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Taggart is a generation library for tag-based markup (HTML, XML, SGML, etc.). It is useful for times when you just want code and functions, not templates. We already have great composition and abstraction tools in Elixir. Why not use them? With this approach, template composition through smaller component functions should be easy.


There is a blog post with an introduction and more documentation.


The package can be installed by adding taggart to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:taggart, "~> 0.1.5"}


Taggart produce Phoenix-compatible "safe" html through underlying usage of the Phoenix.HTML.content_tag/2. Since it just produces IO Lists, it should remain compatible with any other library that uses the same format.


Taggart supports a number of different syntaxes:

use Taggart.HTML


div("Name", class: "bold")

div(class: "bold", do: "Name")

div do

div(class: "bold", do: "Name")

div(class: "bold") do

a(href: "#bottom", class: "uk-button uk-button-default", "i-am-a-boolean": true), do: "Click me!"


You can nest and combine in expected ways:

use Taggart.HTML

name = "Susan"
age = 27

html do
  body do
    div do
      h2 "Buyer"
      p name, class: "name"
      p age, class: "age"
    div do

Embedding in Phoenix Forms

You can embed Taggart inside Phoenix helpers using Taggart.taggart/1 to create IO List without creating a top-level wrapping tag.

use Taggart.HTML

form = form_for(conn, "/users", [as: :user], fn f ->
  taggart do
    label do
    label do

Using Phoenix Helpers

use Taggart.HTML

html do
  body do
    div do
      h3 "Person"
      p name, class: "name"
      p 2 * 19, class: "age"
      form_for(build_conn(), "/users", [as: :user], fn f ->
        taggart do
          label do
            text_input(f, :name)
          label do
            select(f, :age, 18..100)

Using from Phoenix Views

Phoenix views are just functions, so it’s possible to use pattern matching directly in a view to render your pages.

defmodule TaggartDemo.PageView do
  use TaggartDemoWeb, :view
  use Taggart.HTML

  def render("index.html", assigns) do
    taggart do
      render_header("My Fancy Title")

  def render_header(title) do
    header do
      h1 title

  def render_body do
    main do
      ul do
        for i <- 1..3, do: list_item(x)

  def render_footer do
    footer do
      "So Long Folks!!!"

  def list_item(x) do
    "Name: "

A Note On Macro Expansion

The current design allows for a very flexible call structure. However, do not be tempted to think of these as normal functions. They are currently implemented as macros. This allows the do end blocks to processed as if they were a list:

div do
  "item 1"
  "item 2"

The alternative would be forcing the use of actual lists, which is necessairly noisier.

# Not valid, do not try:
div [
  "Item 1",
  "Item 2"

The trade-off, however, is that because the macros inspect the arguements to determine attr/content placement, they do not play well with all kinds of ASTs.

This will work:

# works
a = "foo"

This will not:

# do not try this at home
a = [id: "foo", class: "bar"]

If you try this, you will get an error along the lines of lists in Phoenix.HTML and templates may only contain integers representing bytes, binaries or other list. This is because we make the choice of assuming that a single, non-list argument (of which AST is) is content and not attrs.

As a workaround, you can either use Phoenix.HTML.content_tag directly, or use the special three-argument version which ignores the first argument:

# try this
a = [id: "foo", class: "bar"]
div(nil, a) do "content" end

Converting from HTML


You can use the online tool at prestochange.io.

Install taggart escript using homebrew

brew install ijcd/tap/taggart
Reads HTML from stdin and writes Taggart to stdout.

  taggart --indent <n|tabs>
  taggart --help

  -h --help  Show this message.
  --indent   Either n (number of spaces to indent) or "tabs"

Build taggart escript from source

mix escript.build


The design had two basic requirements:

  1. Simple Elixir-based generation of tag-based markup.
  2. Interoperate properly with Phoenix helpers.

I looked at and tried a few similar libraries (Eml, Marker), but either wasn't able to get them to work with Phoenix helpers or had problems with their approach (usage of @tag syntax in templates where it didn't refer to a module attribute). My goal was to keep things simple.


Taggart is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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