

is designed for aggregating information.

Going Advanced

Now that you’ve got the basics down, distributed your CLI tool, and built a community, it’s time to step things up a notch. We’re diving into the advanced features that can take your CLI tool from being just a handy script to a powerhouse tool that developers will rely on every day.

In this section, we’ll explore adding more sophisticated capabilities like asynchronous tasks, handling multiple commands, using configuration files, and even integrating third-party APIs. These are the features that make a CLI tool feel robust and scalable, and they’ll help you tackle more complex problems for your users.

5.1 Adding Asynchronous Features

Some tasks take time—whether it’s downloading files, fetching data from APIs, or processing large datasets. Your CLI tool will need to handle these tasks efficiently without slowing down or freezing the user experience.

Step 1: Using Promises and Async/Await

In Node.js, the easiest way to handle asynchronous tasks is with async/await. If you’ve got commands that involve time-consuming operations, like fetching data or reading files, you can use async functions to keep things smooth.

Here’s an example of how you might fetch data asynchronously in your tool:

const axios = require('axios');

async function fetchData(url) {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(url);
    console.log('Data fetched:', response.data);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);


The await keyword pauses the function execution until the promise resolves, making the code look and behave more like synchronous code—no messy callbacks!

Step 2: Handling Multiple Asynchronous Tasks

Sometimes, you might need to run multiple asynchronous tasks at once. For example, downloading several files or fetching multiple APIs. Instead of running them one by one (which can be slow), you can run them all at the same time with Promise.all().

const axios = require('axios');

async function fetchMultipleData(urls) {
  try {
    const responses = await Promise.all(urls.map(url => axios.get(url)));
    responses.forEach(response => console.log(response.data));
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);


This runs all the fetch requests simultaneously, making your tool much faster.

5.2 Handling Multiple Commands

As your CLI tool grows, you might want to support more than one type of command. For example, maybe your file organizer can also compress files, or your downloader tool can convert files into different formats.

Step 1: Supporting Multiple Commands with Commander.js

We’ve been using Commander.js to handle basic command-line inputs. It also supports adding subcommands, which allows your tool to offer more functionalities.

Here’s an example of how to add multiple commands:

const { Command } = require('commander');
const program = new Command();

  .command('organize <folder>')
  .description('Organize files by type')
  .action((folder) => {
    console.log(`Organizing files in ${folder}`);
    // Add your file organization logic here

  .command('compress <file>')
  .description('Compress a file')
  .action((file) => {
    console.log(`Compressing file: ${file}`);
    // Add your file compression logic here


Now, when users run your CLI tool, they can choose between organize or compress commands. You can keep adding more commands as your tool grows.

Step 2: Handling Command Options

You can also allow users to customize how commands work by passing options (e.g., flags like --verbose or --output). These options let users tweak the behavior of each command.

Here’s how to add an option to specify an output folder:

  .command('organize <folder>')
  .description('Organize files by type')
  .option('-o, --output <folder>', 'Specify output folder')
  .action((folder, options) => {
    const outputFolder = options.output || folder;
    console.log(`Organizing files into ${outputFolder}`);
    // Add your file organization logic here

This gives users more control over how they run your commands.

5.3 Configuration Files

As your CLI tool becomes more advanced, users may want to set default configurations for their tasks—like always outputting to a specific folder or using a specific API key. This is where configuration files come in.

Step 1: Adding Configuration File Support

You can allow your CLI tool to read a config file (like .json, .yaml, or .env) so users can set preferences that persist across sessions.

For example, you might add support for a config.json file:

const fs = require('fs');

function loadConfig() {
  const configPath = './config.json';
  if (fs.existsSync(configPath)) {
    const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath));
    console.log('Config loaded:', config);
    return config;
  } else {
    console.log('No config file found, using defaults.');
    return {};

const config = loadConfig();

Now users can create a config.json file like this:

  "outputFolder": "./my-output-folder"

Your tool will read this file at startup and apply the settings automatically.

Step 2: Allowing Command-Line Overrides

Even if users have set up a config file, they might want to override certain options on the fly. You can allow them to do this by combining the config file with command-line options.

  .command('organize <folder>')
  .description('Organize files by type')
  .option('-o, --output <folder>', 'Specify output folder')
  .action((folder, options) => {
    const configOutput = config.outputFolder || folder;
    const outputFolder = options.output || configOutput;
    console.log(`Organizing files into ${outputFolder}`);

This way, if a user sets an outputFolder in their config file but wants to override it for one run, they can pass --output when they call the command.

5.4 Integrating Third-Party APIs

A great way to make your tool more powerful is by integrating third-party APIs. Whether it’s fetching weather data, querying a stock market API, or integrating a cloud service, APIs can add a lot of value to your CLI tool.

Step 1: Using Axios to Make API Requests

We’ve already touched on using Axios for HTTP requests. Let’s dive a little deeper and build an example where our CLI tool fetches data from an API.

Here’s a command that fetches weather data for a specified city:

const axios = require('axios');

  .command('weather <city>')
  .description('Get the current weather for a city')
  .action(async (city) => {
    try {
      const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
      const response = await axios.get(`https://api.weatherapi.com/v1/current.json?key=${apiKey}&q=${city}`);
      const weather = response.data;
      console.log(`The current weather in ${city}:`);
      console.log(`Temperature: ${weather.current.temp_c}°C`);
      console.log(`Condition: ${weather.current.condition.text}`);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching weather data:', error);

Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with an actual API key from a weather service (many APIs offer free access for basic use).

Step 2: Storing API Keys in a Secure Way

You don’t want to hard-code sensitive information like API keys in your tool. Instead, use environment variables or a .env file to store them securely.

To do this, install the dotenv package:

npm install dotenv

Then, load environment variables from a .env file:


const apiKey = process.env.WEATHER_API_KEY;

Create a .env file:


Now, your API key is safely stored and won’t be exposed in your code or shared publicly.

5.5 Logging and Debugging

Once your CLI tool becomes more advanced, you’ll need to implement proper logging and debugging techniques to help users (and yourself) troubleshoot issues.

Step 1: Adding Debugging with the Debug Package

The debug package is a lightweight library that helps you add debug-level logs to your tool. Install it like this:

npm install debug

Then, use it in your code:

const debug = require('debug')('my-cli-tool');

  .command('organize <folder>')
  .description('Organize files by type')
  .action((folder) => {
    debug(`Organizing files in ${folder}`);
    // Your organizing logic


To enable debugging logs, users can run the command with the DEBUG environment variable set:

DEBUG=my-cli-tool organize ./Downloads

This will print out helpful debugging information without cluttering the regular output.

Step 2: Adding Proper Logging

For production-grade logging, you can use libraries like winston or bunyan to log errors, warnings, and other important information. These logs can be written to files or even sent to a logging server for analysis.

Wrapping Up Tutorial 5

In this advanced section, we’ve explored powerful features to make your CLI tool more robust and scalable:

  • Asynchronous tasks for handling long-running operations
  • Multiple commands and options to add flexibility
  • Configuration files to let users set default preferences
  • Third-party API integrations for more functionality
  • Debugging and logging to track and fix issues

These advanced techniques will help you build a CLI tool that can handle real-world challenges and provide an even better experience for your users. By mastering these, you’ll be well on your way to creating tools that developers can rely on for complex tasks. Keep iterating, keep adding value, and your CLI tool will shine!

Creating CLI Tools with Node.js

Learn how to create powerful, professional-grade command-line tools with Node.js in this comprehensive course. From setting up your environment and automating real-life tasks to distributing your tool and adding advanced features like async tasks, multiple commands, configuration files, and API integrations, this guide covers it all. Perfect for developers looking to simplify workflows and build scalable tools, this course offers clear, practical steps with a focus on usability and real-world applications.

  1. Programming Tips & Tricks
  2. Error Solutions
  3. Shortcuts
  4. Collections


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