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A simple Gmail REST API client for Elixir.

You can find the hex package here, and the docs here.

You can find documentation for Gmail's API at https://developers.google.com/gmail/api/


First, add the client to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:gmail, "~> 0.1"}]

Then run $ mix do deps.get, compile to download and compile your dependencies.

Finally, add the :gmail application as your list of applications in mix.exs:

def application do
  [applications: [:logger, :gmail]]

Before you can work with mail for a user you'll need to start a process for them.

{:ok, pid} = Gmail.User.start_mail("[email protected]", "user-refresh-token")

When a user process starts it will automatically fetch a new access token for that user. Then you can start playing with mail:

# fetch a list of threads
{:ok, threads, next_page_token} = Gmail.User.threads("[email protected]")

# fetch the next page of threads using a page token
{:ok, _, _} = Gmail.User.threads("[email protected]", %{page_token: next_page_token})

# fetch a thread by ID
{:ok, thread} = Gmail.User.thread("[email protected]", "1233454566")

# fetch a list of labels
{:ok, labels} = Gmail.User.labels("[email protected]")

Check the docs for a more complete list of functionality.

API Support

  • Threads
    • get
    • list
    • modify
    • delete
    • trash
    • untrash
  • Messages
    • delete
    • get
    • insert
    • list
    • modify
    • send
    • trash
    • untrash
    • import
    • batchDelete
  • Labels
    • create
    • delete
    • list
    • update
    • get
    • update
    • patch
  • Drafts
    • list
    • get
    • delete
    • update
    • create
    • send
    • send (with upload)
  • History
    • list
  • Attachments
    • get (thanks to @killtheliterate)


As of now the library doesn't do the initial auth generation for you; you'll need to create an app on the Google Developer Console to get a client ID and secret and authorize a user to get an authorization code, which you can trade for an access token.

The library will however, when you supply a refresh token, use that to refresh an expired access token for you. Take a look in the dev.exs.sample config file to see what your config should look like.


  • Stop mocking HTTP requests and use Bypass instead
  • Add format option when fetching threads
  • .. and messages
  • .. and drafts
  • Batched requests
  • Document the config (specifically pool size)
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