

is designed for aggregating information.

Enhancing the Chat Application

In this module, we will focus on improving the chat application you built in previous modules. You will learn how to add features like private messaging, emoji support, user lists, and message persistence. These enhancements will contribute to a richer user experience and make your application more engaging.

Adding Private Messaging

Understanding Private Messaging

Private messaging allows users to send messages to one another without the entire group seeing the conversation. This feature can be implemented by using separate socket events for private messages.

Step 1: Modifying the Client-Side Code

Start by updating the front-end to allow users to initiate private conversations. You will need an input field for the recipient's name and another for the message.

  1. Updating HTML: Add fields for private messaging:

    <div id="private-message-container">
        <input id="recipient-input" placeholder="Recipient's name" />
        <input id="private-message-input" placeholder="Type your private message..." />
        <button id="send-private-button">Send Private</button>
  2. Updating CSS: Style the private message section to ensure it fits well with the chat interface.

    #private-message-container {
        margin-top: 20px;
    #recipient-input, #private-message-input {
        width: 45%;
        padding: 10px;
        margin-right: 5%;
    #send-private-button {
        padding: 10px;

Step 2: Implementing Private Messaging Logic

Add functionality to send private messages in your script.js.

  1. Adding Event Listener: Capture clicks on the private send button and emit a private message:

    const sendPrivateButton = document.getElementById('send-private-button');
    const recipientInput = document.getElementById('recipient-input');
    const privateMessageInput = document.getElementById('private-message-input');
    sendPrivateButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
        const recipient = recipientInput.value.trim();
        const privateMsg = privateMessageInput.value.trim();
        if (recipient && privateMsg) {
            socket.emit('private message', { recipient, message: privateMsg });
            privateMessageInput.value = ''; // Clear input

Step 3: Handling Private Messages on the Server

Update the server-side code to manage private messages.

  1. Listening for Private Messages: In your index.js, listen for private messages and emit them only to the intended recipient:

    socket.on('private message', ({ recipient, message }) => {
        const recipientSocket = Object.keys(users).find(key => users[key] === recipient);
        if (recipientSocket) {
            socket.to(recipientSocket).emit('private message', {
                from: users[socket.id],

Step 4: Displaying Private Messages

Update the client-side code to handle incoming private messages.

  1. Receiving Private Messages: Add an event listener for private messages in script.js:

    socket.on('private message', ({ from, message }) => {
        const messageElement = document.createElement('div');
        messageElement.textContent = `Private from ${from}: ${message}`;
  2. CSS for Private Messages: Style the private messages distinctly:

    .private-message {
        color: green;
        font-style: italic;

Emoji Support

Understanding Emoji Support

Adding emoji support allows users to express emotions better in their messages. This feature can enhance the overall communication experience.

Step 1: Including an Emoji Picker

You can use an external library or create a simple emoji picker. For this example, we will create a basic emoji selection dropdown.

  1. Updating HTML: Add an emoji dropdown to your chat interface:

    <select id="emoji-picker">
        <option value="">Select an emoji</option>
        <option value="😊">😊</option>
        <option value="πŸ˜‚">πŸ˜‚</option>
        <option value="❀️">❀️</option>
        <option value="πŸ‘">πŸ‘</option>

Step 2: Sending Emojis with Messages

Modify the message-sending logic to include emojis.

  1. Updating the Send Button Logic:

    const emojiPicker = document.getElementById('emoji-picker');
    sendButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
        const msg = messageInput.value.trim() + emojiPicker.value;
        if (msg) {
            socket.emit('chat message', msg);
            messageInput.value = ''; // Clear input
            emojiPicker.selectedIndex = 0; // Reset emoji picker

User Lists

Understanding User Lists

Displaying a list of connected users can help users identify who is currently available for chatting.

Step 1: Updating the Client-Side Code

Add a section in your HTML to display the user list.

  1. Updating HTML: Add a div to show connected users:

    <div id="user-list">
        <h3>Connected Users</h3>
        <ul id="users"></ul>

Step 2: Updating the Server-Side Code

Modify your server code to manage the user list.

  1. Updating the Connection Logic: When a user connects or disconnects, update the user list:

    io.on('connection', (socket) => {
        // Notify other clients of the new user
        socket.broadcast.emit('user connected', users[socket.id]);
        // Send updated user list to all clients
        io.emit('update user list', Object.values(users));
        socket.on('disconnect', () => {
            delete users[socket.id];
            socket.broadcast.emit('user disconnected', users[socket.id]);
            io.emit('update user list', Object.values(users));

Step 3: Updating the Client to Display User List

Add event listeners to update the user list in script.js.

  1. Listening for User List Updates:

    socket.on('update user list', (userList) => {
        const usersContainer = document.getElementById('users');
        usersContainer.innerHTML = ''; // Clear current list
        userList.forEach(user => {
            const userElement = document.createElement('li');
            userElement.textContent = user;

Message Persistence

Understanding Message Persistence

Implementing message persistence allows users to retrieve chat history when they reconnect. You can achieve this using a database to store messages.

Step 1: Setting Up a Simple Database

You can use a simple JSON file for message storage or a more robust solution like MongoDB or SQLite. For simplicity, we will demonstrate a basic JSON approach.

  1. Setting Up a JSON File: Create a file called messages.json to store messages.

Step 2: Saving Messages to the Database

Modify your server code to save messages to the JSON file whenever a message is sent.

  1. Writing to the JSON File: Use Node.js’ fs module to write messages:

    const fs = require('fs');
    socket.on('chat message', (msg) => {
        const messageData = { time: new Date(), message: msg };
        fs.readFile('messages.json', (err, data) => {
            const messages = JSON.parse(data || '[]');
            fs.writeFile('messages.json', JSON.stringify(messages), (err) => {
                if (err) console.error(err);
        io.emit('chat message', msg); // Broadcast the message

Step 3: Loading Messages on User Connection

When a user connects, send the chat history to them.

  1. Sending Previous Messages:

    socket.on('connection', () => {
        fs.readFile('messages.json', (err, data) => {
            const messages = JSON.parse(data || '[]');
            messages.forEach(({ message }) => {
                socket.emit('chat message', message); // Send each message to the user


In this module, you learned how to enhance your chat application by implementing private messaging, emoji support, user lists, and message persistence. Each feature contributes to a more engaging and interactive experience for users. With these enhancements, your application is better equipped to handle real-time communication and provides additional tools for users to connect with one another. You can continue to explore more features or refine existing ones as you move forward in your development journey.

Real-time Chat App with Node.js and Socket.io

This course guides you through creating a real-time chat application using Node.js and Socket.io. You'll learn about setting up the server, managing WebSocket connections, and implementing front-end functionality.

  1. Programming Tips & Tricks
  2. Error Solutions
  3. Shortcuts
  4. Collections


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