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Simple file save with FileSaver.js

NPM version Ci codecov




$ npm install file-saver ngx-filesaver
# Or when using yarn
$ yarn add file-saver ngx-filesaver
# Or when using pnpm
$ pnpm install file-saver ngx-filesaver

Add the FileSaverModule module to your project:

import { FileSaverModule } from 'ngx-filesaver';

  imports: [FileSaverModule],
export class AppModule {}


There are two ways to save a file: using FileSaverService.save() or using the fileSaver directive.


constructor(private _http: Http, private _FileSaverService: FileSaverService) {

onSave() {
  this._http.get('demo.pdf', {
    responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob // This must be a Blob type
  }).subscribe(res => {
    this._FileSaverService.save((<any>res)._body, fileName);

2、fileSaver directive

Configuration example

  [header]="{ token: 'demo' }"
  [query]="{ pi: 1, name: 'demo' }"
  Download PDF

fileSaver: the directive name Parameters

methodRequest method typestringGET
urlRequest URLstring-
fileNameFilename when downloadingstring-
queryAdditional query parameters. Equivalent to params valuestring-
headerHeader configuration. Usually used for especifying access tokensany-
fsOptionsFileSaver.js config, can be set autoBom valueFileSaverOptions-
successDownload success callbackEventEmitter<HttpResponse<Blob>>-
errorDownload error callbackEventEmitter<any>-

Custom HTTP type

<button type="button" fileSaver [http]="onRemote('pdf', true)">Download PDF</button>
onRemote(type: string, fromRemote: boolean): Observable<Response> {
  return this._http.get(`assets/files/demo.${type}`, {
    responseType: ResponseContentType.Blob
  }).map(response => {
    response.headers.set('filename', `demo.${type}`)
    return response;

About filenames

The name for the downloaded file is obtained with the following priority:

  1. fileName
  2. response.headers.get('filename')
  3. response.headers.get('x-filename')。

If you are requesting a CORS address, you need to pay attention to the request headers. Setting Access-Control-Allow-Headers: filename should be sufficient

Class Name

Class NameDescription
filesaver__not-supportNot Supported Browsers
filesaver__disabledDuring http request

Configuring CommonJS dependencies

WARNING in node_modules/ngx-filesaver/ivy_ngcc/fesm2015/ngx-filesaver.js depends on file-saver. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.

We cannot change this, the only way is to ignore it:

"build": {
  "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
  "options": {
     "allowedCommonJsDependencies": [

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