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Raptor Editor

Raptor Editor is a user-focused extensible WYSIWYG website content editor - check out the [Demo]1.

It is designed to be user and developer friendly

Development Status

The Raptor Editor team is currently undergoing some changes. With more and more client work coming our way, our development team are stretched and we're having to redirect our priorities. We're still here, we're still supporting our licencees and we're expanding the team to match our growth. In the mean time, we just might be a bit slower to fix bugs and introduce new features!


Instantiating the Raptor editor with no options (zero configuration) results in all buttons and plugins being enabled. This is the quickest and easiest way to see Raptor in action.

<div id="element-to-edit"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PANmedia/raptor-editor/master/raptor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

Learn More

To learn more about how to use Raptor, see: [Raptor Editor]2. The site also contains extensive [documentation]3, and some [examples]4.

Keep up to date on announcements and more by following Raptor editor on Twitter, @RaptorEditor.


For license information see the [Raptor Editor license]5 page.


See the following links for information on build & contributing to Raptor:


  1. http://www.raptor-editor.com/demo (Raptor Editor Demo)

  2. http://www.raptor-editor.com/ (Download, usage examples and documentation)

  3. http://www.raptor-editor.com/documentation (Raptor documentation)

  4. http://www.raptor-editor.com/demo/docking (Raptor Editor Examples)

  5. http://www.raptor-editor.com/license (Raptor license)

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