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Gossip is Android TextToSpeech Helper. This is easiest way to use TextToSpeech on android where you can handle all events of TextToSpeech on UI.


Add the following line in your app level build.gradle file and you can gossip.

implementation 'me.nikhilchaudhari.gossip:1.0.0'

Or you can just use the Gossip.kt file in your project (dependencies: Kotlin Coroutines)


  1. Initialise the Gossip as

     class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
         lateinit var gossip: Gossip
         override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
             gossip = Gossip(this)
  2. Basic gossiping

    gossip.talk("She is beautiful")

The above code will initialise and start a TextToSpeech of Android and will speak the string passed.

  1. Perform UI operations on TextToSpeech speak events There are three methods, you can use three to handle onStart onDone & onError states of TextToSpeech

    • talkAndOnStart

      gossip.talkAndOnStart("She should change her dressing", suspend {
            // Any UI/ MainThread changes
            girl_image_view.setBackgroundResource = R.drawable.red_dress

      The suspend lambda will be invoked at the time when TextToSpeech will start the talking of passed string.

    • talkAndOnDone

      gossip.talkAndOnDone("She should put a lipstik as final touch", suspend {
            // Any UI/ MainThread changes
            girl_image_view.setBackgroundResource = R.drawable.lipstik

      The suspend lambda will be invoked at the time when TextToSpeech will end the talking of passed string.

    • talkAndOnError

      gossip.talkAndOnStart("She messed up her makeup", suspend {
           // Any UI/ MainThread changes
            girl_image_view.setBackgroundResource = R.drawable.messed_up_girl

      The suspend lambda will be invoked at the time when there is an error in speaking the given string.

    If you want to define all three events at once, you can use the following method

      gossip.talk("There she goes",
         onStart = suspend { /*Do some UI change */ },
         onDone = suspend { /*Do some UI change */ },
         onError = suspend { /*Do some UI change */ }
  2. Stop Gossiping Stop the TTS with stop() method

  3. Take care of all AfterParty mess Stop the TTS engine to avoid memory leaks.

     override fun onDestroy() {


Change Language Locale You can set the language with setLanguage(). Default is English


Change Speed of Reader You can change speed with setSpeed().


Change the mode of Reader You can change the mode Queue and Flush with setQueueMode. Queue mode will play the text in queue. If you keep playing text/strings. Flush mode will flush the whole string at once and reader will play it at once.


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   Copyright 2019 @ Nikhil Chaudhari

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
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