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Apollo Client

Apollo Client

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Announcement: Join 1000+ engineers at GraphQL Summit for talks, workshops, and office hours, Oct 8-10 in NYC. Get your pass here ->

Apollo Client is a fully-featured caching GraphQL client with integrations for React, Angular, and more. It allows you to easily build UI components that fetch data via GraphQL.

Apollo Client aims to comply with the Working Draft of the GraphQL specification.

☑️ Apollo Client User Survey
What do you like best about Apollo Client? What needs to be improved? Please tell us by taking a one-minute survey. Your responses will help us understand Apollo Client usage and allow us to serve you better.


All Apollo Client documentation, including React integration articles and helpful recipes, can be found at:

The Apollo Client API reference can be found at:

Learn how to use Apollo Client with self-paced hands-on training on Odyssey, Apollo's official learning platform:


Ben Newman@benjamn
Alessia Bellisario@alessbell
Jeff Auriemma@bignimbus
Hugh Willson@hwillson
Jerel Miller@jerelmiller
Lenz Weber-Tronic@phryneas

Who is Apollo?

Apollo builds open-source tools and commercial services to make application development easier, better, and accessible to more people. We help you ship faster with:

  • GraphOS - The platform for building, managing, and scaling a supergraph: a unified network of your organization's microservices and their data sources—all composed into a single distributed API.
  • Apollo Federation – The industry-standard open architecture for building a distributed graph. Use Apollo’s gateway to compose a unified graph from multiple subgraphs, determine a query plan, and route requests across your services.
  • Apollo Client – The most popular GraphQL client for the web. Apollo also builds and maintains Apollo iOS and Apollo Kotlin.
  • Apollo Server – A production-ready JavaScript GraphQL server that connects to any microservice, API, or database. Compatible with all popular JavaScript frameworks and deployable in serverless environments.

Learn how to build with Apollo

Check out the Odyssey learning platform, the perfect place to start your GraphQL journey with videos and interactive code challenges. Join the Apollo Community to interact with and get technical help from the GraphQL community.

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