Tired of Scrolling? ‘Cmd + Shift + E’ Is Your Shortcut for Recent Files
Stop endlessly scrolling through your file tree or menu to find that file you worked on last week. Cmd + Shift
+ E is the shortcut that pulls up your recent files in many Mac-based IDEs like IntelliJ or VS Code. This saves you from the headache of browsing directories and manually opening files. With Cmd + Shift
+ E, you get a quick list of your most recently edited files, allowing you to jump right back into the action. It’s perfect when you’re switching between multiple files and need instant access without the hassle of searching. Instead of scrolling endlessly, Cmd + Shift
+ E brings everything you need within reach with just a tap of your fingers. Your workflow becomes smoother, and your focus remains sharp, as you can immediately get back to where you were without delay. Whether you’re debugging, writing tests, or coding a new feature, this shortcut ensures you don’t waste time navigating and can stay focused on the task at hand.