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A library for calendar operations that are aware of weekends and holidays

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(ns my-app
  (:require [luciolucio.holi :as holi]
            [tick.core :as t]))

;      July 2019
; Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
;     1  2  3  4  5  6
;  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
; 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
; 28 29 30 31

(holi/add (t/date "2019-07-12") 3 :business-days) ; 2020-07-17 (skips weekends)
(holi/add (t/date "2019-07-03") 1 :business-days "US") ; 2019-07-05 (skips 4th of July as a US holiday)

(holi/weekend? (t/date "2019-07-06")) ; -> true
(holi/holiday? (t/date "2019-07-04") "US") ; -> true

Use of juxt/tick is not required (but highly recommended).


  • Standard calendar operations (e.g. add 5 days) that are aware of weekends and holidays to skip those when requested
  • Boolean fns that check individual dates (weekend?, holiday?, business-day? and non-business-day?)
  • List holidays for a certain year, or a specific date
  • Non-standard weekends (supports sat/sun and fri/sat)
  • Clojure and ClojureScript
  • Customize holidays if needed


Holidays in holi have been put together to the best of the author's knowledge, and are not guaranteed to be neither correct, complete nor historically accurate. You are encouraged to double-check the calendar showcase, the .hol files and perhaps the source to see if the calendar you want to use fits your use case. If you think there's a mistake in a calendar, see I found a problem below.


Import the latest version from Clojars into your project dependencies.

ClojureScript is supported, but holi has only been tested when built with shadow-cljs and run on a browser. It should still work otherwise, but if you have issues with other setups feel free to hit me up on Slack: @Lucio Assis


Full holi documentation

I found a problem

Contribute a fix, or a new calendar to the project - see CONTRIBUTING.md. You can also just let me know on Slack: @Lucio Assis and I'll try my best to fix it timely.

I want custom holidays

Learn how to build yourself a custom library, with your own holiday calendars.

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