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rjulia provides an interface between R and Julia. It allows a user to run a script in Julia from R, and maps objects between the two languages.

It currently supports use on Linux and Windows (both R and RGUI), but build on Windows only for advance users.


  1. Install julia v0.5 and R version >=3.1.0.

  2. Add <juliainstalldir>/bin to your system PATH variable if needed.

  3. Install the rjulia package. If you're using the v0.4 branch of julia, use the "julia0.4" branch of rjulia.

    You can install rjulia on Linux using the devtools package:

    install.packages("devtools") #if not already installed
    devtools::install_github("armgong/rjulia", ref="julia0.5")# or ref="julia0.4" if using Julia v0.5

    You can install rjulia on Windows using the Rtools and devtools package :

    install.packages("devtools") #if not already installed
    devtools::install_github("armgong/rjulia", ref="master", args = "--no-multiarch")# or ref="0.3" if using Julia v0.3
  4. If you want to be able to use R or Julia objects that contain NA values or factors or data frames, the Julia packages DataArrays and DataFrames must be installed.

Simple example

julia_init() #**(will auto find your julia home)**


Please see the *.R files in the demo/ directory, or use

	demo(package = "rjulia")


Help files are now done, mostly with examples.

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