joe-noh/ccc: Character Code Converter
GitHub - Joe-noh/ccc: Character Code Converter
GitHub - emqx/quic: QUIC protocol for Erlang & Elixir
GitHub - emqx/quic: QUIC protocol for Erlang & Elixir
GitHub - whatyouhide/redix: Fast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir. 🛍
GitHub - whatyouhide/redix: Fast, pipelined, resilient Redis driver for Elixir. 🛍
GitHub - ramortegui/clamxir: CalmAV wrapper for elixir
GitHub - ramortegui/clamxir: CalmAV wrapper for elixir
GitHub - r-icarus/detergentex: Elixir binding to Detergent erlang library used to call WSDL/SOAP Services
GitHub - r-icarus/detergentex: Elixir binding to Detergent erlang library used to call WSDL/SOAP Services
GitHub - heywhy/ex_elasticlunr: Elasticlunr is a small, full-text search library for use in the Elixir environment. It indexes JSON documents and provides a friendly search interface to retrieve documents.
GitHub - heywhy/ex_elasticlunr: Elasticlunr is a small, full-text search library for use in the Elixir environment. It indexes JSON documents and provides a friendly search interface to retrieve documents.
GitHub - reset/libex-config: Helpers for accessing OTP application configuration
GitHub - reset/libex-config: Helpers for accessing OTP application configuration
GitHub - stavro/arc_ecto: An integration with Arc and Ecto.
GitHub - stavro/arc_ecto: An integration with Arc and Ecto.
GitHub - jfacorro/Eden: edn (extensible data notation) encoder/decoder for Elixir
GitHub - jfacorro/Eden: edn (extensible data notation) encoder/decoder for Elixir
GitHub - aytchell/sise: A simple to use SSDP client library
GitHub - aytchell/sise: A simple to use SSDP client library
File not found · yeshan333/explore_ast_app
File not found · yeshan333/explore_ast_app
GitHub - edgurgel/verk: A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍
GitHub - edgurgel/verk: A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍
GitHub - danielberkompas/immortal: Helper modules for OTP applications
GitHub - danielberkompas/immortal: Helper modules for OTP applications
GitHub - wistia/elixir_nsq: An NSQ client for Elixir and Erlang, written in Elixir.
GitHub - wistia/elixir_nsq: An NSQ client for Elixir and Erlang, written in Elixir.
GitHub - takscape/elixir-heapq: A Heap-based Priority Queue Implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - takscape/elixir-heapq: A Heap-based Priority Queue Implementation in Elixir.
GitHub - meh/dexts: Disk Elixir Terms Storage, dest wrapper.
GitHub - meh/dexts: Disk Elixir Terms Storage, dest wrapper.
GitHub - DockYard/inquisitor: Composable query builder for Ecto
GitHub - DockYard/inquisitor: Composable query builder for Ecto
GitHub - bitgamma/boltun: Transforms notifications from the Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY mechanism into callback execution
GitHub - bitgamma/boltun: Transforms notifications from the Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY mechanism into callback execution
GitHub - marcelog/ex_rfc3986: RFC3986 URI parser
GitHub - marcelog/ex_rfc3986: RFC3986 URI parser
GitHub - alfert/propcheck: Property based Testing for Elixir (based upon PropEr)
GitHub - alfert/propcheck: Property based Testing for Elixir (based upon PropEr)
GitHub - firezone/firezone: Enterprise-ready zero-trust access platform built on WireGuard®.
GitHub - firezone/firezone: Enterprise-ready zero-trust access platform built on WireGuard®.
GitHub - elixir-soap/soap: SOAP client for Elixir programming language
GitHub - elixir-soap/soap: SOAP client for Elixir programming language
GitHub - coryodaniel/arbor: Ecto elixir adjacency list and tree traversal. Supports Ecto versions 2 and 3.
GitHub - coryodaniel/arbor: Ecto elixir adjacency list and tree traversal. Supports Ecto versions 2 and 3.
GitHub - costaraphael/cspex: A library that brings all the CSP joy to the Elixir land.
GitHub - costaraphael/cspex: A library that brings all the CSP joy to the Elixir land.
GitHub - sasa1977/site_encrypt: Integrated certification via Let's encrypt for Elixir-powered sites
GitHub - sasa1977/site_encrypt: Integrated certification via Let's encrypt for Elixir-powered sites
GitHub - dantswain/yar: Yet another Redis client for Elixir
GitHub - dantswain/yar: Yet another Redis client for Elixir
GitHub - devinus/detergent: An emulsifying Erlang SOAP library
GitHub - devinus/detergent: An emulsifying Erlang SOAP library
GitHub - Nebo15/rbmq: Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.
GitHub - Nebo15/rbmq: Simple API for spawning RabbitMQ Producers and Consumers.
GitHub - akdilsiz/elixir-rediscl: A minimal redis client with connection pooling for elixir
GitHub - akdilsiz/elixir-rediscl: A minimal redis client with connection pooling for elixir
GitHub - florinpatrascu/bolt_sips: Neo4j driver for Elixir
GitHub - florinpatrascu/bolt_sips: Neo4j driver for Elixir
GitHub - ricn/pdf2htmlex: Convert PDF docs to beautiful HTML files without losing text or format.
GitHub - ricn/pdf2htmlex: Convert PDF docs to beautiful HTML files without losing text or format.
GitHub - sheharyarn/memento: Simple + Powerful interface to the Mnesia Distributed Database 💾
GitHub - sheharyarn/memento: Simple + Powerful interface to the Mnesia Distributed Database 💾
GitHub - coletiv/puppeteer-pdf: PDF generation wrapper for Elixir using Puppeteer
GitHub - coletiv/puppeteer-pdf: PDF generation wrapper for Elixir using Puppeteer
GitHub - Tyler-pierce/giza_sphinxsearch: Sphinx Fulltext Search Client for Elixir Projects (Phoenix Example Included)
GitHub - Tyler-pierce/giza_sphinxsearch: Sphinx Fulltext Search Client for Elixir Projects (Phoenix Example Included)
GitHub - florinpatrascu/neo4j_sips: Elixir driver for the Neo4j graph database server
GitHub - florinpatrascu/neo4j_sips: Elixir driver for the Neo4j graph database server
GitHub - livehelpnow/tds_ecto: TDS Adapter for Ecto
GitHub - livehelpnow/tds_ecto: TDS Adapter for Ecto
GitHub - heroku/redo: pipelined erlang redis client
GitHub - heroku/redo: pipelined erlang redis client
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/dproto: Protocols for dalmatinadb
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/dproto: Protocols for dalmatinadb
GitHub - WTTJ/ecto_anon: Data anonymization for your Ecto models !
GitHub - WTTJ/ecto_anon: Data anonymization for your Ecto models !
GitHub - checkiz/elixir-mongo: MongoDB driver for Elixir
GitHub - checkiz/elixir-mongo: MongoDB driver for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-ecto/postgrex: PostgreSQL driver for Elixir
GitHub - elixir-ecto/postgrex: PostgreSQL driver for Elixir
GitHub - hamiltop/rethinkdb-elixir: Rethinkdb client in pure elixir (JSON protocol)
GitHub - hamiltop/rethinkdb-elixir: Rethinkdb client in pure elixir (JSON protocol)
GitHub - koudelka/honeydew: Job Queue for Elixir. Clustered or Local. Straight BEAM. Optional Ecto. 💪🍈
GitHub - koudelka/honeydew: Job Queue for Elixir. Clustered or Local. Straight BEAM. Optional Ecto. 💪🍈
GitHub - falood/queuex: Elixir Priority Queue
GitHub - falood/queuex: Elixir Priority Queue
GitHub - aforward/safetybox: Security oriented helper functions for Elixir
GitHub - aforward/safetybox: Security oriented helper functions for Elixir
GitHub - rodrigues/red
GitHub - rodrigues/red
GitHub - meh/exts: Elixir Terms Storage, ets wrapper.
GitHub - meh/exts: Elixir Terms Storage, ets wrapper.
GitHub - conduitframework/conduit: A message queue framework, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.
GitHub - conduitframework/conduit: A message queue framework, with support for middleware and multiple adapters.
GitHub - mpanarin/versioce: Version bumping and changelog generation for your mix project
GitHub - mpanarin/versioce: Version bumping and changelog generation for your mix project
GitHub - olhado/dicer: dice string parser and roller
GitHub - olhado/dicer: dice string parser and roller
GitHub - rossjones/nifty: helpful tools for when I need to create an Elixir NIF .
GitHub - rossjones/nifty: helpful tools for when I need to create an Elixir NIF .
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/dqe: DalmatinerDB Query Engine
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/dqe: DalmatinerDB Query Engine
GitHub - aforward/sadbus: A dumb message bus for sharing data between microservices in a relatively decoupled mechanism
GitHub - aforward/sadbus: A dumb message bus for sharing data between microservices in a relatively decoupled mechanism
GitHub - akira/exq: Job processing library for Elixir  - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq
GitHub - akira/exq: Job processing library for Elixir - compatible with Resque / Sidekiq
GitHub - johnhamelink/exrm_deb: Create a deb for your elixir release with ease
GitHub - johnhamelink/exrm_deb: Create a deb for your elixir release with ease
GitHub - balena/elixir-sippet: An Elixir library designed to be used as SIP protocol middleware.
GitHub - balena/elixir-sippet: An Elixir library designed to be used as SIP protocol middleware.
GitHub - petrovich/petrovich_elixir: Elixir library to inflect Russian first, last, and middle names.
GitHub - petrovich/petrovich_elixir: Elixir library to inflect Russian first, last, and middle names.
GitHub - gausby/bencode: A bencode encoder and decoder written in Elixir
GitHub - gausby/bencode: A bencode encoder and decoder written in Elixir
GitHub - mgamini/elixilorem: Lorem Ipsum generator for Elixir
GitHub - mgamini/elixilorem: Lorem Ipsum generator for Elixir
GitHub - joshdholtz/ecto-lazy-float: Ecto.LazyFloat - An Ecto.Float that accepts binary and integers
GitHub - joshdholtz/ecto-lazy-float: Ecto.LazyFloat - An Ecto.Float that accepts binary and integers
GitHub - camshaft/mimetype_parser: parse mimetypes
GitHub - camshaft/mimetype_parser: parse mimetypes
GitHub - alexfilatov/borsh: Elixir implementation of the BORSH binary serializer.
GitHub - alexfilatov/borsh: Elixir implementation of the BORSH binary serializer.
GitHub - okeuday/pqueue: Erlang Priority Queues
GitHub - okeuday/pqueue: Erlang Priority Queues
GitHub - pragdave/work_queue: Simple implementation of the hungry-consumer model in Elixir
GitHub - pragdave/work_queue: Simple implementation of the hungry-consumer model in Elixir
GitHub - sheharyarn/que: Simple Job Processing in Elixir with Mnesia :zap:
GitHub - sheharyarn/que: Simple Job Processing in Elixir with Mnesia :zap:
GitHub - ateliware/triplex: Database multitenancy for Elixir applications!
GitHub - ateliware/triplex: Database multitenancy for Elixir applications!
GitHub - meltwater/gen_rmq: Elixir AMQP consumer and publisher behaviours
GitHub - meltwater/gen_rmq: Elixir AMQP consumer and publisher behaviours
GitHub - opt-elixir/faktory_worker: Elixir Faktory worker https://hexdocs.pm/faktory_worker
GitHub - opt-elixir/faktory_worker: Elixir Faktory worker https://hexdocs.pm/faktory_worker
GitHub - gaynetdinov/ex_marshal: Ruby Marshal format implemented in Elixir
GitHub - gaynetdinov/ex_marshal: Ruby Marshal format implemented in Elixir
GitHub - jsvisa/elixir_talk: An Elixir client for beanstalkd
GitHub - jsvisa/elixir_talk: An Elixir client for beanstalkd
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/ddb_client
GitHub - dalmatinerdb/ddb_client
GitHub - alexfilatov/torex: Make requests to Tor network with Elixir
GitHub - alexfilatov/torex: Make requests to Tor network with Elixir
GitHub - danielberkompas/ecto_validation_case: Simplify your Ecto validation tests
GitHub - danielberkompas/ecto_validation_case: Simplify your Ecto validation tests
GitHub - epsanchezma/exrm-heroku: Publish your Elixir releases to Heroku with ease.
GitHub - epsanchezma/exrm-heroku: Publish your Elixir releases to Heroku with ease.
GitHub - edgurgel/signaturex: Simple key/secret based authentication for APIs
GitHub - edgurgel/signaturex: Simple key/secret based authentication for APIs
GitHub - bearice/elixir-radius: RADIUS Protocol on Elixir
GitHub - bearice/elixir-radius: RADIUS Protocol on Elixir
GitHub - jrdnull/base58: Base58 encoding/decoding for Elixir
GitHub - jrdnull/base58: Base58 encoding/decoding for Elixir
GitHub - voxoz/mqs: 🌍 MQS: AMQP Library
GitHub - voxoz/mqs: 🌍 MQS: AMQP Library
GitHub - ericmj/decimal: Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic
GitHub - ericmj/decimal: Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic
GitHub - BennyHallett/obelisk: Static Site Generator written in Elixir.
GitHub - BennyHallett/obelisk: Static Site Generator written in Elixir.
GitHub - Recruitee/mix_docker: Put your Elixir app production release inside minimal docker image
GitHub - Recruitee/mix_docker: Put your Elixir app production release inside minimal docker image
GitHub - pusewicz/descriptive_statistics: Descriptive Statistics for Elixir
GitHub - pusewicz/descriptive_statistics: Descriptive Statistics for Elixir
GitHub - ephe-meral/asn: IP-to-AS-to-ASname lookup for Elixir
GitHub - ephe-meral/asn: IP-to-AS-to-ASname lookup for Elixir
GitHub - mmzeeman/esqlite: Erlang NIF for sqlite
GitHub - mmzeeman/esqlite: Erlang NIF for sqlite
GitHub - xerions/mariaex: Pure Elixir database driver for MariaDB / MySQL
GitHub - xerions/mariaex: Pure Elixir database driver for MariaDB / MySQL
GitHub - alco/hashids-elixir: Stringify your ids
GitHub - alco/hashids-elixir: Stringify your ids
GitHub - edubkendo/kitsune: An Elixir library for transforming the representation of data
GitHub - edubkendo/kitsune: An Elixir library for transforming the representation of data
GitHub - alco/mix-erlang-tasks: Common tasks for Erlang projects that use Mix
GitHub - alco/mix-erlang-tasks: Common tasks for Erlang projects that use Mix
GitHub - project-fifo/fqc: FiFo Quickcheck helper
GitHub - project-fifo/fqc: FiFo Quickcheck helper
GitHub - talentdeficit/mixunit: an `eunit` task for mix based projects
GitHub - talentdeficit/mixunit: an `eunit` task for mix based projects
GitHub - FranklinChen/tau: Elixir module for tau
GitHub - FranklinChen/tau: Elixir module for tau
GitHub - xerions/ecto_it: Ecto plugin with default configuration for repos for testing different ecto plugins with databases
GitHub - xerions/ecto_it: Ecto plugin with default configuration for repos for testing different ecto plugins with databases
GitHub - sugar-framework/templates: A helper library for adding templating to web applications
GitHub - sugar-framework/templates: A helper library for adding templating to web applications
GitHub - bitwalker/distillery: Simplify deployments in Elixir with OTP releases!
GitHub - bitwalker/distillery: Simplify deployments in Elixir with OTP releases!
GitHub - joakimk/toniq: Simple and reliable background job processing library for Elixir.
GitHub - joakimk/toniq: Simple and reliable background job processing library for Elixir.
GitHub - KamilLelonek/exnumerator: Enumerable type in Elixir
GitHub - KamilLelonek/exnumerator: Enumerable type in Elixir
GitHub - Nebo15/ecto_paging: Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.
GitHub - Nebo15/ecto_paging: Cursor-based pagination for Ecto.
GitHub - bitcrowd/sshkit.ex: An Elixir toolkit for performing tasks on one or more servers, built on top of Erlang’s SSH application.
GitHub - bitcrowd/sshkit.ex: An Elixir toolkit for performing tasks on one or more servers, built on top of Erlang’s SSH application.
An Elixir toolkit for performing tasks on one or more servers, built on top of Erlang’s SSH application. - bitcrowd/sshkit.ex
GitHub - meh/elixir-socket: Socket wrapping for Elixir.
GitHub - meh/elixir-socket: Socket wrapping for Elixir.
GitHub - marcelog/ex_rfc3966: Elixir Tel URI parser compatible with RFC3966
GitHub - marcelog/ex_rfc3966: Elixir Tel URI parser compatible with RFC3966
GitHub - woxtu/elixir-mbcs: Wrapper for erlang-mbcs
GitHub - woxtu/elixir-mbcs: Wrapper for erlang-mbcs
GitHub - sticksnleaves/versionary: Plug for API versioning
GitHub - sticksnleaves/versionary: Plug for API versioning
GitHub - gausby/wifi: Various utility functions for working with the local Wifi network in Elixir. These functions are mostly useful in scripts that could benefit from knowing the current location of the computer or the Wifi surroundings.
GitHub - gausby/wifi: Various utility functions for working with the local Wifi network in Elixir. These functions are mostly useful in scripts that could benefit from knowing the current location of the computer or the Wifi surroundings.
GitHub - ericentin/ets_map: An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table
GitHub - ericentin/ets_map: An Elixir package that provides a Map-like interface (Map/Access/Enumerable/Collectable) backed by an ETS table
GitHub - defp/ssdb-elixir: ssdb client for elixir
GitHub - defp/ssdb-elixir: ssdb client for elixir
GitHub - vic/setup_tag: Use tags to mix and match your exunit test context
GitHub - vic/setup_tag: Use tags to mix and match your exunit test context
GitHub - robconery/moebius: A functional query tool for Elixir
GitHub - robconery/moebius: A functional query tool for Elixir
GitHub - antonmi/espec_phoenix: ESpec for Phoenix web framework.
GitHub - antonmi/espec_phoenix: ESpec for Phoenix web framework.
GitHub - christopheradams/plug_rest: REST behaviour and Plug router for hypermedia web applications in Elixir
GitHub - christopheradams/plug_rest: REST behaviour and Plug router for hypermedia web applications in Elixir
GitHub - sashman/elasticsearch_elixir_bulk_processor: Elasticsearch Elixir Bulk Processor is a configurable manager for efficiently inserting data into Elasticsearch.   This processor uses GenStages (data-exchange steps) for handling backpressure, and various settings to control the bulk payloads being uploaded to Elasticsearch.
GitHub - sashman/elasticsearch_elixir_bulk_processor: Elasticsearch Elixir Bulk Processor is a configurable manager for efficiently inserting data into Elasticsearch. This processor uses GenStages (data-exchange steps) for handling backpressure, and various settings to control the bulk payloads being uploaded to Elasticsearch.
GitHub - blitzstudios/triton: a Cassandra ORM for Elixir
GitHub - blitzstudios/triton: a Cassandra ORM for Elixir
GitHub - bitwalker/exprotobuf: Protocol Buffers in Elixir made easy!
GitHub - bitwalker/exprotobuf: Protocol Buffers in Elixir made easy!
GitHub - drewkerrigan/riak-elixir-client: A Riak client written in Elixir.
GitHub - drewkerrigan/riak-elixir-client: A Riak client written in Elixir.
GitHub - whitfin/eternal: Keep your ETS tables running forever using bouncing GenServers
GitHub - whitfin/eternal: Keep your ETS tables running forever using bouncing GenServers
GitHub - ma2gedev/ltsvex: LTSV parser implementation in Elixir
GitHub - ma2gedev/ltsvex: LTSV parser implementation in Elixir
GitHub - bitcrowd/chromic_pdf: Convenient HTML to PDF/A rendering library for Elixir based on Chrome & Ghostscript
GitHub - bitcrowd/chromic_pdf: Convenient HTML to PDF/A rendering library for Elixir based on Chrome & Ghostscript
GitHub - xavier/plug_test_helpers: A simple testing DSL for Plugs
GitHub - xavier/plug_test_helpers: A simple testing DSL for Plugs
GitHub - ephe-meral/mac: MAC-to-vendor search for Elixir
GitHub - ephe-meral/mac: MAC-to-vendor search for Elixir
GitHub - mneudert/caylir: Cayley driver for Elixir
GitHub - mneudert/caylir: Cayley driver for Elixir
GitHub - nazipov/ua_parser2-elixir: A port of ua-parser2 to Elixir. User agent parser library.
GitHub - nazipov/ua_parser2-elixir: A port of ua-parser2 to Elixir. User agent parser library.
GitHub - polsab/pretty_hex: A binary hex dumping library in Elixir.
GitHub - polsab/pretty_hex: A binary hex dumping library in Elixir.
GitHub - dcarneiro/exsolr: Port of RSolr to Elixir
GitHub - dcarneiro/exsolr: Port of RSolr to Elixir
GitHub - zovafit/ecto-ordered: Ecto extension for ordered models
GitHub - zovafit/ecto-ordered: Ecto extension for ordered models
GitHub - rstacruz/expug: Pug templates for Elixir
GitHub - rstacruz/expug: Pug templates for Elixir
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/bypass: Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests.
GitHub - PSPDFKit-labs/bypass: Bypass provides a quick way to create a custom plug that can be put in place instead of an actual HTTP server to return prebaked responses to client requests.
GitHub - mysql-otp/mysql-otp: MySQL/OTP – MySQL and MariaDB client for Erlang/OTP
GitHub - mysql-otp/mysql-otp: MySQL/OTP – MySQL and MariaDB client for Erlang/OTP
GitHub - rubencaro/sshex: Simple SSH helpers for Elixir. SSH is useful, but we all love SSHEx !
GitHub - rubencaro/sshex: Simple SSH helpers for Elixir. SSH is useful, but we all love SSHEx !
GitHub - xavier/expletive: Profanity filter library for Elixir
GitHub - xavier/expletive: Profanity filter library for Elixir
GitHub - nurugger07/inflex: An Inflector library for Elixir
GitHub - nurugger07/inflex: An Inflector library for Elixir
GitHub - tyre/gutenex: Native PDF generation for Elixir
GitHub - tyre/gutenex: Native PDF generation for Elixir
GitHub - kbrw/adap: Create a data stream across your information systems to query, augment and transform data according to Elixir matching rules.
GitHub - kbrw/adap: Create a data stream across your information systems to query, augment and transform data according to Elixir matching rules.
GitHub - marianoguerra/erldn: edn format parser for the erlang platform
GitHub - marianoguerra/erldn: edn format parser for the erlang platform
GitHub - badosu/coil: Coil is a minimalistic static content engine written in elixir
GitHub - badosu/coil: Coil is a minimalistic static content engine written in elixir
GitHub - chatgris/event_source_encoder: EventSourceEncoder is a Elixir library to encode data into EventSource compliant data.
GitHub - chatgris/event_source_encoder: EventSourceEncoder is a Elixir library to encode data into EventSource compliant data.
GitHub - gjaldon/ecto_enum: Ecto extension to support enums in models
GitHub - gjaldon/ecto_enum: Ecto extension to support enums in models
GitHub - cpursley/walex: Postgres change events (CDC) in Elixir
GitHub - cpursley/walex: Postgres change events (CDC) in Elixir
GitHub - Nebo15/ecto_mnesia: Ecto adapter for Mnesia Erlang term database.
GitHub - Nebo15/ecto_mnesia: Ecto adapter for Mnesia Erlang term database.
GitHub - scripbox/flume: A blazing fast job processing system backed by GenStage & Redis.
GitHub - scripbox/flume: A blazing fast job processing system backed by GenStage & Redis.
GitHub - lpil/mix-test.watch: 🎠   Because TDD is awesome
GitHub - lpil/mix-test.watch: 🎠 Because TDD is awesome
🎠 Because TDD is awesome. Contribute to lpil/mix-test.watch development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - safwank/Numerix: A collection of useful mathematical functions in Elixir with a slant towards statistics, linear algebra and machine learning
GitHub - safwank/Numerix: A collection of useful mathematical functions in Elixir with a slant towards statistics, linear algebra and machine learning
GitHub - tyrchen/chinese_translation: An elixir module to translate simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese, and vice versa, based on wikipedia data
GitHub - tyrchen/chinese_translation: An elixir module to translate simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese, and vice versa, based on wikipedia data
GitHub - elixir-maru/maru: Elixir RESTful Framework
GitHub - elixir-maru/maru: Elixir RESTful Framework
GitHub - elixir-sqlite/sqlitex: An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.
GitHub - elixir-sqlite/sqlitex: An Elixir wrapper around esqlite. Allows access to sqlite3 databases.
GitHub - erlef/rebar3_hex: Rebar3 Hex library
GitHub - erlef/rebar3_hex: Rebar3 Hex library
GitHub - uesteibar/veritaserum: Sentiment analysis based on afinn-165, emojis and some enhancements.
GitHub - uesteibar/veritaserum: Sentiment analysis based on afinn-165, emojis and some enhancements.
GitHub - s-m-i-t-a/database_url: Database URL parser for Elixir
GitHub - s-m-i-t-a/database_url: Database URL parser for Elixir
GitHub - pjhampton/woolly: The Text Mining Elixir
GitHub - pjhampton/woolly: The Text Mining Elixir
GitHub - vic/comeonin_ecto_password: Ecto type for saving encrypted passwords using Comeonin
GitHub - vic/comeonin_ecto_password: Ecto type for saving encrypted passwords using Comeonin
GitHub - urbanserj/hsnif: Tool that allows to write Erlang NIF libraries in Haskell
GitHub - urbanserj/hsnif: Tool that allows to write Erlang NIF libraries in Haskell
GitHub - abiko-search/tongue: Elixir port of Nakatani Shuyo's natural language detector
GitHub - abiko-search/tongue: Elixir port of Nakatani Shuyo's natural language detector
GitHub - seaneshbaugh/exseed: An Elixir library that provides a simple DSL for seeding databases through Ecto.
GitHub - seaneshbaugh/exseed: An Elixir library that provides a simple DSL for seeding databases through Ecto.
GitHub - voxoz/mtx: ✏ MTX: Metrics Client
GitHub - voxoz/mtx: ✏ MTX: Metrics Client
GitHub - goulashify/smile: Emoji mapping to emoji converter to examine metaprogramming in Elixir.
GitHub - goulashify/smile: Emoji mapping to emoji converter to examine metaprogramming in Elixir.

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