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Relay Chat

I no longer maintain this project. Since it is a demonstration, you can still fork and play with it


npm install --global babel
npm install


Start a local server:

npm start


Any changes you make to files in the js/ directory will cause the server to automatically rebuild the app and refresh your browser.

If at any time you make changes to data/schema.js, stop the server, regenerate data/schema.json, and restart the server:

npm run update-schema
npm start

Feature Highlight:

  1. use with relay-nested-routes and react-router to let multiple routes work and route params as query params

  2. using route params as global state variable (ex: currentThreadID), not ideal for now, but it shows a different possibility

  3. and a more complicated model structure as user-> threads-> messages

  4. pagination for messages


If you don't know much about GraphQL and Relay, I suggest you:

  1. To know GraphQL first (at least things before introspection part)
  2. Know how Relay connect to GraphQL (and the series below)
  3. Last, learn Relay (and the series below)

I tried these 3 steps in reverse, and I went step by step again.

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