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Swifty regular expressions

This is a wrapper for NSRegularExpression that makes it more convenient and type-safe to use regular expressions in Swift.


Add the following to Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/sindresorhus/Regex", from: "0.1.0")

Or add the package in Xcode.


First, import the package:

import Regex

Supported regex syntax.


Check if it matches:

Regex(#"\d+"#).isMatched(by: "123")
//=> true

Get first match:

Regex(#"\d+"#).firstMatch(in: "123-456")?.value
//=> "123"

Get all matches:

Regex(#"\d+"#).allMatches(in: "123-456").map(\.value)
//=> ["123", "456"]

Replacing first match:

"123🦄456".replacingFirstMatch(of: #"\d+"#, with: "")
//=> "🦄456"

Replacing all matches:

"123🦄456".replacingAllMatches(of: #"\d+"#, with: "")
//=> "🦄"

Named capture groups:

let regex = Regex(#"\d+(?<word>[a-z]+)\d+"#)

regex.firstMatch(in: "123unicorn456")?.group(named: "word")?.value
//=> "unicorn"

Pattern matching:

switch "foo123" {
case Regex(#"^foo\d+$"#):

switch Regex(#"^foo\d+$"#) {
case "foo123":

Multiline and comments:

let regex = Regex(
	[a-z]+  # Match the word
	\d+     # Match the number
	options: .allowCommentsAndWhitespace

regex.isMatched(by: "foo123")
//=> true


See the API docs.


Why are pattern strings wrapped in #?

Those are raw strings and they make it possible to, for example, use \d without having to escape the backslash.


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