

is designed for aggregating information.
check repository here

Ecto Migrate Build Status

Ecto migrate brings automatic migrations to ecto. Instead of defining and writting manuall diffing from actual model and old model. The ecto_migrate do it for you. It save actual represantation of a model model in database and checks, if actual model have the same format as saved in database.

To test, use EctoIt (is depended on it for tests purposes):

iex -S mix

After, it should be possible:

alias EctoIt.Repo

import Ecto.Query

defmodule Weather do # is for later at now
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "weather" do
    field :city
    field :temp_lo, :integer
    field :temp_hi, :integer
    field :prcp,    :float, default: 0.0

Ecto.Migration.Auto.migrate(Repo, Weather)

%Weather{city: "Berlin", temp_lo: 20, temp_hi: 25} |> Repo.insert
Repo.all(from w in Weather, where: w.city == "Berlin")

Lets redefine the same model in a shell and migrate it

defmodule Weather do # is for later at now
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "weather" do
    field :city
    field :temp_lo, :integer
    field :temp_hi, :integer
    field :prcp,    :float, default: 0.0
    field :wind,    :float, default: 0.0

Ecto.Migration.Auto.migrate(Repo, Weather)
Repo.all(from w in Weather, where: w.city == "Berlin")

Lets use references

defmodule Post do
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "posts" do
    field :title, :string
    field :public, :boolean, default: true
    field :visits, :integer
    has_many :comments, Comment

defmodule Comment do
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "comments" do
    field :text, :string
    belongs_to :post, Post

Ecto.Migration.Auto.migrate(Repo, Post)
Ecto.Migration.Auto.migrate(Repo, Comment)

ecto_migrate also provides additional migrate/3 API. For using with custom source defined models. Example:

defmodule Taggable do
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "this is not a valid schema name and it will never be used" do
    field :tag_id, :integer

defmodule MyModel do
  use Ecto.Model
  schema "my_model" do
    field :a, :string
    has_many :my_model_tags, {"my_model_tags", Taggable}, [foreign_key: :tag_id]

Now we can migrate my_model_tags table with:

Ecto.Migration.Auto.migrate(Repo, MyModel)
Ecto.Migration.Auto.migrate(Repo, Taggable, [for: MyModel])

It will generate and migrate my_model_tags table to the database which will be associated with my_model table.


ecto_migrate has support of indexes:

defmodule Weather do # is for later at now
  use Ecto.Model
  use Ecto.Migration.Auto.Index

  index(:city, unique: true)
  schema "weather" do
    field :city
    field :temp_lo, :integer
    field :temp_hi, :integer
    field :prcp,    :float, default: 0.0

If you do not want to use DSL for defining indexes, macro index doing no more, as generate function:

defmodule Weather do # is for later at now
  use Ecto.Model

  schema "weather" do
    field :city
    field :temp_lo, :integer
    field :temp_hi, :integer
    field :prcp,    :float, default: 0.0

  def __indexes__ do
    [{[:city], [unique: true]},
     {[:prpc], []}]

Extra attribute options

defmodule Weather do # is for later at now
  use Ecto.Model
  use Ecto.Migration.Auto.Index

  schema "weather" do
    field :city
    field :temp_lo, :integer
    field :temp_hi, :integer
    field :prcp,    :float, default: 0.0

  def __attribute_option__(:city), do: [size: 40]
  def __attribute_option__(_),     do: []

Possibility to have more sources

If the same model used by different sources, it is possible to define callback for it

defmodule Weather do # is for later at now
  use Ecto.Model
  use Ecto.Migration.Auto.Index

  schema "weather" do
    field :city
    field :temp_lo, :integer
    field :temp_hi, :integer
    field :prcp,    :float, default: 0.0

  def __sources__, do: ["weather", "history_weather"]

Upgrades in 0.3.x versions

If you have installed version before 0.3.2, use 0.3.2 or 0.3.3 for upgrading the table, after that it is possible to upgrade higher versions.

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