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SQL as a Function for Rust


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FnckSQL is a lightweight embedded database inspired by MyRocks and SQLite and completely coded in Rust. It aims to provide a more user-friendly, lightweight, and low-loss RDBMS for Rust programming so that the APP does not rely on other complex components. can perform complex relational data operations

Key Features

  • A lightweight embedded SQL database fully rewritten in Rust
  • Higher write speed, more user-friendly API
  • All metadata and actual data in KV Storage, and there is no state component (e.g. system table) in the middle
  • Supports extending storage for customized workloads
  • Supports most of the SQL 2016 syntax

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let fnck_sql = DataBaseBuilder::path("./data").build()?;

    .run("create table if not exists t1 (c1 int primary key, c2 int)")?
    .run("insert into t1 values(0, 0), (1, 1)")?

for tuple in fnck_sql.run("select * from t1")? {
    println!("{:?}", tuple?);

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run cargo run -p tpcc --release to run tpcc

  • i9-13900HX
  • 32.0 GB
  • Tips: TPC-C currently only supports single thread
<90th Percentile RT (MaxRT)>
   New-Order : 0.002  (0.004)
     Payment : 0.001  (0.025)
Order-Status : 0.053  (0.175)
    Delivery : 0.022  (0.027)
 Stock-Level : 0.003  (0.019)
7815 tpmC

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FnckSQL uses the Apache 2.0 license to strike a balance between open contributions and allowing you to use the software however you want.


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