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Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language known for its simplicity and productivity. It powers the Ruby on Rails framework, making it popular for web application development. Ruby emphasizes clean and readable code.
GitHub - TrestleAdmin/trestle: A modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails
GitHub - TrestleAdmin/trestle: A modern, responsive admin framework for Ruby on Rails
GitHub - ElMassimo/vite_ruby: ⚡️ Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience
GitHub - ElMassimo/vite_ruby: ⚡️ Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience
Rails Assets
Rails Assets
GitHub - mina-deploy/mina: Blazing fast deployer and server automation tool
GitHub - mina-deploy/mina: Blazing fast deployer and server automation tool
GitHub - rails/actionpack-action_caching: Action caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
GitHub - rails/actionpack-action_caching: Action caching for Action Pack (removed from core in Rails 4.0)
Awesome Ruby | LibHunt
Awesome Ruby | LibHunt
GitHub - palkan/action_policy: Authorization framework for Ruby/Rails applications
GitHub - palkan/action_policy: Authorization framework for Ruby/Rails applications
GitHub - pickhardt/betty: Friendly English-like interface for your command line. Don't remember a command? Ask Betty.
GitHub - pickhardt/betty: Friendly English-like interface for your command line. Don't remember a command? Ask Betty.
GitHub - metaskills/less-rails: :-1: Less.js For Rails
GitHub - metaskills/less-rails: :-1: Less.js For Rails
GitHub - codeplant/simple-navigation: A ruby gem for creating navigations (with multiple levels) for your Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications.  Render your navigation as html list, link list or breadcrumbs.
GitHub - codeplant/simple-navigation: A ruby gem for creating navigations (with multiple levels) for your Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications. Render your navigation as html list, link list or breadcrumbs.
GitHub - ruby/rake: A make-like build utility for Ruby.
GitHub - ruby/rake: A make-like build utility for Ruby.
GitHub - lazaronixon/authentication-zero: An authentication system generator for Rails applications.
GitHub - lazaronixon/authentication-zero: An authentication system generator for Rails applications.
GitHub - sorentwo/readthis: :newspaper: Pooled active support compliant caching with redis
GitHub - sorentwo/readthis: :newspaper: Pooled active support compliant caching with redis
GitHub - crepe/crepe: 🥞 The thin API stack.
GitHub - crepe/crepe: 🥞 The thin API stack.
GitHub - geemus/formatador: STDOUT text formatting
GitHub - geemus/formatador: STDOUT text formatting
GitHub - CanCanCommunity/cancancan: The authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
GitHub - CanCanCommunity/cancancan: The authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
GitHub - dry-rb/dry-cli: General purpose Command Line Interface (CLI) framework for Ruby
GitHub - dry-rb/dry-cli: General purpose Command Line Interface (CLI) framework for Ruby
The Ruby Toolbox - Know your options!
The Ruby Toolbox - Know your options!
GitHub - rharriso/bower-rails: Bundler-like DSL + rake tasks for Bower on Rails
GitHub - rharriso/bower-rails: Bundler-like DSL + rake tasks for Bower on Rails
GitHub - joshfrench/rakismet: Easy Akismet and TypePad AntiSpam integration for Rails
GitHub - joshfrench/rakismet: Easy Akismet and TypePad AntiSpam integration for Rails
GitHub - torba-rb/torba: Bundler for Sprockets
GitHub - torba-rb/torba: Bundler for Sprockets
GitHub - artsy/garner: A set of Rack middleware and cache helpers that implement various caching strategies.
GitHub - artsy/garner: A set of Rack middleware and cache helpers that implement various caching strategies.
GitHub - matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha: Text-based logic question captcha's for Rails 🚫🤖
GitHub - matthutchinson/acts_as_textcaptcha: Text-based logic question captcha's for Rails 🚫🤖
GitHub - ai/autoprefixer-rails: Autoprefixer for Ruby and Ruby on Rails
GitHub - ai/autoprefixer-rails: Autoprefixer for Ruby and Ruby on Rails
GitHub - apneadiving/waterfall: A slice of functional programming to chain ruby services and blocks, thus providing a new approach to flow control. Make them flow!
GitHub - apneadiving/waterfall: A slice of functional programming to chain ruby services and blocks, thus providing a new approach to flow control. Make them flow!
GitHub - chaps-io/access-granted: Multi-role and whitelist based authorization gem for Rails (and not only Rails!)
GitHub - chaps-io/access-granted: Multi-role and whitelist based authorization gem for Rails (and not only Rails!)
MidiSmtpServer - brief profile
MidiSmtpServer - brief profile
GitHub - mdub/clamp: a Ruby command-line application framework
GitHub - mdub/clamp: a Ruby command-line application framework
GitHub - thoughtbot/administrate: A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.
GitHub - thoughtbot/administrate: A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.
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