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A quick reference cheatsheet for Kotlin that includes usage, examples, and more.
Category: Programming

Introduction to Kotlin


fun main() {
  println("Greetings, CheatSheets.zip!")
  // Code goes here

The main() function is the starting point of every Kotlin program and must be included in the code before execution

Print statement

println("Greetings, earthling!")
print("Take me to ")
print("your leader.")

Greetings, earthling!
Take me to your leader.


// this is a single line comment


Execution order

fun main() {
  println("I will be printed first.")
  println("I will be printed second.")
  println("I will be printed third.")

Data Types and Variables

Mutable variables

var age = 25
age = 26

Immutable variables

val goldenRatio = 1.618

Type inference

// The following variables are assigned a literal value inside double quotes
// so the inferred type is String

var color = "Purple"

String concatenation

var streetAddress = "123 Main St."
var cityState = "Brooklyn, NY"

println(streetAddress + " " + cityState)
// Print: 123 Main St. Brooklyn, NY

String Templates

var address = "123 Main St."
println("The address is $address")
// prints: The address is 123 Main St.

Built-in Properties and Functions

var monument = "the Statue of Liberty"

println(monument. capitalize())
// print: The Statue of Liberty
println(monument. length)
// print: 21

Character escape {.row-span-2}

print("\"Excellent!\" I cried. \"Elementary,\" said he.")

// Print: "Excellent!" I cried. "Elementary," said he.
  • \n insert new line
  • \t inserts a tab
  • \r inserts carriage return
  • \' inserts a single quote
  • \" inserts a double quote
  • \\ inserts a backslash
  • \$ inserts a dollar sign

Arithmetic Operators

5 + 7  // 12
9 -2   // 7
8 *4   // 32
25 /5  // 5
31 % 2 // 1

+ addition, - subtraction, * multiplication, / division, and % modulus

Order of operations

5 + 8 *2 /4 -3 // 6
3 + (4 + 4) /2 // 7
4 *2 + 1 *7    // 15
3 + 18 /2 *1   // 12
6 -3 % 2 + 2   // 7

Enhanced assignment operator

var batteryPercentage = 80

// long syntax
batteryPercentage = batteryPercentage + 10

// short syntax with augmented assignment operator
batteryPercentage += 10

Increment and decrement operators

var year = 2019
year++   // 2020
year--   // 2019

Math library

Math.pow(2.0, 3.0) // 8.0
Math.min(6, 9)     // 6
Math.max(10, 12)   // 12
Math. round(13.7)  // 14

Conditional Expression

If expression

var morning = true

if (morning) {
  println("Rise and shine!")
// Print: Rise and shine!


var rained = false

if (rained) {
  println("No need to water the plants today.")
} else {
  println("The plant needs to be watered!")
// print: The plant needs watering!

Else-If expressions

var age = 65

if (age < 18 ) {
  println("You are considered a minor")
} else if (age < 60) {
  println("You are considered an adult")
} else {
  println("You are considered senior")

// print: you are considered senior

Comparison Operators

var myAge = 19
var sisterAge = 11
var cousinAge = 11

myAge > sisterAge  // true
myAge < cousinAge  // false
myAge >= cousinAge // true
myAge <= sisterAge // false

Logical Operators

var humid = true
var raining = true
var jacket = false

// print: false
println(jacket && raining)
// print: true
println(humid || raining)
// print: true

AND operator: &&

var humid = true
var raining = true
var shorts = false
var sunny = false

// true AND true
println(humid && raining) // true
// true AND false
println(humid && shorts)  // false
// false AND true
println(sunny && raining) // false
// false AND false
println(shorts && sunny)  // false

Or operator:||

var late = true
var skipBreakfast = true
var underslept = false
var checkEmails = false

// true OR true
println(skipBreakfast || late) // true
// true OR false
println(late || checkEmails)   // true
// false OR true
println(underslept || late)    // true
// false OR false
println(checkEmails || underslept) // false

NOT operator

var hungry = true
var full = false

println(!hungry) // false
println(!full)   // true

Evaluation order

!true && (false || true) // false
(false || true) is evaluated first to return true.
Then, evaluate !true && true and return the final result false

!false && true || false // true
!false is evaluated first to return true.
Then true && true is evaluated, returning true.
then, true || evaluates to false and eventually returns true

Nested conditions

var studied = true
var wellRested = true

if (wellRested) {
  println("Good luck today!")
  if (studied) {
    println("You should prepare for the exam!")
  } else {
    println("Spend a few hours studying before the exam!")

// Print: Good luck today!
// print: You should be ready for the exam!

When expression

var grade = "A"

when (grade) {
  "A" -> println("Great job!")
  "B" -> println("Great job!")
  "C" -> println("You passed!")
  else -> println("Close! Be sure to prepare more next time!")
// print: Great job!

Range operator

var height = 46 // inches

if (height in 1..53) {
  println("Sorry, you must be at least 54 inches to ride the coaster")
// Prints: Sorry, you must be at least 54 inches to ride the roller coaster

Equality Operators

var myAge = 22
var sisterAge = 21

myAge == sisterAge // false
myAge != sisterAge // true


Nullable vs Not-Nullable

var a: String = "Kotlin" // a can never be null
a = null // compilation error
var b: String? = "Kotlin" // b can be null
b = null // ok


val a = "Kotlin"
val b: String? = null
println(a.length) // can be called safely, because a is never null
println(b?.length) // b?.length returns the length of b, or null if b is null
println(a?.length) // Unnecessary safe call

Chaining Safe-Calls

bob?.department?.head?.name // chain returns null if any property is null

Elvis Operator

val l = b?.length ?: -1 // if b is null, return the default value -1
// equval to:
val l: Int = if (b != null) b.length else -1

Not Null Assertion Operator

val l = b!!.length // throws a NullPointerException, if b is null


Immutable list

var programmingLanguages = listOf("C#", "Java", "Kotlin", "Ruby")

Mutable List

var fruits = mutableListOf("Orange", "Apple", "Banana", "Mango")

Access List

var cars = listOf("BMW", "Ferrari", "Volvo", "Tesla")

println(cars[2]) // Prints: Volvo

Size Attribute

var worldContinents = listOf("Asia", "Africa", "North America", "South America", "Antarctica", "Europe", "Australia")

println(worldContinents.size) // Prints: 7

List Manipulation {.row-span-2}

var seas = listOf("Black Sea", "Caribbean Sea", "North Sea")
println(seas. contains("North Sea")) // Prints: true

// The contains() function performs a read operation on any list and determines if the element exists
seas.add("Baltic Sea") // Error: cannot write to immutable list
// The add() function can only be called on mutable lists, so the code above throws an error

Immutable Sets

var primaryColors = setOf("Red", "Blue", "Yellow")

Mutable Sets

var womenInTech = mutableSetOf("Ada Lovelace", "Grace Hopper", "Radia Perlman", "Sister Mary Kenneth Keller")

Access Collection Elements {.row-span-2}

var companies = setOf("Facebook", "Apple", "Netflix", "Google")

// Prints: Google
// Returns and Error
// Prints: null

Immutable Map

var averageTemp = mapOf("winter" to 35,  "spring" to 60,  "summer" to 85, "fall" to 55)

Mutable Mapping

var europeanDomains = mutableMapOf("Germany" to "de", "Slovakia" to "sk", "Hungary" to "hu", "Norway" to "no")

Retrieve map keys and values

var oscarWinners = mutableMapOf("Parasite" to "Bong Joon-ho", "Green Book" to "Jim Burke", "The Shape Of Water" to "Guillermo del Toro")

// Prints: [Parasite, Green Book, The Shape Of Water]

// Prints: [Bong Joon-ho, Jim Burke, Guillermo del Toro]
// Prints: Bong Joon-ho

Add and remove map entries

var worldCapitals = mutableMapOf("United States" to "Washington D.C.", "Germany" to "Berlin", "Mexico" to "Mexico City", "France" to "Paris")

worldCapitals.put("Brazil", "Brasilia")
// Prints: {United States=Washington D.C., Germany=Berlin, Mexico=Mexico City, France=Paris, Brazil=Brasilia}

// Prints: {United States=Washington D.C., Mexico=Mexico City, France=Paris, Brazil=Brasilia}



fun greet() {
  println("Hey there!")

fun main() {
  //Function call
  greet() //Prints: Hey there!

Function Parameters

fun birthday(name: String, age: Int) {
   println("Happy birthday $name! You turn $age today!")

fun main() {
  birthday("Oscar", 26)
  //Prints: Happy birthday Oscar! You turn 25 today!
  birthday("Amarah", 30)
  //Prints: Happy birthday Amarah! You turn 30 today!

Default Parameters

fun favoriteLanguage(name, language = "Kotlin") {
  println("Hello, $name. Your favorite programming language is $language")

fun main() {
  //Prints: Hello, Manon. Your favorite programming language is Kotlin

  favoriteLanguage("Lee", "Java")
  //Prints: Hello, Lee. Your favorite programming language is Java

Named Parameters

fun findMyAge(currentYear: Int, birthYear: Int) {
   var myAge = currentYear -birthYear
println("I am $myAge years old.")

fun main() {
  findMyAge(currentYear = 2020, birthYear = 1995)
  //Prints: I am 25 years old.
  findMyAge(birthYear = 1920, currentYear = 2020)
  //Prints: I am 100 years old.

Return Statement

//Return type is declared outside the parentheses
fun getArea(length: Int, width: Int): Int {
  var area = length *width

  //return statement
  return area

fun main() {
  var myArea = getArea(10, 8)
println("The area is $myArea.")
//Prints: The area is 80.

Single expression function

fun fullName(firstName: String, lastName: String) = "$firstName $lastName"

fun main() {
  println(fullName("Ariana", "Ortega"))
  //Prints: Ariana Ortega
  println(fullName("Kai", "Gittens"))
  //Prints: Kai Gittens

Function Literals

fun main() {
  //Anonymous Function:
  var getProduct = fun(num1: Int, num2: Int): Int {
return num1 *num2
  println(getProduct(8, 3))
  //Prints: 24
//Lambda Expression
  var getDifference = { num1: Int, num2: Int -> num1 -num2 }
  println(getDifference(10, 3))
  //Prints: 7


Class Example

//class with properties containing default values
class Student {
  var name = "Lucia"
  var semester = "Fall"
  var gpa = 3.95

//shorthand syntax without class body
class Student

Class Instance

// Class
class Student {
  var name = "Lucia"
  var semester = "Fall"
var gpa = 3.95

fun main() {
  var student = Student()
  // Instance
  // Prints: Lucia
  // Prints: Fall
  // Prints: 3.95

Primary Constructor

class Student(val name: String, val gpa: Double, val semester: String, val estimatedGraduationYear: Int)

fun main() {
  var student = Student("Lucia", 3.95, "Fall", 2022)
  //Prints: Lucia
  //Prints: 3.95
  //Prints: Fall
  //Prints: 2022

Initialization Block

class Student(val name: String, val gpa: Double, val semester: String, val estimatedGraduationYear: Int) {
  init {
    println("$name has ${estimatedGraduationYear -2020} years left in college.")

fun main() {
  var student = Student("Lucia", 3.95, "Fall", 2022)
//Prints: Lucia has 2 years left in college.

Member Function {.col-span-2}

class Student(val name: String, val gpa: Double, val semester: String, val estimatedGraduationYear: Int) {

  init {
println("$name has ${estimatedGraduationYear -2020} years left in college.")

  //member function
  fun calculateLetterGrade(): String {
    return when {
      gpa >= 3.0 -> "A"
      gpa >= 2.7 -> "B"
      gpa >= 1.7 -> "C"
gpa >= 1.0 -> "D"
      else -> "E"

//When the instance is created and the function is called, the when expression will be executed and return the letter grade
fun main() {
  var student = Student("Lucia", 3.95, "Fall", 2022)
//Prints: Lucia has 2 years left in college.
  println("${student.name}'s letter grade is ${student.calculateLetterGrade()}.")
  //Prints: Lucia's letter grade is A.

See Also

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