

is designed for aggregating information.
check repository here


Tabiew is a lightweight TUI application that allows users to view and query tabular data files, such as CSV, Parquet, Arrow, and ...

Image Alt text


  • ⌨️ Vim-style keybindings
  • 🛠️ SQL support
  • 📊 Support for CSV, Parquet, JSON, JSONL, Arrow, FWF, and Sqlite
  • 🔍 Fuzzy search
  • 📝 Scripting support
  • 🗂️ Multi-table functionality


For a guide on using Tabiew, including instructions on opening files, navigating tables, performing queries, and using inline queries, kindly visit the tutorial page.


Key CombinationFunctionality
vSwitch view
EnterShow row in sheet view
k or Arrow UpMove up in the table or scroll up in sheet view
j or Arrow DownMove down in the table or scroll down in sheet view
h or Arrow LeftMove to the previous item in sheet view
l or Arrow RightMove to the next item in sheet view
Page Up or Ctrl+bMove one page up
Page Down or Ctrl+fMove one page down
H or Shift+Arrow LeftSelect previous tab
L or Shift+Arrow RightSelect next tab
Ctrl+uMove up half a page
Ctrl+dMove down half a page
Home or gMove to the first row
End or GMove to the last row
RSelect a random row
Ctrl+rReset the data frame
qClose current tab
:Command mode
/Search mode


:Q or :query:Q SELECT * FROM dfQuery the data in Structured Query Language(SQL). The table name is the file name without extension
:S or :select:S price, area, bedrooms, parkingQuery current data frame for columns/functions
:F or :filter:F price < 20000 AND bedrooms > 4Filter current data frame, keeping rows were the condition(s) match
:O or :order:O areaSort current data frame by column(s)
:tabn:tabn SELECT * FORM user WHERE balance > 1000Create a new tab with the given query
:q or :quit:qReturn to table from sheet view otherwise quit
:schema:schemaShow loaded data frame(s) alongside their path(s)
:reset:resetReset the table to the original data frame
:help:helpShow help menu


There are various ways to install Tabiew:

Arch Linux

You can install from the official repositories using pacman:

pacman -S tabiew


Download the .deb package from the GitHub releases page and run:

sudo dpkg -i <path_to_package.deb>


Download the .rpm package from the GitHub releases page and run:

sudo rpm -i <path_to_package.rpm>


Installing Tabiew using Homebrew from Homebrew core:

 brew update
 brew install tabiew

or tap:

brew install shshemi/tabiew/tabiew

Note: Please be aware that installing Tabiew from the tap involves compiling it from the source, which may take some time to complete.


Installing Tabiew from Crates.io:

cargo install tabiew

Build from Source

Ensure you have the rustc version 1.80 (or higher) installed, then:

git clone https://github.com/shshemi/tabiew.git
cd tabiew
cargo build --release
cp ./target/release/tw <system_or_local_bin_path>


Start Tabiew with tw

tw <path_to_csv(s)>


  • --no-header: Use this option if the CSV file does not contain a header row.
  • --ignore-errors: Ignore parsing errors while loading the CSV file.
  • --infer-schema: Set the schema inference method. Options are no, fast, full, and safe.
  • --quote-char: Set the quote character.
  • --separator: Set the separator character.
  • --theme: Set the theme.

To open TSV file(s), use:

tw <path_to_tsv(s)> --separator $'\t' --no-header

To open parquet file(s), use:

tw <path_to_parquet(s)> -f parquet


Monokai (default):

Image Alt text


Image Alt text


Image Alt text


Image Alt text


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests with your features and bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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