is designed for aggregating information.
check repository here
title: "ggplot2 tech themes, scales, and geoms" output: html_document: fig_height: 5 fig_width: 10 keep_md: yes
Install ggtech:
Use ggtech:
Make sure to install the required fonts (instructions at the end of this file).
d <- qplot(carat, data = diamonds[diamonds$color %in%LETTERS[4:7], ], geom = "histogram", bins=30, fill = color)
Tech themes and scales:
d + theme_tech(theme="airbnb") +
scale_fill_tech(theme="airbnb") +
labs(title="Airbnb theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d + theme_airbnb_fancy() +
scale_fill_tech(theme="airbnb") +
labs(title="Airbnb theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d + theme_tech(theme="etsy") +
scale_fill_tech(theme="etsy") +
labs(title="Etsy theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d + theme_tech(theme="facebook") +
scale_fill_tech(theme="facebook") +
labs(title="Facebook theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d + theme_tech(theme="google") +
scale_fill_tech(theme="google") +
labs(title="Google theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d + theme_tech(theme="twitter") +
scale_fill_tech(theme="twitter") +
labs(title="Twitter theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d + theme_tech(theme="X23andme") +
scale_fill_tech(theme="X23andme") +
labs(title="23andme theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
Tech color scales:
d1 <- qplot(x = Sepal.Length, y =Sepal.Width,colour = Species,data = iris,geom = "point")
d1 + theme_tech(theme="airbnb") +
scale_color_tech(theme="airbnb") +
labs(title="Airbnb theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d1 + theme_airbnb_fancy() +
scale_color_tech(theme="airbnb") +
labs(title="Airbnb theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d1 + theme_tech(theme="etsy") +
scale_color_tech(theme="etsy") +
labs(title="Etsy theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d1 + theme_tech(theme="facebook") +
scale_color_tech(theme="facebook") +
labs(title="Facebook theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d1 + theme_tech(theme="google") +
scale_color_tech(theme="google") +
labs(title="Google theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d1 + theme_tech(theme="twitter") +
scale_color_tech(theme="twitter") +
labs(title="Twitter theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
d1 + theme_tech(theme="X23andme") +
scale_color_tech(theme="X23andme") +
labs(title="23andme theme",
subtitle="now with subtitles for ggplot2 >= 2.1.0")
Tech geoms, inspired by emoGG.
d2 <- data.frame(x = c(1:4, 3:1), y=1:7)
ggplot(aes(x,y), data=d2) +
geom_tech(size=0.25, theme="airbnb") +
theme_tech("airbnb") +
ggtitle("Airbnb geom")
ggplot(aes(x,y), data=d2) +
geom_tech(size=0.15, theme="etsy") +
ggtitle("Etsy geom")
ggplot(aes(x,y), data=d2) +
geom_tech(size=0.15, theme="facebook") +
ggtitle("Facebook geom")
ggplot(aes(x,y), data=d2) +
geom_tech(size=0.25, theme="google") +
theme_tech("google" ) +
ggtitle("Google geom")
ggplot(aes(x,y), data=d2) +
geom_tech(size=0.15, theme="twitter") +
theme_tech("twitter") +
ggtitle("Twitter geom")
ggplot(aes(x,y), data=d2) +
geom_tech(size=0.15, theme="X23andme") +
theme_tech("X23andme") +
ggtitle("23andme geom")
Install fonts:
You have to install the necessary fonts manually before using ggtech
. Mofidy the destfile
if you are using Windows or Unix.
## Facebook
download.file("http://social-fonts.com/assets/fonts/facebook-letter-faces/facebook-letter-faces.ttf", "/Library/Fonts/facebook-letter-faces.ttf", method="curl")
font_import(pattern = 'facebook-letter-faces.ttf', prompt=FALSE)
## Google
download.file("http://social-fonts.com/assets/fonts/product-sans/product-sans.ttf", "/Library/Fonts/product-sans.ttf", method="curl")
font_import(pattern = 'product-sans.ttf', prompt=FALSE)
## Airbnb
download.file("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2364714/airbnb_ttf_fonts/Circular%20Air-Medium%203.46.45%20PM.ttf", "/Library/Fonts/Circular Air-Medium 3.46.45 PM.ttf", method="curl")
download.file("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2364714/airbnb_ttf_fonts/Circular%20Air-Bold%203.46.45%20PM.ttf", "/Library/Fonts/Circular Air-Bold 3.46.45 PM.ttf", method="curl")
font_import(pattern = 'Circular', prompt=FALSE)
## Etsy
download.file("https://www.etsy.com/assets/type/Guardian-EgypTT-Text-Regular.ttf", "/Library/Fonts/Guardian-EgypTT-Text-Regular.ttf", method="curl")
font_import(pattern = 'Guardian-EgypTT-Text-Regular.ttf', prompt=FALSE)
## Twitter
download.file("http://social-fonts.com/assets/fonts/pico-black/pico-black.ttf", "/Library/Fonts/pico-black.ttf", method="curl")
download.file("http://social-fonts.com/assets/fonts/arista-light/arista-light.ttf", "/Library/Fonts/arista-light.ttf", method="curl")
font_import(pattern = 'pico-black.ttf', prompt=FALSE)
font_import(pattern = 'arista-light.ttf', prompt=FALSE)
R Programming
R is a programming language and software environment designed for statistical computing and graphics. It’s widely used in data analysis, machine learning, and academia, offering powerful tools for data visualization and modeling.
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Bokeh documentation
R - Visual Studio Marketplace
GitHub - Rcpp11/Rcpp11: R and C++11
Data Apps for Production | Plotly
GitHub - tsieger/idendro: Interactive Dendrograms
GitHub - datastorm-open/visNetwork: R package, using vis.js library for network visualization
GitHub - Lchiffon/wordcloud2: R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.
GitHub - REditorSupport/sublime-ide-r: R-IDE: Make Sublime Text a perfect IDE for R
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GitHub - sinhrks/ggfortify: Define fortify and autoplot functions to allow ggplot2 to handle some popular R packages.
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GitHub - IRkernel/IRkernel: R kernel for Jupyter
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