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⏱️ use-timer

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Simple timer turned into React Hooks. Read about Hooks feature.


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Basic timer

import React from 'react';
import { useTimer } from 'use-timer';

const App = () => {
  const { time, start, pause, reset, status } = useTimer();

  return (
        <button onClick={start}>Start</button>
        <button onClick={pause}>Pause</button>
        <button onClick={reset}>Reset</button>
      <p>Elapsed time: {time}</p>
      {status === 'RUNNING' && <p>Running...</p>}

Decremental timer

const { time, start, pause, reset, status } = useTimer({
  initialTime: 100,
  timerType: 'DECREMENTAL',

Timer with end time

const { time, start, pause, reset, status } = useTimer({
  endTime: 30,
  initialTime: 10,

Advance time

This works for all types of timer (incremental and decremental).

const { time, start, advanceTime } = useTimer({
  initialTime: 20,


console.log(time); // 30


Some callback functions can be provided.

When time is over

const { time, start, pause, reset, status } = useTimer({
  onTimeOver: () => {
    console.log('Time is over');

When time is updated

const { time, start, pause, reset, status } = useTimer({
  onTimeUpdate: (time) => {
    console.log('Time is updated', time);


The configuration and all its parameters are optional.

PropertyTypeDefault valueDescription
autostartbooleanfalsePass true to start timer automatically
endTimenumbernullThe value for which timer stops
initialStatusstring"STOPPED"The initial status for the timer. Options are: "RUNNING", "PAUSED", and "STOPPED"
initialTimenumber0The starting value for the timer
intervalnumber1000The interval in milliseconds
onTimeOverfunctionCallback function that is called when time is over
onTimeUpdatefunctionCallback function that is called when time is updated
stepnumber1The value to add to each increment / decrement
timerTypestring"INCREMENTAL"The choice between a value that increases ("INCREMENTAL") or decreases ("DECREMENTAL")
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